Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
If you thought it was better than either MGS1,2 or 3 then your opinion doesn't count because you obviously don't know what you're talking about - in my opinion of course.
Same goes for the argument between SS & BB. If you prefer BB then you are a fool in my eyes. I don't want to offend anyone and i'm not trying to start anything but it's the truth. BB was intended to be a nobody in the SOLID games, just the main boss character from the MSX games. It wasn't until MGS3 when they fleshed his story out did anyone actually care about BB. Who coincidentally was a copy of Solid Snake to keep people interested in the series and to stop everyone from crying about MGS2 and the lack of Snake, because he had already had that much of an impact..
There's no fanboyism or folly in complaining about the way the series is headed and has been headed for the latter part of it's existence. TTP/GZ does promise hope yes but judging on the last titles entered into the series i'm not holding out for much.
If anything everybody who is ****ing in there pants over some trailers are the real fan boys. Praising something they have seen a 15 minute trailer of that gives no insight into anything. It's basically a hype machine and you're all the suckas...
It's fine if you like the rubbish MGS games and like the way the series is headed but be under no delusion it's nothing compared to what it was and some better graphics and an open world map are not going to bring it back up to the same level it once was. It needs concise, well thought out, intricate and most of all emotional writing which stirs up new feelings for old emotions, not retconning the same bull**** for 3 games.
That's why Solid Snake will always be better than Big Boss because he will always be the more interesting character. Kojima inadvertently saw to that by making Big Boss so predictable and borish
EDIT: When i say rubbish MGS games, i merely mean the worst out of the games that have been made. I still think MGS4 & PW are ok and i got enjoyment out of them of course, just an overall set disappointed was felt the more i played, which is the premise behind the reasons as to why some people really like it and why some don't. You were either disappointed or you weren't
I agree and disagree with this to some extent, because I do like MGS1 the most,
but MGS2 the least, I can let go the fact that you say MGS4 is bull****, and that it retconned everything, because not matter how hard you try, it will never anything else than an opinion, not a fact.
Now, you can't say that someone who likes MGS4 the most doesn't know what (s)he's talking about, because there are many plausible reasons why somebody would like MGS4 better than the rest, it may not be the case if you judge it only by the story, then I agree, but it comes down to MUCH more than the story since it's a game we're talking about, not just a story, being a game there are more elements that come into account to judge it completely, gameplay mechanics, AI, sound, and graphics(which don't make much difference to me if a game is crap) etc, etc, from that POV it's plausible that some people will like MGS4 better and still know what they're talking about, personally for me MGS4 was infinitely more fun to play than MGS2, the story is not better than MGS2 of course, but as a game, for me it's much better.
BB was only a boss in the MGSX games, true that, regardless, it's the nature of a story to change it's path with it's creator's will, and it made him become a major character in the series, that is by no means reprehensible because there was nothing "intended" for the series to be, except what Kojima wants them to be, you can dislike that and it's respectable, but people can like it too, thus creating a fanbase for BB, don't get me wrong, I like SS better, but BB has certainly escalated my list to be on par with some of the major characters of the series.
I also don't see how being excited for what we've seen in the trailers is fanboyism, true, praising mindlessly a game that hasn't come out is fanboyism, but enjoying it and hope for the best isn't.
One thing I can agree with is that the MGS story, for everyone to be happy with it, needs to take it up a notch and be better and better thought and written than it has been with the latest games, but I doubt it will ever be as charming as MGS1.