Super Freak
I hope the Metal Gear that appears in TPP is a more Maschinen Krieger looking one, closer to the ones we see in MG1&2, like chubby and deadly.
Got cash to spare? Why not walk as stylishly as videogame legend and icon Hideo Kojima with these ultra cool Puma shoes? Enhance the immersive Metal Gear Solid V game! Wear the clothing, be a boss! <<cue models and splosions'!!>>
Note: Power laces not included. Unsold units will be used to wipe off the spit on the Puma store windows resulted from sheer disgust of shameless product placement.
Kaz is a big womanizer but he has his limits.. he tired to hit on every woman in Mother Base except Paz, on the other hand Big Boss banged Paz and didn't care about the other women![]()
Anyway, ewwww I remember checking Eva's medical history... all I can remember is " Proctitis and Breast enhacement " I can't imagine the wild things that happened in Groznyj Grad
Who would wear these? I can only picture swagteens with justin bieber-like clothing wearing these.
Maybe they're like stealth shoes; they make you quiet when you walk in 'em?![]()
I hope the Metal Gear that appears in TPP is a more Maschinen Krieger looking one, closer to the ones we see in MG1&2, like chubby and deadly.
I think Kaz stayed away from Paz because he thought she was underaged. But, for whatever reason, Big Boss has the personality of a pervy Japanese man, considering that the legal age of consent in Japan is 13
As for that video, playing in the Sandbox is very fun and it gives you so much freedom to do whatever you want. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if all action games will eventually make a shift into the Sandbox, since the consoles (and even PCs) have so much processing power and are capable of rendering so much more of a single level, compared to just a few years ago. I still like linear games, though. Which reminds me, that I need to finish Dishonored - it's such a fun, and often overlooked stealth game.
I hope the Metal Gear that appears in TPP is a more Maschinen Krieger looking one, closer to the ones we see in MG1&2, like chubby and deadly.
Yeah thats why I think Kaz has his limits
Every single game will be like that at some point, the games can still have in-door linear areas but big maps are becoming the norm
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We know what will happen, Big Boss will have one big Metal Gear and a bunch of baby Metal Gears like the one we see at the end of TPP trailer
Yeah, I think games are definitely headed in that direction. I actually didn't think about it until you brought it up just now, but it was pretty cool how you could seamlessly (without cut-scenes or load screens) infiltrate the administration building in GZ - and that section was like a linear area, compared to the much larger map outside.
What's very sad, is that there are some people who'll spend $300 for these $80 shoes and wear them in public. Might as well get some Air Jordans for that kind of money.
I'm still wondering about the "Boss Pod" (kudos to Riddick for coining the term) at the end of the TPP trailer.
Sneaking around camp omega and screwing up with the marines is really fun, thats what keeps me playing
Right now I was just watching vids of Rising... you know... spoiling the story a little bitafter playing Jamais Vu I think want to buy that game, .. what the hell... thats it I'll buy the PAK Raiden and the game
I'm kind of a hipster when it comes to clothing, in other words, I dress like a hobo, for $300 bucks I'd be set for life
I'm more of an adidas kind of guy, for $300 I can also buy like 3 or 4 pairs of soccer shoes, even with the studs(or whatever the little spikes are called) those shoes are less embarrassing to wear in public
Probably a transportation method.
I was thinking of buying a 3A figure called Kröte, it's a classical Maschinen Krieger bipedal robot, and it looks a lot like that.
Rising is worth the purchase. The soundtrack is incredible, the gameplay is very fun and rewarding, and the over-the-top storyline stands perfectly on its own in MGS lore.
Honestly, I didn't like it when Kojima gave over the rights of development to Platinum. But, I liked it a lot more when I played it for myself, and I was completely hooked on my second play-through.
I'm buying this for a couple of reasons but the music is pretty much the biggest reasonI can't live without metal
I think I'll get it next week maybe, PAK Raiden too, oh man... every time I think about buying a PAK figure I worry about QC issues... a month ago I bought the new Lightning and she was ok no problems with paint or anything, I hope I don't run out of luck until I get Raiden
I actually still have my black Rising figure from BBTS that's sealed with the box inside of it's plastic "collectors grade" wrapping. I'm not sure what the figures are going for, but send me a PM if you're ever interested in buying one.
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We know what will happen, Big Boss will have one big Metal Gear and a bunch of baby Metal Gears like the one we see at the end of TPP trailer
So he IS Kiefer!
That is one bad ass pic tho.
He definitely has the cut of a younger Kiefer, especially in the brows and partly in the mouth area. In any case, Big Boss shouldn't be shaved.