Konami can't stop digging their grave. At least Capcom finally got their **** together, bar Umbrella Corps 

Konami Halts AAA Console Production Apart from PES - IGN
Looks like we won't be seeing Rising sequel for some time.
God damn it this game is good, this weekend is the weekend I finish it, I can't get enough.
Btw I just got past that part that supposedly makes your ranks waver? What was the big deal?![]()
Konami Halts AAA Console Production Apart from PES - IGN
Looks like we won't be seeing Rising sequel for some time.
If that's true then their earlier statement about making console games was a. Bold faces lie.
Honestly, if they're getting out the games business then they should sell the IPs! They owe it to the fans who made them whay they are. These IPs are owned by the public/pop culture as much as to them, they can't hold them hostage like this.
Well so far it is the best game I've played for this generation, it eradicates Arkham Knight completely.
But the ending will probably make it or break it. I honestly don't know what to expect of that, I do fear the worst having read some non-spoiler impressions.
But so far I've disagreed with all the opinions about pacing, story, "difficulty spikes" and stuff like that, so don't be surprised if I disagree with the ending opinions too.
I know you will. It will be the best thing since sliced bread. Just have a phone ready to call the ambulance, in case you're at the point of collapsing from all the euphoria rushing to your brain.
I find it funny that everyone blames Konami for Kojima's firing and the game being unfinished... they gave him $80 million and 5 years to work on it... and it's unfinished? I think the blame is very misguided. Sure Konami is burning bridges right now, but to solely blame them is idiotic.
Konami Halts AAA Console Production Apart from PES - IGN
Looks like we won't be seeing Rising sequel for some time.
all those people walking around
the helicopters flying around.
the vehicles driving around
"the cool thing about mother base is that everyone's mother base will be unique depending on how you decide to spend your resources, the shape a size of mother base will vary."
animals you fulton are on Mother Base and not in a seperate tiny zoo
the defense drones flying around
that shooting range and the soldiers using it
you can train and spar with your soldiers that will raise your ability aswel as theirs
Ocelot at the top of the control tower
when you base gets attacked alarms go off and soldiers go into attack posisions
man, what happened?! Smiley Sad