Super Freak
Your average bad lighting pic... Sucks that he's noticeably shorter.

I'll be taking pics this week myself...
What dynamic stand is that that's holding him parallel to the ground at such a low height??!!
Isn't that a Spider-man stand?
I know, right? This is what bugs me about this Mark III. He also looks like his arms are
too long when resting to his sides. Maybe it is the length of the thighs that is throwing everything off.
This is correct, but once inside the suit I am pretty sure that height difference is gone.
The figure. He is about a half-a-head too short.
What dynamic stand is that that's holding him parallel to the ground at such a low height??!!
I have an extra tasm dynamic stand. Unfortunately because of the weight, the rod just goes down that's why it's that low. It's too bad, it has a perfect flight pose. It has a pretty good head extension.
If you can get him into 3 point landing, please share. I tried my best with no luck. The left leg won't come out wide enough. Removing the torso was like pulling teeth, I might not want to go through that again.