Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Those are some tasty dishes.

I'll add Emily Dormer, what can I say I like edgy gurls.


From back in the day I had a crush on Lucy Lawless.


Lucy Lawless still looks amazing.
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but how can the extracted prisoners help in The Phantom Pain? Kojima said that they would help, he didn't say how. And one other thing, can extracted soldiers also help? I'm just fond of neutralizing every soldier in ever mission and extract them to have the black site on my own...also makes it a lot easier for me to find those hidden cassette tapes.
Well, I suppose there will be some survivors after what happened in the end, so I guess that's how the POW can come into play.

In PW for instance, when you fulton'd an enemy guard, you could try to persuade him into joining your forces in Mother base, if you couldn't convince him, you'd "dispose" of him.
Well, I suppose there will be some survivors after what happened in the end, so I guess that's how the POW can come into play.

In PW for instance, when you fulton'd an enemy guard, you could try to persuade him into joining your forces in Mother base, if you couldn't convince him, you'd "dispose" of him.

I hope those POWs can be used as spies in The Phantom Pain to help Snake throughout the vast open world structure Kojima made.Coming from an experienced video game developer, I really think he wasn't kidding when he said that the game might be to big for gamers to clear and I think it would be cool if Snake had some subtle backup from some of the extracted prisoners and enemy soldiers. Speaking of enemy soldiers,will they be needed in the Phantom Pain? Based on my psp experience with Peacewalker, you can Fulton enemy soldiers and use them to further improve and expand your motherbase.As a matter of fact,majority of my best recruits came from fultoning (if there was ever such a word) enemy soldiers. Especially those snipers man, S ranks and A ranks. I wonder if the same can be confirmed for the extracted enemy soldiers.
I hope the animation for Fulton recover isn't as stupid/cartoony as they were in peace walker. It would totally ruin the vibe methinks.
When is e3 I'm wondering when well see more of TPP

Gotta add one more chick. I know she's ratchet but she's got hotter. This is from a new photo shoot for lui mag
I hope those POWs can be used as spies in The Phantom Pain to help Snake throughout the vast open world structure Kojima made.Coming from an experienced video game developer, I really think he wasn't kidding when he said that the game might be to big for gamers to clear and I think it would be cool if Snake had some subtle backup from some of the extracted prisoners and enemy soldiers. Speaking of enemy soldiers,will they be needed in the Phantom Pain? Based on my psp experience with Peacewalker, you can Fulton enemy soldiers and use them to further improve and expand your motherbase.As a matter of fact,majority of my best recruits came from fultoning (if there was ever such a word) enemy soldiers. Especially those snipers man, S ranks and A ranks. I wonder if the same can be confirmed for the extracted enemy soldiers.

That would be awesome, kind of Assassins Creedish. I'm glad that traditional boss battles will be returning, I hated fighting mechanical bosses throughout the game.
I hope the animation for Fulton recover isn't as stupid/cartoony as they were in peace walker. It would totally ruin the vibe methinks.
When is e3 I'm wondering when well see more of TPP

Gotta add one more chick. I know she's ratchet but she's got hotter. This is from a new photo shoot for lui mag

I came so close to adding her yesterday.

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You know what I just realized? If Skull-Face turns out to be a boss fight (which I think he definitely will be) that shotgun/rifle of his will definitely be a b***h considering how strong its firepower is even for normal enemy soldiers.
On a side note, I wonder if Skull Face is actually Ocelot in disguise. After all, there are very few people who actually know Big Boss on an intimate level - and Ocelot happened to be one of them. I can't remember SF's exact quote, but he mentioned something like, "that's the kind of man he is" - which implied that he knew Big Boss personally.

I remember back in MGS 1, it was mentioned that Ocelot was famed for torturing prisoners in the Cold War, and as a result, he acquired his infamous nickname, Shalashaska. It was also implied that he raped Meryl. In correlation to Ocelot, Skull Face gets off on torturing people, and he also brutally raped Paz.

What do you guys think? I know it might sound far-fetched, but it sure beats that awful Chico-Paz theory that's been making rounds on the net.
Of all the theories, it's the one that makes the most sense, after all, he has plays a triple agent in the future, and you can't ignore SF's boots :lol
Of all the theories, it's the one that makes the most sense, after all, he has plays a triple agent in the future, and you can't ignore SF's boots :lol

You can never be sure about Ocelot's motivations, and it's very strange that he was completely absent from events of Peace Walker. I'd assume that since he was in deep cover within The Patriots, he'd be able to tip-off Big Boss on Steve Blum's and Coldbaldhead's plans before things got too out-of-control. But, for some reason, he didn't. It leads me to believe that he was planning something... grand.

In any case, what about SF's boots?
You can never be sure about Ocelot's motivations, and it's very strange that he was completely absent from events of Peace Walker. I'd assume that since he was in deep cover within The Patriots, he'd be able to tip-off Big Boss on Steve Blum's and Coldbaldhead's plans before things got too out-of-control. But, for some reason, he didn't. It leads me to believe that he was planning something... grand.

In any case, what about SF's boots?


Yeah it's strange he completely missed out Peace Walker which ended his streak as the only person to appear in EVERY MGS game. Anyway, was it ever mentioned that what he was doing in the 80's? Wasn't he with FOXHOUND? I really lost track of the details.
I hope the animation for Fulton recover isn't as stupid/cartoony as they were in peace walker. It would totally ruin the vibe methinks.
When is e3 I'm wondering when well see more of TPP

Gotta add one more chick. I know she's ratchet but she's got hotter. This is from a new photo shoot for lui mag


Yeah it's strange he completely missed out Peace Walker which ended his streak as the only person to appear in EVERY MGS game. Anyway, was it ever mentioned that what he was doing in the 80's? Wasn't he with FOXHOUND? I really lost track of the details.

I think Ocelot was recruited by Liquid (and into his Foxhound) just before the takeover of Shadow Moses. But, yeah, that's a good observation. Ocelot was even given a cameo at the end of Portable Ops of all things! :lol

I truly believe that PO would have been a perfect prequel for remakes of MG 1 and 2. It's such a shame that Kojima considers this game inconsequential to the plot, just for the sake of milking more releases.
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I think Ocelot was recruited by Liquid (and into his Foxhound) just before the takeover of Shadow Moses. But, yeah, that's a good observation. Ocelot was even given a cameo at the end of Portable Ops of all things! :lol

I truly believe that PO would have been a perfect prequel for remakes of MG 1 and 2. It's such a shame that Kojima considers this game inconsequential to the plot, just for the sake of milking more releases.

He can also be recruited in MPO and it will unlock a story bit, I forgot what it was. I do remember there was a funny exchange between Snake and Ocelot though.
I don’t think Skull Face is Ocelot in disguise. Why would He try and kill Big Boss? Isn’t that the only person he actually admires?

Also in from the gameplay videos, in the hospital where Big Boss is being escorted out by Ishmael, the soldiers killing everyone are wearing XOF patches, which leads me to believe Skull Face definitely wants Zero and Big Boss dead. Throw in the hints and clues about his past and origin, and I think we have a new character all together.

By the way, for anyone interested, the GZ update is live.

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl