medicom darth maul up for pre-order NOW!

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Im comparing both.It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Medicom's' figure's are a far superior product when next to SS figure's and more people like SW (especially Maul) then they like LOTR (Hobbits) which is the reason why medicom's probably not making LOTR figures.I mean you put this Medicom Maul next to some SS hobbits and you'll see there's no comparison,(put any medicom fig next SS fig's for that matter.)

give SS $150 to produce a Maul and then it's apples to apples. this isn't about SS vs Medi, it's about $150 for the Medi Maul and the fact that is ridiculous. But like anything else, those who want it should order it and those who don't can wait a few months and buy it in the "For Sale/Trade section for less than $100.
just because I can afford to buy a 1980 Chevette and pay 2 times more for it that it's worth doesn't mean I would be smart to do it.

But to each their own.

You know what.. everything is over priced,even SS figures'.SS figure's should only be like half of what they cost.
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The only thing that I can find that looks better on Medicom's figure than on SS's is the headsculpt. Medicom's does look even more amazing than SS's, and that's saying alot. But that alone is not worth an extra $100 bucks to me.

But then again, with Medicom's notoriously short bodies, I could use Maul's as a base for a custom 1/6th scale "Gary Coleman" figure! :monkey5
Translated by babelfish from Medicom's site :

2008 February sale schedule リアルアクションヒーローズ No.354DARTH MAUL (TM) Reference retail price XXYEN 18,900 (including tax) Prototype production Maeda 恭 Osamu clothes production Akimoto it is visible and is dense - Total height approximately 300mm - "THE PHANTOM MENACE (TM)" from long-awaited DARTH MAUL (TM) with RAH perfection reappearance! - MAUL'S LIGHTSABER (TM) attachment! - ELECTROBINOCULARS (TM) attachment! - With the glove part attachment of 5 kinds on the left 4 kind right, reappearance of the colorful action scene possibility! - Figure stand attachment! Sale origin/corporation タカラトミー

So,the electrobinoculars are included and I would venture a guess that the wrist link is part of one of the gloved hands included..........
Oh, so it does include the Binnocs. Thats cool. I am curious to see pics posted next sideshow's. T'would be an interesting comparison of details.
All Medicom SW figures have retailed for $150 to $200 (even Luke), so I'm not sure why anyone would expect Maul to be any less. Got mine ordered.

Hell, I spent $300 on the 1/4 PF. Half that amount for a near perfect 1/6 figure seems about right to me.

Im comparing both.It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Medicom's' figure's are a far superior product when next to SS figure's and more people like SW (especially Maul) then they like LOTR (Hobbits) which is the reason why medicom's probably not making LOTR figures.I mean you put this Medicom Maul next to some SS hobbits and you'll see there's no comparison,(put any medicom fig next SS fig's for that matter.)

Been saying that the other day,but I cant help it that some need glasses to see this. :rotfl
Been saying that the other day,but I cant help it that some need glasses to see this. :rotfl

What's funny is that it always is the Medikids telling us this. That Medicom is better and not just a little but WAY better. Yet, if someone like me says they prefer SS I need glasses. I believe we have a pot calling a kettle black. :rolleyes:
This is a 2 stars thread,Therefore not worth my time.

*Leaves 2 stars Thread :monkey4 *
What's funny is that it always is the Medikids telling us this. That Medicom is better and not just a little but WAY better. Yet, if someone like me says they prefer SS I need glasses. I believe we have a pot calling a kettle black. :rolleyes:

You can like your Sideshow Maul.Its cool,but when I say need glasses.look at the comparison pics between the two.Medicoms looks like a real person.While Sideshow is cool too, there is a big difference between the two.I used to praise Sideshow before Hot Toys and Medicom came along and its ovious what premium 12" figures are,regardless of price.I guess the new 25th anniversary G.I. Joes are not better than the originals,because in this day and age, sculpting is better,which make nicer looking figures and preferred
It's also about lighting. The medi images used for comparison are fantastically lit like you'd fine in a pro model setup for people, where the SSC shots used are poorly lighted. In the right lighting, the SSC figure doesn't have skin texture, but it can look real, just look at my signature image.
I don't think the differences are that much or as much as the Medikids want people to believe. I've seen the thing in person and it looks great. I believe it's worth it but I really like Darth Maul. However for the price they are they better be up their in everything. Though, I do believe SS matches it a good deal of the time especially for the range they charge. I'm all for people having their preferences but it just makes me shake my head when the Medikids tell SS people how much our stuff sucks. Yet, when we want to say how much we like our SS stuff over everything they jump and start ****.

Well that pic about sums it up.

You know,some poster's here complain in their post about how could SS sell Medicoms stuff,this whole red vs blue sh%# and giving Medicom no respect when SS is giving them all their respect and sells their product(I'll even man up and give SS their respect for there non 12" stuff).Some also make lot's of comment's about Medicom's prices being too high to justify buying their stuff.The way I see it is,the prices aren't anymore overpriced then SSs so if you don't like the price that's cool but dissin them for other reasons that aren't even remotely true just because you don't want to shell out the cash, or like complaining about the scale of the Medicom's figure's just because you can't put them with your SS figure's.You know what if your upset about the scale being off then choose one line,it shouldn't be hard(Medicom) or buy both or you know what else just buy what you like.Oh and if any of you Medicom haters own any of those ROTS Clonetrooper bust's that cost over $200 then that's just fu#%*! up.
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why must there be a daily discussion on this....they are apples and 3 times the cost difference. the only question is if the Medi Maul is worth $150, that's it. i know the SS one is worth it's price. the medi isn't imo but that just me. i would pay $90 for it....heck there's a least $20 worth of plastic in his bear claw hands. jk. :monkey3 he's a great piece, although i would prefer the face to be gritting his teeth so it would match the sabres drawn but it has a similiar facial expression to SS's. but anyhoo, if it's worth $150 buy it, if not stick with SS's...both are great.
Good point Chavez, apparently Sideshow gives Medicom Respect because they offer it to the Sideshow freaks.Shouldnt there be an outcry that Sideshow is Selling Medicoms product?
I've got a crazy idea. Why don't we all just buy what we like and let others by what they like without trying to convert them. Why is it so important that our company of choice get "respect"? It's like a playground slapfight at this point. :lol
I've got a crazy idea. Why don't we all just buy what we like and let others by what they like without trying to convert them. Why is it so important that our company of choice get "respect"? It's like a playground slapfight at this point. :lol

but is it really what you like? or is it because you like Sideshow so much that nothing out there can compare? Some people like a company so much that no matter how nice another company makes a piece,they wont admit the better looking piece.Remember something,Medicoms Prototypes are pretty much what your getting.Sideshow, you dont know what you get till you get the product in hand.Anyways,I like all 3 companies and will buy from all 3 makers,but If I had to choose.Sideshow makes it 3rd place.Why is it when you show a stranger or a friend a Medicom piece vs a Sideshow piece they say wow you can tell which one looks the most expensive