MMS Diecast - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark III Collectible Figure

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Wait so it's impossible to take the plastic wrap off of the metal flaps?!?! That's it!! THAT'S IT!! Cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!


Amongst a pile of other goodies that has piled up which I haven't had the time to unbox, I've had this guy locked in the box for a month now. I caught up on this thread and it's good to see that most people who are receiving him are overlooking the downsides (or at least most of those who are chiming in), and are digging him in hand.

I gave this guy a pass a long time ago on many of the things that were bothering most people. I just wanted an updated III so I sold off my original BD and was willing to take the good with the bad on this one.

The one and only thing that really twists my nads is the height though. I saw early on that he was advertised as 11.80" and never understood why. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal but going off of pics, it kind of is. That's the one decision on this that I just can't wrap my brain around (not that I don't think that better decisions could've been made on the other common nits). Their older scale was more like 12" figures because there were pretty generic heights for the 2 genders across the board. Once they started to pay attention to properly varying the heights of different characters, that's when they were making a truer 1/6 scale and not just a 12" figure. They've come a long way from then and making an Iron Man suit this height is a big step back. I think that all of the taller suits post MK VII are the proper height for the scale of their figs over the last 3 years. Don't know why they couldn't just make it the contemporary height. There was never enough for me to consider cancelling this, but the height is a major deflater for me.

But that aside, based on all of the great pics floating around I'm sure I'll be happy when I pop this open tonight!
@SLO_MO: Can I make a picture request? I wonder if it'd be possible to do a dynamic pose similar to this where Iron Man is leaning in to make a repulsor blas

You mean like this?

The one and only thing that really twists my nads is the height though. I saw early on that he was advertised as 11.80" and never understood why. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal but going off of pics, it kind of is. That's the one decision on this that I just can't wrap my brain around (not that I don't think that better decisions could've been made on the other common nits). Their older scale was more like 12" figures because there were pretty generic heights for the 2 genders across the board. Once they started to pay attention to properly varying the heights of different characters, that's when they were making a truer 1/6 scale and not just a 12" figure. They've come a long way from then and making an Iron Man suit this height is a big step back. I think that all of the taller suits post MK VII are the proper height for the scale of their figs over the last 3 years. Don't know why they couldn't just make it the contemporary height. There was never enough for me to consider cancelling this, but the height is a major deflater for me.

Good points, man. :duff Tony must be 5-5. :lol
I think the reason the ankle design is done as is, is becuase they would of had to completly redesign the ankle to get that sideways motion. It has a joint, it does move up/down. But the left/right motion would currently be restricted by the armor. To alter this would not only take a full lower leg redesign...but would add between 4 and 6 new articulation points. That most likely would require at least one new spru(these are set up in the tooling just like you see model car kit parts). Adding that spru would add a decent amount to the overall cost, for what amounts to a pretty small upgrade.(the average person only has like 10-15 degrees of sideways ankle movement) and realistically...if the suit where wouldn't have a joint there with that design. That adds a weak point and a spot for projectiles to penetrate.

For me, given the way the lower leg was designed, and the extra cost I don't think it's an issue.

I've got my Mk II AU and a couple of other figures right here, and examining them they used a simple, straightforward ball joint for the ankles. It works perfectly, gives good motion in all directions, isn't restricted moving side-to-side by the shin armour. I have no idea why they changed a winning formula for this particular figure, but it above all else was the dealbreaker for me.

Pretty bitter pill to throw my hands up and say definitively I was going to pass on this one when I love the designs from the first two movies so much. I could forgive everything else, but ankle tilt is such a basic and necessary piece of articulation - especially on a $300 figure - that I can't justify the purchase. I hope to god if they redo the Mk IV armour as a Diecast release they don't make as many questionable design choices as they did with this figure, that one is my absolute favourite.
The mk2 au has a larger flair on the leg. If they put a ball joint in the leg as is it would not add any significant articulation. It would require a change.
The ankle already has multiple articulation points and the true range of motion is nearly 20 degrees, I'd estimate. But the way the outer armor is designed currently, it's not as simple as slapping on a ball joint. They could do it but it wouldn't actually add any articulation. It would also not be as stable in the ground punch pose. The pose that hot toys felt most people most wanted improvement on. Sure, they could have changed things and made it better, and changed the torso and any other issues. But it all costs. And they made the choice that it wasn't worth the redesign becuase it didn't add sales. If you Po then cancel hot toys still gets a sale. As the retailers have to still pay for that order from hot toys. After a certain period of time, when a figure goes up for Po, the numbers are locked in. I've explained how all the details work in the past and if you want a detailed explanation Pm me. But after that window hot toys has no reason to change anything. It adds no money (the production run is set so if it sells out or not the amount they make is set and the orders from distributors is set. If it's marked as sold out at secret base hot toys has sold the run out). Doing any redesign at that point just cuts into profit.

