Ok, just checking your FB page. Sick work. Very nice.
I can see how detail bothers you that I don't catch/mind.
It's all good.![]()
ALOT of it is lighting and yes HT made the paint glossier which throws it off on the hue....deeper reds appear lighter , blah blah
Yes I'm happy with mine!
D@MN You HT!!!
View attachment 215544
This is not screen accurate![]()
I know what starts Civil War: "Cap stole me Lucky Charms™"
D@MN You HT!!!
View attachment 215544
This is not screen accurate![]()
I know what starts Civil War: "Cap stole me Lucky Charms™"
Fair enough. Guess I'll care more as I get into the hobby
No, you probably won't. That may be one of the suits he wore. But there where dozens of parts made. He never was on screen in the full suit. The suit is more CG on screen. Yes, the figure has a different shade. But hot toys went with the paint code provided by Stan Winston. The reason the red is more glossy on the toy is for protection of the paint. One or two thin coats of sealer, at most, was used on the practical suit. It's laid down thick on the figure becuase people return them and want replacements if there's the tiniest of scratches. So to prevent as much damage as possible they have to lay down a thicker top coat. Same way you would a high end end automotive paint.
Just becuase he posted one photo of the suit in one shade doesn't mean much. I never said it matched every shade. I have only said there is no right red. So hot toys went with what it was intended to be. Hot rod red. Look here's a handful of pics and they all have different shades and are al suits used on set. And then the CG suits are different.
As for the purportions...again..he has to actually move. I posted a vid awhile back of RDJ getting suited up into the suit on set and it looks WAY different then some suit on a hanger.
First pic the suit part is exactly the same as the toy paint.
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You have to calibrate you monitor
None of the pics you posted looks like the figure toy, sorry. Neither the back lighted one you tricky posted looks close sorry.
And now you mention Stan Winston, his studio worked in the half scale Mark 3 sideshow produced time ago and that one has the right color shade, duller and darker.
BTW, the gloss coat to avoid scratches story is curious, but not right. Hot toys Mark 43 1/4 has the right color and is duller.
It's still got a top coat. It's just a satin. And no, it's not a match. I don't need to calibrate my monitor. And I didn't "trick back light anything". I was illustrating (with a photo posted before) that light at the source can make an item look darker or lighter. It doesn't matter how you calibrate your monitor. The actual items have differing shades.
And yes, legacy has done some of the sideshow stuff. They also did the pieces above. Like the chest plate hanging in the display. And that's lighter red and Shiny. And you can calibrate your monitor all you like.
Also, the 1/4 43 has not actually been released. I bet it has a glossier finish when it does. Just like the 1/6. And, it's a BD suit. It doesn't need the same level of protection becuase it has scratches built in, which means the QC issues won't be the same. A "clean" suit requires that tougher finish. So, again, like i said, they did the top coat to help protect the paint from any minor scuffs and scratches. When it's a bd armor and you try to get a replacement they just tell you that's how it's supposed to look. If you don't believe me ask around.
Well that comparison pair has the suit shot at diffrerent angles and lighting- the lengths of pieces of armor sections and arms can not be directly compared...changes in the angle and height from where the camera was positioned foreshortens or lengthens surface areas. The inaccuracies you show aren't big enough to to discount angles explaining it
Why are you defending this figure so much?
The figure iMO is not as good as should be or compared to other recently released HT figures.
After some weeks with the figure in hand here are my thoughts.
Proportions are off comparing to all shot in the film and promo pictures.
Figure is too short and it makes it looks like a culturist dwarf. I´m not comparing with any other armor in this point, just comparing proportions to a human body standards.
Chest is too bulky and with wrong shape in some parts (frontal plane for example. The angles should be sharper and more defined as in the old Mk3, not rounded and soft as this one have)
Shoulder pads are too big.
Arms/shoulders are also too separate giving the poses a M shape that looks sooo unatural.
Color is off to compared to film.
Too glossy.
Helmet detail is off (red rectangle primarly)
Ankle articulation is a S"*it
Panties center part is too slim and short.
Hips are too wide.
Legs to separated.
Chest non existant articulation also dont let us to pose it in a natural way different than a wood block.
Low % of diecast parts.
paint application and overal quality
Joints stiffness and knee articulation
Detachable parts well implemented, also face mask lower magnet
I cant find more, sorry...
Now please tell me if i´m wrong with my afirmations.
I dont see them as subjective afirmations. Are facts provable with any comparition shot with film footage.
And please, dont tell me that Marvel wanted to change those things as long as they approved other past IM with much less "issues"
I dont know the reason why HT made this version of mk3, just basing on the result that for this iconic and very expected specific armor is off.
And i´m not trying to blame HT or anyone. I´m just dissapointed with this figure i waited for sooooo long.
All color, shapes and proportions should have been based on film, that should be for sure the goal of every MOVIE MASTER PIECE figure. Not based in "the color tony would desired", in the color or shapes marvel want to approve or all this kind of arguments i have heard.
BTW, mine is for sale![]()
It's still got a top coat. It's just a satin. And no, it's not a match. I don't need to calibrate my monitor. And I didn't "trick back light anything". I was illustrating (with a photo posted before) that light at the source can make an item look darker or lighter. It doesn't matter how you calibrate your monitor. The actual items have differing shades.
And yes, legacy has done some of the sideshow stuff. They also did the pieces above. Like the chest plate hanging in the display. And that's lighter red and Shiny. And you can calibrate your monitor all you like.
Also, the 1/4 43 has not actually been released. I bet it has a glossier finish when it does. Just like the 1/6. And, it's a BD suit. It doesn't need the same level of protection becuase it has scratches built in, which means the QC issues won't be the same. A "clean" suit requires that tougher finish. So, again, like i said, they did the top coat to help protect the paint from any minor scuffs and scratches. When it's a bd armor and you try to get a replacement they just tell you that's how it's supposed to look. If you don't believe me ask around.
As I said. There is no "right" shade. I posted three or four variations of red in suits used in the film. And I can post more. The stunt suit, the back up suit. The hero suit. The later hero suit(it was changed durning filming twice if I recall). The multiple CG models. Probably 10 different shades used. Even when it's the same color coat, it looks darker or lighter due to the base coat. At first a black casting with either black or no primer was used. Latter a black casting with silver base was tried. Then a gold base with the red over it. Tried a red anodized for the helmet. There is no right color. No matter which one you pick there are others used.
Believe me, i have been trying to be glad with my figure and trying to get a good pose for about 3 weeks with no success.
I ever had any complaints with any of my IM figures until this one. The other ones had issues and innacuracy too (are scaled articulated figures), but not as much as this one.
Sadly i will sell it. Hope HT releases a 1/4 with all this points corrected.