What the hell has Kojima done to this series...? I thought the stuff from MGS 3 was twisted enough, but dear god. Way too much darkness. This isn't the Governor from TWD.
If they gang banged Paz at least it's something what would actually happen Soldiers get lonely as hell if a woman is around it brings out the worse in them.
He definitely worse than Volgin already. I listened to all of them, pretty crazy stuff man.I got S rank on every mission some hours ago its not difficult, you just have to be careful. Don't retry, don't get spotted/trigger alert, don't kill anyone thats the most important part I think.
A few hours ago I finished GZ mission in 56 minutes and surprisingly I got S rank so I guess time doesn't matter that much.
pturtle have you listened to all the tapes? I got all of them now, its crazy ... Paz had that last bomb in her special placeI think it was tape 5 or 4, someone says the bomb is 'somewhere no one would look'
Skullface forces Chico to... do stuff, and I think some soldiers gangbang Paz at some point
Skullface is the most ****ed up villain ever, he could be worst than Volgin
If they gang banged Paz at least it's something what would actually happen Soldiers get lonely as hell if a woman is around it brings out the worse in them.
unfortunately that's what war does to people.
Although Skull Face does some awful things, I get the feeling that he doesn't get kicks out of it. He's doing it for info on Cipher and Mother Base only. While he's still vile and awful, I think there's more to him than just a 'generic bad guy' (Or at least I hope Kojima has more in store for him...). The tape where he reveals some of his past was really interesting.
But, damn! He had the organs that Paz wouldn't need for long term survival removed in order to make room for the bombs!
He definitely worse than Volgin already. I listened to all of them, pretty crazy stuff man.
Although Skull Face does some awful things, I get the feeling that he doesn't get kicks out of it. He's doing it for info on Cipher and Mother Base only. While he's still vile and awful, I think there's more to him than just a 'generic bad guy' (Or at least I hope Kojima has more in store for him...). The tape where he reveals some of his past was really interesting.
But, damn! He had the organs that Paz wouldn't need for long term survival removed in order to make room for the bombs!
Do you have any clue where he could be from? He gives very few hints.
Yeah, but MGS was never a realistic war series, and the games were always light-hearted in terms of the violent themes. In terms of consistency, it doesn't make sense going from a PG-13 storyline from Peace Walker, to full on blood, guts, and rape in MGS Ground Zeroes (which takes place just a few weeks after PW).
See that's the thing Kojima knows he can't do the same suit this has to be a dark story is the only way to sell it something so twist so ****ed has to change big boss over to the bastard we know. While I don't enjoy those scenes it's part of the story maybe Kojima can do things he couldn't get away with before.
BTW this shows up after GZ
Nothing we haven't see before, but the music is something I haven't heard before
I think it could work, if you get the tape, then reach a check point, go to return to main menu. I think it can work that way. I recommend trying it like that.
Without me reading through the full thread is ground zero a full campaign game or is it just one small open world map?
A question for people whom have completed this how long was it? I know it is only £25.00 but I want to know what to exoect
Without me reading through the full thread is ground zero a full campaign game or is it just one small open world map?
A question for people whom have completed this how long was it? I know it is only £25.00 but I want to know what to exoect