Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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If I recall correctly, isn't the non-premium packaging foil colored?

The regular Premium Pack was silver yes.

No. Just to inform, there were 2 silver premium packages. One was for asia and the other was for europe.

This is the european version:

This is the asian version:

The asian version got a Classified file that was like an artbook and a white shirt with mgs printed on it. The european version got a black shirt with solid snake on the front and they got a nice big greyfox poster and art cards. The cd also had a sleeve rather than just the case.
That'll be why i thought the shirt was different

Europe one is cooool

The regular Premium Pack was silver yes.

No. Just to inform, there were 2 silver premium packages. One was for asia and the other was for europe.

This is the european version:

This is the asian version:

The asian version got a Classified file that was like an artbook and a white shirt with mgs printed on it. The european version got a black shirt with solid snake on the front and they got a nice big greyfox poster and art cards. The cd also had a sleeve rather than just the case.
I'm kinda inclined, or rather in the mood for retro MGS collectibles. I always wanted a MGS1 Premium Pack, MGS2 Ultimate Sorter and the MGS2 Ration can. I keep drooling watching the merchandise section in the Document of MGS2. :lol

Does anyone own any of them?
There's a MGS1 PS1 premium package on eBay now.

I wish I had more cash to maybe spread out the items to some things other than figures and the pal games. I got a healthy collection on black label PS1 games and PS2 games these days that just sit on a shelf

I'm sure Rampagess has them. :lol

You hear me Rampy? C'mon and post some pics of those! :drool

I collect Japanese and U.S versions of the old MGS games, I've never gotten the chance to get PAL variations (Unless you count UK's' PSM2 demos.) I'm aiming for the MGS2 one that came with the bonus DVD.

Well hello, yea I have them pics below

I wonder if Rampagesss also has the white and black sorters. He truly has the most comprehensive MGS game collection I've ever seen. Even Kojima would be jealous.

Nope don't have either, To me the price on them is to high and they are only the soundtracks so not interested in them... for now :lol

Ive got the shareholder PP:

I know Rampagesss has a sealed one. I believe he has most of the premium packages to date :)

Yep only missing one Premium Package then i will have everyone made.
Anyway pictures!!!

Sealed Shareholders

It also come with this note, very often missing

And for some fun this is the shipping box they came in

Japanese Premium Package (I also have the Asian version with different postcards but everything else is the same)

The Pal Aus/UK box is the same but has Limited Eddition Premium Package on the front, Don't have any pictures of mine as the box isn't that great

MGS 2 Ration tin

If your after a ration tin there quite cheap on yahoo Japan auctions, thats where I got mine
I just watched another video of his collection a few days ago (not as updated as this one). One amazing collection He has and they are quite well displayed considering the number of stuff he has except for the statues which I found to be rather ... obstructed (IMO, may be it's just me being OCD)
He has a massive collection! there's wayyy too much stuff there though imo. Doesn't look good at all but you cant deny the collection he has

There get to a point, for me personally, when enough is enough. I'm not saying that out of jealousy either as there's so much stuff i wouldn't care for there but to each their own!

The full size statues are garbage too, you see them pop up on eBay all the time. Maybe if they looked like them it might be ok but they don't
He has a massive collection! there's wayyy too much stuff there though imo. Doesn't look good at all but you cant deny the collection he has

There get to a point, for me personally, when enough is enough. I'm not saying that out of jealousy either as there's so much stuff i wouldn't care for there but to each their own!

The full size statues are garbage too, you see them pop up on eBay all the time. Maybe if they looked like them it might be ok but they don't

:lecture That's what she said

I'm not sure what to think about that video :lol. I love MGS merchandise. He has a lot of cool things, but so much of it is tucked away and obscured in random corners - like his posters. It really undermines the purpose of collecting expensive things, when you can't even display them properly, from having excess amount of other collectibles.

:lecture That's what she said

:rotfl omg, that was a brilliant pick up on that reference, man.