Super Freak
I seriously wonder who Venom was in Peace Walker. I'm just going to pretend it was the guy during the CQC tutorial at the beginning.
Well, I'm a bit happy that it wasn't just a straight forward story like Peace Walker's. In a sense, the ending showed a necessary transformation of Big Boss' persona. He's no longer the hero he was in MGS 3 and Peace Walker. Instead, he has turned into a truly evil man, who had no qualms about sacrificing an entire hospital of innocent people just to save his sorry ass. And not only that, but he robbed another man (the Medic) of his freedom, and turned him into a doppelganger.
But, what's truly disappointing about the ending, is that I wasn't actually playing as Big Boss. This game was supposed to show us his slow (keyword: slow) transformation into a "demon". His horn was supposed to grow as we progressed through the story, but there wasn't anything like that. I don't give a damn about Medic Snake and his ordeals. I mean, Big Boss probably tranqued this guy next to a porto-potty and fultoned him back to Mother Base in PW. Who cares about this dude, and why would you want to center a game around him? All in all, I felt like Kojima wasted my time with MGS V.
Can we talk about that weird car date Venom had with Skull Face?
It felt like Kiefer forgot his lines and they were trying to play him off stage.
Where to start with this nonsense.
Yes, Big Boss became the bad guy, but it was done in such a terrible matter. Why did we have to play as this nobody character? Plastic surgery? Body double? C'mon, this is Soap Opera level writing. It would be one thing if Venom was an actual character like Raiden, but he's merely a Player's avatar... Raiden was too, but then claimed his own identity eventually and became his own character with a interesting backstory.
Liquid and Mantis being in this, adds absolutely no value to the game... whatsoever.
Volgin?C'mon, and Kojibros defend this crap.
Inbred REX does nothing for the plot as well... it's a Metal Gear in the game just for the sake of it.
Ocelot, might be the biggest wasted character in the game... he's just this neutral, no personality good cop to Miller's bad cop. He's so disconnected from the other Ocelots is comical. Troy Baker was pretty awful, he only did his Joel voice.
Miller was irritating, but at least felt like a real person since he actually showed emotion.
Quiet, the only likable character in the entire game.
As for Kojima, he wasted our time alright. This game adds nothing to the franchise at all. You can remove it entirely, and it's still business as usual... I hate PW's story, but at least he finally got over the Boss.
I didn’t mind that there wasn’t a boss fight with him since he was more of a cerebral villain, but it would have been awesome if there was a part with us getting captured and having to survive through his torture. Every Metal Gear has had a torture sequence except for this one.