Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

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I am, my jaw dropped to the floor.

Best Darskeid figure to date hands down, and the collect and connect one was pretty good.

I can't wait to read Kirby's fourth world while holding this doll.
Oh man, **** it, pattern, no pattern, I don't care, this is too gorgeous to let pass.

i think mezco reallly good in making angry/pissed off hs....but for normal look HS it just look cartoonny (hit& miss) just like from DC animated figure.
Man, why did the have to go with early Nu52 Look for Deathstroke? It blew and was something out of the 90s. The Tony S. Daniel one was much, much better... That said, he's bought. Come on, it's Slade, I can't pass up on that.

As for the rest, I loved Red Son, so that's probably bought as well. Darkseid, well, I don't even have to say it. Dude looks phenomenal. Joker is a maybe, I'll have to see more first. No interest in Arsenal, Black Adam and the like.

From Marvel, Spidey looks kinda crap, and Deadpool is mediocre, but Red Skull looks phenomenal, the leather coat one especially.

I have to say, this is slowly becoming my favourite line...
I am no fan of darkseid, I have the DC Universe CnC and didn't think I would ever need another. Thats a cool figure.

This one looks amazing, and light up eyes. Must have. Period. Think I will be building another Universe of these guys.

I think they all look good to be honest. Joker I am most excited about as a Batman collector
Man, why did the have to go with early Nu52 Look for Deathstroke? It blew and was something out of the 90s. The Tony S. Daniel one was much, much better... That said, he's bought. Come on, it's Slade, I can't pass up on that.

As for the rest, I loved Red Son, so that's probably bought as well. Darkseid, well, I don't even have to say it. Dude looks phenomenal. Joker is a maybe, I'll have to see more first. No interest in Arsenal, Black Adam and the like.

From Marvel, Spidey looks kinda crap, and Deadpool is mediocre, but Red Skull looks phenomenal, the leather coat one especially.

I have to say, this is slowly becoming my favourite line...

I knew you wouldn't like Deathstroke's design choice :lol Hopefully they'll do variants.

I'm so glad they went Classic for my Darkseid.

Agree on Spidey and Deadpool. Btw, did you see they released a Moon Knight, but it's ****ing Marvel Universe, it's **** :gah:

I am no fan of darkseid, I have the DC Universe CnC and didn't think I would ever need another. Thats a cool figure.

I used to have the CnC but sold it, and I was about to buy it again at exorbitant prices, I'm glad I waited, this one is probably gonna be cheaper than the CnC Darkseids on eBay :lol
I knew you wouldn't like Deathstroke's design choice :lol Hopefully they'll do variants.

It's not the worst design out there, but it's not what I would've gone with. The original is too goofy (both he and Taskmaster are what I call, "Confused Pirate Assassins"), so I understand why the went for a modern redesign, but there were better ones out there:




Tony S. Daniel:



The figure itself looks great IMO, but a different costume would've been better.


I'm so glad they went Classic for my Darkseid.

Yup, Darkseid looks great. I wouldn't have minded the modern look, but the updated his classic "costume" perfectly IMO. It's classic enough to have that mythical feel, but modern enough to not look ridiculous.

As a sidenote, I'm not a huge Superman fan, but man, do I love Red Son. That fig is a def buy for me, and I'm game for any other RS figs.

Agree on Spidey and Deadpool.

Deadpool is passable, not great, but passable. Spider-Man meanwhile is... bad. Really, really bad. I wasn't gonna buy it either way, cause I'm not much of a Parker fan these days, but I hope that if they release any variants (Superior and/or Kaine Scarlet Spider), they're much better made.

At least Red Skull looks cool. Punisher as well.

Btw, did you see they released a Moon Knight, but it's ****ing Marvel Universe, it's **** :gah:

Yeah, I saw that... thing. That's not a figure, that's an abomination. It looks like a dollar store knock-off that's part of an "Alliance of Right Sense" box-set... I mean, look at it!

It's not the worst design out there, but it's not what I would've gone with. The original is too goofy (both he and Taskmaster are what I call, "Confused Pirate Assassins"), so I understand why the went for a modern redesign, but there were better ones out there:
I honestly like confused pirate too :lol

As a sidenote, I'm not a huge Superman fan, but man, do I love Red Son. That fig is a def buy for me, and I'm game for any other RS figs.
You know they're gonna do a BatComrade for sure.

At least Red Skull looks cool. Punisher as well.
Man, if I was a Cap Fan I would get a Cap just to put it with Red Skull, just like I'm thinking of getting classic Supes just so Darkseid can choke him :lol

Yeah, I saw that... thing. That's not a figure, that's an abomination. It looks like a dollar store knock-off that's part of an "Alliance of Right Sense" box-set... I mean, look at it!
It's a ****ing happy meal toy, I hate it, at least I'm getting a Kamala, but they need to release a Mr. Knight soon.
I quite like the look of the Slade, its half Arkham Origins, half new 52 design, I think the only thing they need to do is give him some thigh armour or tighten the pants up a tad.
I honestly like confused pirate too :lol

It has its charm, much like Taskmaster's classic one. His UDON look is much better, but his whole "skull face-white cape-shield & sword" thing is quite funny. Same goes for Slade and his balaclava.

You know they're gonna do a BatComrade for sure.

Comrade Batman was damn great:


And hey, considering things here, Comrade Trinity might become our new national icons around here...

If I was a Cap Fan I would get a Cap just to put it with Red Skull, just like I'm thinking of getting classic Supes just so Darkseid can choke him :lol

Eh, I can't justify 70$+ for a "prop" piece. But, if I did buy one, it'd be the Ultimate Cap. Man, Ultimate Cap was a beast. Comic Cap is a huge ass IMO, so even if I did buy a 616 Steve Rogers fig for whatever reason, I probabdly would have Red Skull standing on top of him with a gun to his head. Kinda like this:


As far as Caps go, for me it's all about BuckyCap. Best costume, best tenure, best character. Plus, who cares about Sharon Carter when you've got Black Widow?! I ain't a guy to care about romance in comics, but Bucky and Nat's relationship was the finest one in super-hero books IMHO...

It's a ****ing happy meal toy, I hate it, at least I'm getting a Kamala, but they need to release a Mr. Knight soon.

Dunno man, it seems to me companies have something against MK or something. For example, we're getting a new minimates wave that includes: Black Knight, Amora, 2 Mandroids, Classic Falcon, Tigra and 2 Blizzards. But somehow, in all the NOW!/modern waves they've done, they still haven't squeezed an MK in there. The guy can be made with re-used parts, has three different costumes, a fairly well selling solo (it always shows up in the Top 25 Advance Pre-Orders, check BleedingCool), but somehow he's not popular enough. Meanwhile, we're getting our 4th Old Man Logan, 2nd Spider-Gwen within the year, and Deadpool 2099, who has 3 appearances under her belt.

No signs of a Legends fig, a Sideshow statue, nothing. I really hope that Netflix show gets picked up, because there's a serious lack of MK merchandise out there. I'm not seeing we should get a full wave or something, but the dud deserves a fig.
I quite like the look of the Slade, its half Arkham Origins, half new 52 design, I think the only thing they need to do is give him some thigh armour or tighten the pants up a tad.

He's not awful, it's just that there are better looks out there.