I will have them all.
sent from a tormented past
Of course you will.

I will have them all.
sent from a tormented past
I will have them all.
sent from a tormented past
I've got MGS2 Raiden and Liquid on order.
I seriously hope they do a MGS2 Snake, otherwise i'll be pretty mad
I wonder if they will leave the MGS2 line there with Snake, Solidus & Raiden or if they will do a couple more. How many they released for 1 has given me hope
September, if i recall correctly.When are Raiden and Liquid shipping, by the way?
Maybe you guys think differently, but for a change, I'd like the Play Arts variants to be something other than stright-up recolors. For example, if they released MGS 2 Snake, but made Iroquois Pliskin in limited numbers. That's what I would call a variant!
That's the only one i'd really want/could imagine a variant being made for MGS2 anyway. I don't recall there being a colour variant of any character?
It'll probably cost too much for them to make as previously they have been just straight up re-paints as you said
Well, now that I think about it, they could also do use the mold from the Gray Fox figure, and reissue it as a recolor for Olga's ninja suit.
Although, that might piss a lot of collectors off.
Did olga's ninja suit have a second colour?
They can always put an extra SS head in with those ridiculous sunglasses on
Well, aesthetically, Olga's suit was the same as Gray Fox's from the Twin Snakes - aside from the visors being different, and maybe the color. I don't think there was a second color though.
As for Snake with sunglasses...