Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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My PS3 died today :( Unsure on whether to turn to the PC Master Race or get a PS4. But either way, my HD collection, MGS4 and GZ will be greatly missed :(

Sorry to hear that, Jack. If you can afford quality parts, I'd say you should definitely get on board the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. But, if not, the PS4 is still a very formidable gaming machine, in terms of the graphics and performance that it'll deliver. It won't be on par with a mid-ranged PC, but you'll still enjoy significantly better graphics than what you've experienced on the PS3.

The Fat PS3s are a ticking timebomb as they all have faulty, low grade thermal paste that turns to dust after awhile. I know, I've seen a few. And they consume about twice as much power than the slims so that's not good for your electricity bill too. Slim FTW.

Oh boy. Don't I know about this. Remember when I told you how my FAT 80 GB died back in March? I bought a Super Slim as a replacement, but I really miss the backward compatibility of my FAT PS3, as well as the extra USB ports.

My fat PS3 works perfectly, it's the 60gb version so only a year younger than release ver.

Really wish DualShock4 was fully compatible with it. I want my HD collections on PS4!!

That's incredible that you sill have a working 60 GB model! Nothing short of a miracle, I bet you must have taken really good care of it.

They really are. Mine kicked the bucket early 2013, and I got it right after launch (2006, Christmas). I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did but I'm sad for the inability to play PS2 games...

My Slim though, is a dream come true. Most of the games I lost data for, are actually games I will LP at some point, and the fixes and larger harddrive, among other things, are great. Anyone remember the old Spider-Man logo it had?

Mentioning PS2 games, I really miss using the Document of MGS 2. But, I don't feel like taking my PS2 out of storage, either...
That's incredible that you sill have a working 60 GB model! Nothing short of a miracle, I bet you must have taken really good care of it.

Mine is still working to, it's actually a display model from the shop I worked at in 2006... very early model........still kicking
I got a fat PS3 too, one of the first and that's still going strong touch wood

IT definitely wasn't well maintained either, it was my younger brothers
I'm not even annoyed that my PS3 has broken, I accepted it as I've had it for so long! 6 years isn't bad. I'm about to move out with friends and I have a PC fund in the works! But the best thing is, my friend has a PS4 that will stay in the living room meaning I can get MGSV for Playstation as it should be! :hi5: The PC I have planned out should end up good spec.
I just streamed the 1080p 60fps video. I wasn't impressed with the graphics of the jungle in previous videos, but i must say that 60fps makes a huge difference. The jungle looks superb, which im glad to see! The weather transition could use some work as the area doesn't look wet from the rain
I'm not even annoyed that my PS3 has broken, I accepted it as I've had it for so long! 6 years isn't bad. I'm about to move out with friends and I have a PC fund in the works! But the best thing is, my friend has a PS4 that will stay in the living room meaning I can get MGSV for Playstation as it should be! :hi5: The PC I have planned out should end up good spec.

Specs? Just curious :wink1:
Question: As a guy who's never really dweled too deep on MGS (I finished Rising & 4 and have played a bit of portable ops and 3) what'd be the best way to prepare for 5? And if someone could post the chronology list I'd be grateful!
Play 3 then Peace Walker

Chronologically speaking the canon titles.

Forgot that one, couldn't remember if that had been made non-canon but that's the other one with Solid in it isn't it
Sweet, thanks for the link Ryan!


Question: As a guy who's never really dweled too deep on MGS (I finished Rising & 4 and have played a bit of portable ops and 3) what'd be the best way to prepare for 5? And if someone could post the chronology list I'd be grateful!

If you just wanna skimp the series to play MGSV, then it would be MGS3 > Portable Ops > Peace Walker > Ground Zeroes.

If you're an old school gamer, and would like the best possible experience, play them in release order, which is:

Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Portable Ops
Peace Walker
Ground Zeroes

If you just wanna skimp the series to play MGSV, then it would be MGS3 > Portable Ops > Peace Walker > Ground Zeroes.

If you're an old school gamer, and would like the best possible experience, play them in release order, which is:

Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Portable Ops
Peace Walker
Ground Zeroes
I went with the release order at the beginning but then I decided to go chronologically. I don't have much time now (here the last year of high school is extremely tough and time is really, really limited) and I've already got my hands full with my backlog, but as soon as the summer comes I'll give them all a go. IMHO, MGS is one of the few games that you must play everything in order to really appreciate and immerse youself in its world. Playing just the newest installment just isn't the same if you haven't witnessed the previous events that transpired.