I think people need to understand, while we're getting "custom" bodies that try best to match the real person's physique, there has to be some recylability involved. Wolverine's body isn't as bulky as Jackman got, but it works, T-800's body is somewhere between his T1 and T2 build, not quite either but you know they'll use it for every terminator. While they've gone to the length of making his tats, the real intention of the figure is clothed, so if the underlying body isn't 100% right, they're probably not that concerned, the forearms are a unique Stallone sculpt and very well sculpted at that, and the only part you really see. I think it's fine. If they ever revisited Rambo in a shirtless state, I'm sure we'd see a more Sly specific torso. As is, this could work for a Rambo 4, if they wanted it could even work enough for a Rocky 6.