Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes [Update: trailer]

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Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

QTF. :goodpost: :exactly:

Big Boss needs to transition away from being the tragic "hero". They started it a bit in Peace Walker, when he gave that chilling Outer Heaven speech, about becoming "revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists", if the times called for it. I hope that Kojima decides to show more of Big Boss' moral degeneration in the next MGS. Let him do some truly awful things to play with our emotions - to show that sometimes, even heroes need to be put down like rabid dogs :monkey2.

However, with that said, the one thing that does concern me, is that if Big Boss remains "good" toward the end when he was defeated by Solid Snake. If Kojima still continues to depict him as a sympathetic good guy, will our perceptions of Solid Snake change? I'm willing to bet that something like that will screw up the series, beyond what we could possibly imagine.

But is it necessarily a bad thing if Big Boss isn't depicted as outright megalomaniac human a-hole. He can still be a threat to many people/countries and even though he might have some noble ideas, those might have twisted along the way and he would be just too dangerous to be left alive. And wasn't Solid Snake rather loyal soldier in the beginning. I mean he had a lot to prove for Outer Heaven mission was his first big mission. So, if his orders are to rescue Gray Fox, defeat MG and destroy the OH, then that's how it is. He might feel for Big Boss and be hesitant to kill him at first, but in the end it would still be his duty and responsibility to do so. But all this doesn't mean that BB should be complete *********.

I mean that for example in the end of Witcher 2, we find out more about this witcher assassin called Letho. Even though he seems to be just coldblooded bastard and a murderer, you kind of feel for him after hearing what he has to say. I almost walked away, but Letho had caused so much trouble and was too dangerous to be left alive. But he wasn't like true evil after all
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Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

The best villains are often the ones whom have noble goals. Thats a reason i liked Solidus soo much, he wanted to take down the Patriots, but he's still an *******.

The direction they seem to be going to me is they'll keep BigBoss a good guy and have him create Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land to stop the Patriots. But Snake, being a tool of the Patriots, thwarts his plans which ultimately make SolidSnake an unknowing bad guy, which i hate the idea of
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

15 minute vid should be up in less than an hour.

pic to tide things over:

Kojima @ PAX: ""I want to make it clear that Snake is back, but I'm also back.""
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

15 minute vid should be up in less than an hour.

pic to tide things over:

Kojima @ PAX: ""I want to make it clear that Snake is back, but I'm also back.""

big boss old interesting .....
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Hrm he's grey in that picture, wierd since he's not in the first pic.

Im genuinely surprised that MGS5 will be a BigBoss game. Kojima recently said he's not done with SolidSnake as well as talking about The Boss being a protagonist in a WW2 game..
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Kojima said its a prologue and also described it as the beginning of a series...
Looks like were getting more BigBoss games in the foreseeable future or maybe the MG1 and 2 remakes everyone was dying for.

IGN was supposed to have the vid up by now but the internet is weak sauce. Apparently Konami should have it up sooner. I think maybe 30-60 mins. Im dying!

check out the grey hair???
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

big boss old interesting .....

Now that's what i wanted to see, an old Big Boss meaning Solid Snake should be there.

I do like seeing characters getting older... Solid to Old Snake, despite some hate(?) it actually showed me how the years of fighting + foxdie would changed mind, body and spirit of a man. So i do want to see how BB has changed, how corrupted(?) he will be after the speech @ the end of PW

& more importamt "Old soldiers never die" :lol
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes


Its so Rooster Cogburn!

Ive been playing mgs (1) for the last few hrs tonight. Its like playing a lego game! Its still a great game to this day. Naomi, Mei Ling and Meryl are all foaming at the gash for Snake. The gun play is bull**** though. You need to waste about 10 bullets when you are in a panic trying to find your target
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

That's why in my next run through the series, I'll be playing Twin Snakes instead.
Re: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Here it is:

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English subbed version! Watch this one instead!

edit: Or watch the one linked by Karma, who beat me to it. :lol