Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) Marvel Comics Figures

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Come on tracking email......

Excited for Disney acquisition it means Mezco, Hot Toys etc. will have less restrictions (hopefully) on releasing characters
True. Sucks for the movie industry considering Star Wars 8 atrocity (still can't believe my eyes, they ruined everything) but for the figure industry that's great news.

I'm going to go a bit off-topic since it's DC related but it seems they are more folks on the marvel topic. It's still Mezco One:12 related though. I got Harley from Mezco yesterday, was very disappointed with the headsculpts and the proportions... Took pictures to compare what happens when you swap the Figuarts HS on the Mezco one.
Normally I dislike Figuarts, I'm not a plastic fan, every since Hot Toys happened, I like the real cloth better on figures, it's more classy. I'm not someone who plays with my toys, I just like to pose them and stare at them. So Mezco One:12 is a miracle in that regard.
However I have to say that, for once, the method Figuarts used with their 3D printed technique is superior to handsculpt. That's sad to say but look at the pics.

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I just hope Mezco never ****** up this bad ever again on headsculpts. Very sad about what happened to Harley Quinn, especially the bubble gum headsculpt which was the one that excited the most when they presented this figure ages ago :(
I'm just glad I had the Figuarts to make the Mezco figure more acceptable. Still, the proportions are way off imo. They really have to improve their female bodies in the future and let's hope this harley body never becomes a standard in their line, it's just not right. (much love to Mezco, I love your work but please please make it better next time)
so which cap is better? which is the one if you could only have one? talk of the scales peeling on the moderns bums me out but the classic with modern boots and gloves is abit odd. cant decide, just tell me which one is better if you have both pls.

Just got classic red skull for $130 shipped quite happy...

nice, grats! where? on bay? got reg on the way now, badly wants classic.
Guess you guys didn’t get the memo Mezco posted on FB :slap

this, the wolvs are goin out in batches, not all check or even bother with Fb and its kinda insulting they dotn send out emails sayin same just assume you gonna be on Fb.

really tho anyone if you got a tiger stripe wolvy via mezco retail stop complaining at all, thks. jeeebus h my eyes cant blaze any greener :lol
this, the wolvs are goin out in batches, not all check or even bother with Fb and its kinda insulting they dotn send out emails sayin same just assume you gonna be on Fb.

really tho anyone if you got a tiger stripe wolvy via mezco retail stop complaining at all, thks. jeeebus h my eyes cant blaze any greener :lol

It’s worse than that..they flat out apologized that they are extremely behind and they hired extra workers making sure Skull, Wolverine and Harley ship out before the holiday season ends . Mezco the future in 1/12 :slap
I don't own any of them but want the classic for sure. The boots and gloves might stand out a little but the colour and headsculpt look much nicer to me.

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agreed do like color more, no doubt. hoping someone with both can chime in and help sway me, have modern skull comin so modern cap was my initial thought but do intend on gettin classic skull eventually and the the classic cap can stand in for modern with them gloves/boots. dotn want to end up with two, bad enough im doin that with skull.

It’s worse than that..they flat out apologized that they are extremely behind and they hired extra workers making sure Skull, Wolverine and Harley ship out before the holiday season ends . Mezco the future in 1/12 :slap

ahhhh forgot PO of classic skull goin out as well, correct yeah? hopefully that brings price down on bay.
agreed do like color more, no doubt. hoping someone with both can chime in and help sway me, have modern skull comin so modern cap was my initial thought but do intend on gettin classic skull eventually and the the classic cap can stand in for modern with them gloves/boots. dotn want to end up with two, bad enough im doin that with skull.

ahhhh forgot PO of classic skull goin out as well, correct yeah? hopefully that brings price down on bay.

They must really be deep in hot water. they specifically rerfenced those three preorders in the memo. I think they must be getting heat from not only us collectors but probably from other vendors and LCS I bet :lecture