MMS Diecast - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark III Collectible Figure

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generally if you like something here your in the minority.

Lots of nitpicking here. Myself included, but it comes with the territory. ;)

[...]Limited articulation is relative [...] It's got more then [...] storm troopers...[...]

I have to raise an eyebrow at this one. :dunno The Hot Toys stormtroopers are limited by their tightly strapped armour, but even stock-out-of-box you can rotate the torso or tilt it to a greater degree than is evident with the one-piece/swappable torso construction on this figure.

I absolutely respect people's preferences and taste but that strikes me as hyperbole at best. I did actually body-swap my troopers for greater range of movement and more naturalistic poses. Unfortunately this is not possible with Iron Man.

I know you're always up for a lively debate but I find that comparison indefensible, unless by "more articulated" you mean it can achieve deeper range-of-movement with the swappable body part.

Anyway, point is moot. Some people will love it, others will look for other options.
You are correct the stormys have more torso articulation. But the mk3 has more points of articulation.

And according to the official bio pages its 30pts for storm troopers and over 36 for mk3. I didn't find 30 on the ST so I'm not sure what they counted. But the mk3 has all the same ones, except the torso (though it simulates it..) plus a lot more. So I'm not sure how my comparison is even wrong, let alone rates an indefensible. I'd be interested to understand your thinking on why you came to your conclusion.
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You are correct the stormys have more torso articulation. But the mk3 has more points of articulation.

And according to the official bio pages its 30pts for storm troopers and over 36 for mk3. I didn't find 30 on the ST so I'm not sure what they counted. But the mk3 has all the same ones, except the torso (though it simulates it..) plus a lot more. So I'm not sure how my comparison is even wrong, let alone rates an indefensible. I'd be interested to understand your thinking on why you came to your conclusion.

Pretty sure they count the fingers on the Iron Man figures...
Yea may be. But even so, the mk3 still has everything the "human" figures do and then more. including the storm troopers.
generally if you like something here your in the minority.

I've noticed in a few threads (this one included) that you have some sort of issue with people who nitpick. Not sure why it's such an issue for you.

This figure took a huge step back in terms of articulation for Iron Man figures. People have every right to voice those concerns. When we're spending top dollar for high end collectibles, people will have opinions, good or bad.
I've noticed in a few threads (this one included) that you have some sort of issue with people who nitpick. Not sure why it's such an issue for you.

This figure took a huge step back in terms of articulation for Iron Man figures. People have every right to voice those concerns. When we're spending top dollar for high end collectibles, people will have opinions, good or bad.

Yes people can nitpick if they want. But why is it not okay to disagree with that?
Like hokie says, this armor is the last one I need to complete my HOA setup. Not worried at all about limited articulation. This will stand in my hoa and just look pretty

Same here! (Though HoA are on my list to find too...) I have managed to find 1 - 7 with the exception of 4 (which is more a financial issue as I want the gantry version). So this is going to be my only 3. I will play around with poses every now and then just for ****s and giggles, but it's home position will be museum pose in a HoA.

I think MkI v2, MkII AU, this, a future IV, a custom V, IM2 version VI and the clean VII all lined up, it should look pretty awesome.
No, I just disagree with some of the sentiments and way it's done and think on an online DISCUSSION forum it is actually ok to have an opinion and discuss it. Or is it only ok to critique people and things that can't actually talk back (unless of course it's me).

It's funny...seems to be the rules's perfectly ok to call hot toys lazy, fat, idiots, greedy, slimy, no good, stupid, and worse. Not ok to disagree with that. Is ok to question those that do.

Like in this case..I stated my opinion on the matter and someone critiqued it, even called it indefensible, but that is one says anything...someone else says hot toys didn't include something becuase they are lazy..I say something and five people chime in on how I am out of line and rude (while they call me four letter names and so on).
Red Snapper and Peacemaker, both had no ab articulation...people were disappointed but learned to love them. Probably there were high hopes that HT would incorporate their latest tech/tooling in iron man suit, but we got a "limited" articulated figure, with a hefty increase in price using the "diecast" gimmick...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, pros and lets have a mature conversation, like the "adults who buy expensive toys" that we are...

Surprised people are cancelling on the basis on some minor things. I'm still getting the figure no matter what and this is coming from someone who hates the design decision on the abs.

At the end of the day the Mark 3 is the Mark 3 and I can't possibly see them ever doing this armor again anytime soon. They'll most likely do a Mark 2 version of this, Mark 4, 5, 6 and 7 Diecast in the coming years but I think Mark 3 is done for at the moment.

This design is the definition of Iron Man to me and comes from the film that started it all. Minor nitpicks or not the figure looks too awesome to pass up on.

I'm thinking about cancelling this. All I REALLY want is a 1/4 scale version of the Mark III and I have a feeling it might happen one day.
Always loved this design, and I am keeping my PO (despite having the original MMS 069(?)) I haven't kept a PO on Iron Man product in some time and I need my fix.
I'm just scratching my head of why didn't they just redo the Mark II mold? That one looks just about perfect. Fill the rivet holes, and paint it red and gold, boom, new Mark iii