Medicom Darth Vader Version 2.0 RAH 1/6 Scale Figure

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This is like 230 shipped from amiami. Might get it can't decide.






I'll be honest... this Vader just looks cheap and plasticy to me. I like some of the details (like the chest and lights) are crisply done, but the overall impression is that it would have been a good figure about 5 years ago.
I'll be honest... this Vader just looks cheap and plasticy to me. I like some of the details (like the chest and lights) are crisply done, but the overall impression is that it would have been a good figure about 5 years ago.
Agreed. Something about the face makes it look almost like a 'cute' version of Darth Vader. Don't get any sense of menace from him. I'm much happier with how SSC's helmet is shaping-up and can't imagine getting the Medi over the upcoming deluxe release.

By the way, OSCORP, glad to see you back.
I'd like to see a comparison shot between the old ROTJ Medi and the new one, including the Anakin head.
Talk about the luck of the cancel button. I had him on order, all paid but the last payment. I just had to say no, and take the lost on the NRD. Size does matter in this case.
It certainly does... kind of understandable when all the figures from Medicom were small. But now a Vader that's only marginally taller than Fett?
Well, that is the SS Fett, so of course it looks like it could snap vader in half. :rotfl
I'm surprised it's actually a bit taller than Fett. If anything I thought it would be the same size. I know folks complained that the old one was too tall, so about how tall is a 1/6 vader supposed to be then :dunno??
Somewhere between 13" and 14"... but more importantly he also has to have significant bulk to his body. The Medicom version are both too short and whispy looking.

Most places sight Vader as being just a bit over 6 1/2" feet tall... so a touch over 13" in 1/6. And an inch may not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference.
Somewhere between 13" and 14"... but more importantly he also has to have significant bulk to his body. The Medicom version are both too short and whispy looking.

Most places sight Vader as being just a bit over 6 1/2" feet tall... so a touch over 13" in 1/6. And an inch may not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference.


The people who say "it doesn't matter" or "I'm posing them alone" thats great. Maybe you won't always want to pose them alone. I like my models to look like they belong together. I don't measure them to the micron, but I want Leia signifigantly shorter and Wookies and Darth Vader to look taller.

Another thing GB hit upon... even if you get the Medis to the correct height, look how tiny Vader is. Look at his hands, now look at Fetts, look at his hands, now look at Fetts, look at his hands... you know Padme wouldn't have stayed with that tiny handed fool. :rotfl
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Somewhere between 13" and 14"... but more importantly he also has to have significant bulk to his body. The Medicom version are both too short and whispy looking.

Most places sight Vader as being just a bit over 6 1/2" feet tall... so a touch over 13" in 1/6. And an inch may not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference.

cool. thanks, gb. I thought he was supposed to be in the 12.5"-13" range so it's good to know the proper thing to expect

and totally agree that an inch makes a big difference. used to have the DCD 13" figures and those guys kind of tower over normal 12"-1/6 scale figure.