Do'nt think so, man
GZ on PC is one of the best ports I've ever seen. It's ****ing well optimized with better textures, shadows, lighting effects than PS4 and 2K-4K Resolution support in addition
I don't understand Why you give for granted that PC version has been developed by a different developer/team ? or that it will happen as with BAK?(PC port was developed By Iron Galaxy instead Rocksteady). Precisely what happened with BAK on PC, has had such a negative impact for both industry and users that I doubt very much that happen again,
According with Kojima itself, TPP was finished for quite some time, and what they have been doing since then is to polish, and readjust gameplay aspects related.
"Konami is taking care for the upcoming PC version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain two months before its release."
Konami Wants to Improve Metal Gear Solid 5 on PC, Comments on HD Collection for PC « Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog
And since KojiPro had already disbanded a while ago, they're not the ones who're working (or who have been working) on the PC port.
GZ ended up being a good port, but you have to take into consideration that it's a very small demo compared to TPP. That's not to say that TPP will not end up being good, too, but personally I don't want to risk it on PC, since "Konami" only started developing it in July. To me, that just sounds like a rushed job, especially considering that GZ's PC release was nearly a year after it was released on the consoles.
Besides that, MGS just doesn't feel right on a PC. If there's any sort of exclusive functionality with the DS4 controller on PS4, you might be missing out on some things.