MMS138 – The Expendables: 1/6th scale Barney Ross Collectible Figure

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is this how it looks in the end or just a special paint demonstration by hong?
100% agreed, and T2 is my favourite film, it's wierd. It's probably because everything is new, new figure, new film, plus it's Stallone.

I'm currently doing a Bruce Willis custom figure, from Tears of the Sun, so I will have a figure of each of the big 3 in my collection! (T-800, Barney Ross and AK Waters)

I'm waiting for an official Die Hard figure to get a Bruce Willis. Its gonna happen one day, I know it. Hopefully Hot Toys.
Best likeness! Great looking figure! I want but I need to save money for Alice :huh
Likeness of the face... not the body....

HT King Leo's body has the best-likeness (not for articulation wise)

Well, I think the face is a great likeness and the body is a good balance of look and articulation. Plus, he has new forearms that look even more detailed than previous bodies.
I usually feel that the production sculpts look more realistic in flesh tone. The proto pics have a certain lighting quality to it that make it look less realistic.
Does his age really show in that sculpt? ..i'm not getting the old guy vibe from this, maybe its the lack of a sculpted neck that would really show the age, the neck always does.
I think people need to understand, while we're getting "custom" bodies that try best to match the real person's physique, there has to be some recylability involved. Wolverine's body isn't as bulky as Jackman got, but it works, T-800's body is somewhere between his T1 and T2 build, not quite either but you know they'll use it for every terminator. While they've gone to the length of making his tats, the real intention of the figure is clothed, so if the underlying body isn't 100% right, they're probably not that concerned, the forearms are a unique Stallone sculpt and very well sculpted at that, and the only part you really see. I think it's fine. If they ever revisited Rambo in a shirtless state, I'm sure we'd see a more Sly specific torso. As is, this could work for a Rambo 4, if they wanted it could even work enough for a Rocky 6.
This is a def must for me. I think this line will be my favorite line if HT pulls through. Movie contains a lot of great actors portraying characters that is worthy enough to be immortalized.
I looks like the problem is not in the sculpt. I'm sure sylvester has plasticized himself to kingdom come to hide his age, but from those giant pics just posted of the real deal from them movie the problem is he needs a little gray in his hair and beard.
In the very first pic he looks really old ..unlike the sculpt, i'm not complaining its just an observation.
I think people need to understand, while we're getting "custom" bodies that try best to match the real person's physique, there has to be some recylability involved. Wolverine's body isn't as bulky as Jackman got, but it works, T-800's body is somewhere between his T1 and T2 build, not quite either but you know they'll use it for every terminator. While they've gone to the length of making his tats, the real intention of the figure is clothed, so if the underlying body isn't 100% right, they're probably not that concerned, the forearms are a unique Stallone sculpt and very well sculpted at that, and the only part you really see. I think it's fine. If they ever revisited Rambo in a shirtless state, I'm sure we'd see a more Sly specific torso. As is, this could work for a Rambo 4, if they wanted it could even work enough for a Rocky 6.

Well said.Utterly impractical to expect a specially tailored figure for every new release.Those forearms do look great though!!
That has to be a mistake.

The knife is key.

i think the missing knife will be corrected by the time the figure is closer to release, like the case with t-800's black t-shirt, or wm's ex-wife. what's one little knife after all, if you can make your fans happy(er)?

Maybe... It's not his character's knife, if you remember.

The character whose knife it is may still be coming out.
I notice one thing, and I wonder if this could be a mistake..

Is Stallone left-handed??

Because in all HT pics shows Stallone holding the weapons with his left hand :dunno


And a movie picture holding the pistol with his right hand:

I believe that Stallone is right handed. Rocky is left handed, so maybe Barney is ambidextrous!
Maybe... It's not his character's knife, if you remember.

The character whose knife it is may still be coming out.

You are thinking of Dolph Lundgren's Knife,there are 2 knives in this movie,1 Sly and 1 Dolph/Statham.
And Gunner gave Ross the knife in the movie. That's the knife you saw. He didnt carry any other knife.
trust me,there are 2.I am a knife enthusiast and know the Knifemaker of Rambo 3 and 4 and Expendables knives.I will use spoiler tag because i know a few on this board that havent seen the movie yet:

After the first scene Dolph handed the knife over to Statham on the Plane,that stabbed Munroe with the knife at the end after Sly shot him.
Then there was Sly's knife that was seen in the first scene but not used,you clearly saw it in the scene when Sly arrived the Cell where Sandra was held captured,i think one of the guard was about to stump his smoke on Sandra's face and Sly came in and Stabbed one of the guards in the throat.

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