You got me there. He never was consistent. He just seemed like the mule of the series, that Kojima manipulated every game to pull the story in a very contrived way.
We can all agree on all the hateable things in it at least. Like PW, the gameplay was excellent, how little there was
I hate how small the Outer Haven portion was.
I remember vividly arriving at the last chapter thinking I'll spend so time there. "Oh boy! One last hurra... wha the F?"
What were your impressions at the time, guys?
I can go through an entire list of why MGS4 let me down. But the most glaring thing I can think of, was Big Boss still being alive. All it did, was take attention away from Snake. It wasn't required at all, nothing he said really added anything to the story really, aside from the explanation of Liquid Ocelot.
It would have soften the blow if the game came with a Substance version with more gameplay (remember all those speculations?). The pathetic amount of gameplay that takes a back seat to the absurd volume of cutscene is unfathomable, especially when 40% of the cutscenes were filler.
We can all agree on all the hateable things in it at least. Like PW, the gameplay was excellent, how little there was
I hate how small the Outer Haven portion was.
Couldn't believe how short it was, considering how large Haven was. I was pretty let down over it.
Wow, didn't think of that. That was even smaller than Haven.
BTW, we never talked about it before... but where the **** is this on Arsenal?
I know it's called the rectu m... and the entire inner section of Arsenal is named after parts of the digestive tract. I always took that as a symbolism of Arsenal of digesting and destroying information, since Raiden is setup to be killed by the RAYs.
One of the positives of Ocelot is Zinmers excellent VO. He melded Liquid and Ocelot perfectly! He really brought out liquids persona so well.
I don't understand why the cutscenes even needed to be that long and repetitive. Surely it only added alot more work for them. It was just extremely problematic and I'm a huge fan of long cutscenes in MGS
I was really hoping for a substance aswell. But now I'd want a complete remake/redo. If Kojima was still at Konami they could have made the game they initially intended with the PS4s power but alas
I wouldn't even agree on the gameplay. The Dreben shop is a game breaking mechanic. It's great if you limit yourself by not using the shop and attempting no detections etc
It could have been a huge awesome area. But it whittles down to two corridors and a boss fight what a disappointment, everytime I play it
This got me to thinking. Arsenal Gear sounds a lot like the allegory of the Biblical whale that swallowed Jonah. But, instead of being destroyed though the digestive track, Jonah was vomited out. Kinnnd of like... when Raiden fought his way out....? Sheet.
I think it's said that it was inspired by Pinocchio as well when he gets swallowed by the whale.
I can see that honestly, especially with the 'Raiden is the player' metaphor and how some first time players like myself would see this and be all "aww crap, I might be dead"Wow, didn't think of that. That was even smaller than Haven.
BTW, we never talked about it before... but where the **** is this on Arsenal?
I know it's called the rectu m... and the entire inner section of Arsenal is named after parts of the digestive tract. I always took that as a symbolism of Arsenal of digesting and destroying information, since Raiden is setup to be killed by the RAYs.
Regarding that Arsenal Gear section, yes if I remember it was supposed to resemble Pinocchio, but most of all it was a callback to MGS VR Missions, where the stage would gradually open up depending on your progress and you'll be able to take pictures of Mei Ling and Naomi.
I remember decades ago discussing with my friends about that particular mission, there seems to be an underlying sombre tone tho those photo shoot missions. From the sound effects to the music, my friends and I were never comfortable with that mission as not only are you are constantly blocked to get close to them, but the virtual models will never notice you and even after 100% game completion, you are still Snake, all alone and just watching things from afar.
What does that have to do with that platform on Arsenal Gear? Well, to my horror at the time, it was the same area!![]()