Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

That video is so old :rotfl. I remember someone uploaded it way back in 2008, but then took it off. It's back on for our glorious enjoyment.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


Demo choppers :lol
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

WOW guys LOL

Kenshiro Kojima FTW!
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

haha and so the battle for supremacy continues on! & i'm always late to the party...

MGS4 was bull****, it destroyed basically everything Kojima had set the foundations up story wise so it was a complete fail for all the points already made. It (along with PW) made the best game (MGS1) defunct in some aspects because of the way it disregarded everything it had originally intended.

Note to Kojima. Don't produce a game that makes the best work you've done not make sense anymore.

If you thought it was better than either MGS1,2 or 3 then your opinion doesn't count because you obviously don't know what you're talking about - in my opinion of course.

Same goes for the argument between SS & BB. If you prefer BB then you are a fool in my eyes. I don't want to offend anyone and i'm not trying to start anything but it's the truth. BB was intended to be a nobody in the SOLID games, just the main boss character from the MSX games. It wasn't until MGS3 when they fleshed his story out did anyone actually care about BB. Who coincidentally was a copy of Solid Snake to keep people interested in the series and to stop everyone from crying about MGS2 and the lack of Snake, because he had already had that much of an impact..

There's no fanboyism or folly in complaining about the way the series is headed and has been headed for the latter part of it's existence. TTP/GZ does promise hope yes but judging on the last titles entered into the series i'm not holding out for much.

If anything everybody who is ****ing in there pants over some trailers are the real fan boys. Praising something they have seen a 15 minute trailer of that gives no insight into anything. It's basically a hype machine and you're all the suckas...

It's fine if you like the rubbish MGS games and like the way the series is headed but be under no delusion it's nothing compared to what it was and some better graphics and an open world map are not going to bring it back up to the same level it once was. It needs concise, well thought out, intricate and most of all emotional writing which stirs up new feelings for old emotions, not retconning the same bull**** for 3 games.

That's why Solid Snake will always be better than Big Boss because he will always be the more interesting character. Kojima inadvertently saw to that by making Big Boss so predictable and borish

EDIT: When i say rubbish MGS games, i merely mean the worst out of the games that have been made. I still think MGS4 & PW are ok and i got enjoyment out of them of course, just an overall set disappointed was felt the more i played, which is the premise behind the reasons as to why some people really like it and why some don't. You were either disappointed or you weren't
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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Absolutely right. These guys immediately have a seizure over a trailer and then begin ****ting all over the previous titles. I thought the original GZ trailer was interesting because of the gaming engine and the darker mood it had.

But after the last one, I'm not on the band wagon to any extent. I will get it, play it but in no way in any shape or form do I think it's a superior experience that hasn't already been done in the older titles.

It seems like most of us prefer Solid Snake, that poll by Solidus made it crystal clear. But I think the majority of Big Boss fans completely ignore Snake from the series for whatever reason. Either being Big Boss's life was in a more turmoil time of the Earth or they just prefer him because he's more of a Rambo like character. But the average gamer is just a bandwagon fanboy and probably played MGS3 first. Personally, MPO was better than PW. Playing PW's story was about as interesting as doing the dishes.

Solid Snake fans on the other hand seem to be true to him because he's the basis for Big Boss and Big Boss in a sense is a character clone of Snake. Fans grew up with Snake, and at this point he's more of a mysterious deeper character than Big Boss at this point.

Over exposure has heavily watered down Big Boss's lore, it's as simple as that.

Having Snake basically dead at the end of MGS4 was a mistake, the series was ended too quickly since we didn't get a chance to helm Snake with today's cutting edge technology.

Worst case scenario, we just get a MGS1 remake which was talked about two years ago.

Best cast scenario, we get MGS1 & MG1/MG2 remakes as well.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Worst case scenario, we just get a MGS1 remake which was talked about two years ago.

Actually the worst case senario is we get the MG1 MG2 & MGS1 remake, but Kojima has had to retcon it so much that it actually makes all 3 rubbish.

Which is highly possible because i do not know how they can turn around all the stuff they've changed to make it make sense in the orignal format
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Actually the worst case senario is we get the MG1 MG2 & MGS1 remake, but Kojima has had to retcon it so much that it actually makes all 3 rubbish.

Which is highly possible because i do not know how they can turn around all the stuff they've changed to make it make sense in the orignal format

If Kojima retcons MG1 and MG2 so be more about Big Boss than Snake I'm going to punch him in the face.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Big Boss stealing the spotlight at the end of MGS4 is the dumbest moment in the entire saga.

Agreed and then for them to throw in FOXDIE to kill him off. Hand in hand some of the worst writing in MGS. You can't ruin the history of the series with one moment and then try to use FOXDIE as a way to smooth it over.

Can't we just tie him up and force him to finish MGS1 Snake Variety Levels instead? :lol

Man i'm all for it. I'd buy him a toothbrush while we were at it too
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Agreed and then for them to throw in FOXDIE to kill him off. Hand in hand some of the worst writing in MGS. You can't ruin the history of the series with one moment and then try to use FOXDIE as a way to smooth it over.

Man i'm all for it. I'd buy him a toothbrush while we were at it too

It was just bad decision to bring him back at the final moment to just explain all the holes in the series. It was a cop out in every sense of the word.

And to have him pieced from Solidus and Liquid? Ocelot took Liquid's arm and then Liquid's body was thrown in the Tanker wreck to disguise Snake's fake death and Solidus was a mincemeat vegetable. And Eva jumping into the fire? WTF was that?

MGS4 = Completely retarded.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Snake that i really love are Naked Snake (MGS3) and Solid Snake (MGS2). I love them both because they physical appearance nothing more nothing else, on they artworks or they 3d renders.
And for new MGS games i was hoping and always hoping that they came with new story, new characters, and many new things that never came with the previous games. But one thing that never ever ever ever ever ever ever changes is the stealth gameplay. Because of stealth gameplay that make me fall in love in this games.

PEACE. :lol
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Nothing is wrong with change but when it undermines every game up until that point, that's the problem.

At least you're on the MGS2 Snake bandwagon :duff