They did it the way they did for a reason. Yes, it has limited sideways articulation. But you strap on a pair of combat boots that lace up past your ankle and let me know how much articulation you have: then strap a metal plate to the outside and see. That's what the suit essentially does. There wouldn't actually be any side ways articulation. Not without adding the pivot points as I explained before. And even if they Just flaired it out, it wouldn't be much more. Hot toys has the 3d files from the film to compare it to. Those designs indicated that the ankle and calf armor are tight as they are here with this figure. So instead of adding additional articulation, to a design that didn't have it, so the figure would have unnatural movement they made the choice not to. And the creators of the movie agreed. Seems like a pretty decent justification for why they did what they did. I'm not buying or looking for the figure that has the most articulation. If I want super bendy stuff I'll buy gumby. Or figma. Or the other five brands that focus on articulation. Hot toys has it, but not as a focus. They use it to illustrate the way the suit moves in the film. They go for a more realistic look. That means sometimes the figures may not have every single joint on a huge range of motion. But in the real world most people don't have near the range of movement any of these figures do. It can recreate any real pose that RDJ can get into. I don't expect much more then that.

^ We will have to agree to disagree on this. The film suit was extremely flexible (the lower legs and feet were actually made of a flexible material for added mobility), and if as you say the problem is that they redesigned the lower legs to be narrower - then they should have stuck with the Mk II AU lower leg design. Really the suit doesn't work anything like a combat boot at all, it's made of many moving parts in-universe to give the wearer the fullest range of motion possible.

I know there will be no persuading you otherwise on this, so like I said let's just agree to disagree and leave it there.
I tried that last night but stopped for fear of breaking it. To me it seems like the knee ratcheting joint just flat out stops after 90deg. I'll try it again when I'm feeling brave.

The knee keeps bending until the calf is basically touching the thigh. It scared me the first time I tried it, but it does bend that far.
Finally decided to preorder this earlier in the week. It's my favorite movie armor. I tried to resist this one, because I still have the original Hot Toys Mk III, but I ended up caving anyway just because I like this armor so much.
You won't regret it Mr Spiral, I think it just looks like Iron Man should look. I think the HPP suits are all pretty cool in their own varied ways, but this is just a classic.
I had mine posed in the landing pose for a while (I think it's contractually obliged when you buy it) but decided to switch it up a little and experiment. Sorry for the iPhone pictures, and my lighting is on it's way (Detolf is only a few days old!)



I really like this figure, and of all the criticisms that appeared in this thread prior to my receiving it, the only one that bothers me at all is the lack of ankle pivot. The rest are completely irrelevant in my eyes.

You won't regret it Mr Spiral, I think it just looks like Iron Man should look. I think the HPP suits are all pretty cool in their own varied ways, but this is just a classic.
I had mine posed in the landing pose for a while (I think it's contractually obliged when you buy it) but decided to switch it up a little and experiment. Sorry for the iPhone pictures, and my lighting is on it's way (Detolf is only a few days old!)

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I really like this figure, and of all the criticisms that appeared in this thread prior to my receiving it, the only one that bothers me at all is the lack of ankle pivot. The rest are completely irrelevant in my eyes.

The interchangeable torso piece really suits this figure well, not only for the ground pound pose, but for combat poses too. Nice pics, guys! :clap
This figure is the primo IM figure from the best MCU film still in my opinion!
Finally decided to preorder this earlier in the week. It's my favorite movie armor. I tried to resist this one, because I still have the original Hot Toys Mk III, but I ended up caving anyway just because I like this armor so much.

I've been on the edge for a while too. I want this classic Iron Man look. I'm thinking it may be a Xmas gift to me. My biggest issue is that I'm POing ANH Star Wars (Luke, Vader and Boba) and, I'm waiting to see the new Batman figures. So, it's a budgeting issue.
i just got this figure recently. this figure is stunning.
but the lack of articulation is beyond me, because HT already did this on other iron men before this. not sure what they're thinking.
aside from the nitpicks, this figure is a must have.
i just got this figure recently. this figure is stunning.
but the lack of articulation is beyond me, because HT already did this on other iron men before this. not sure what they're thinking.
aside from the nitpicks, this figure is a must have.

people complained most is the lack of sideway articulation on the foot.
Amazing photos. I'm glad I ordered this one when I did. Due to budgeting issues, I've been trying to just stick to the main movie armors from Iron Man. This looks great though, and I'm sure I'm going to be happy to get this in the collection.