MMS138 – The Expendables: 1/6th scale Barney Ross Collectible Figure

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Please define "very incomplete"? :confused:

I would imagine the minimal accessories and single outfit.

They're both well made figures, Ross definitely comes with more, and costing less, is a better value for what you pay versus what you get in the box.
I would imagine the minimal accessories and single outfit.

They're both well made figures, Ross definitely comes with more, and costing less, is a better value for what you pay versus what you get in the box.

The extra (also freaking amazing) sculpt is worth at least $50 so ......... Ross' extra outfit is fugly, I can't believe HT's would release such lame quality but to me its "meh" Its a bonus so who cares. The T1 (even if priced $20 more) is the better value. I'm obviously getting Ross but there is no justification to buying Barney over T1. Barney doesn't even come with the proper knife so technically its "incomplete"

Just my 2 cents.
The extra (also freaking amazing) sculpt is worth at least $50 so ......... Ross' extra outfit is fugly, I can't believe HT's would release such lame quality but to me its "meh" Its a bonus so who cares. The T1 (even if priced $20 more) is the better value. I'm obviously getting Ross but there is no justification to buying Barney over T1. Barney doesn't even come with the proper knife so technically its "incomplete"

Just my 2 cents.

Outside of personal preference, they're both great figures and neither really outweighs the other.

Some people do feel quantity of items in the box is important to value. Wolverine is one of the most bare bones figures ever made, but, what was in the box was so amazingly done, I personally felt he was worth every penny but I know others felt he was overpriced for what you got. I can understand that, since often, the quality of the bare bones figures is no different than a robust figure. Take the T-800 and T-1000, both equal in production quality, but T-1000 came with far more in the box for about the same price.
I guess I should've added that I don't see anything wrong with either release. I've rarely complained about almost anything i've bought in the past 3-4 years unless it was some crappy Medicom figure.

Wolverine is a good example though, once you get it you immediately know where your dollars went. The body was a very new thing at the time too.
Everything about Wolverine, the paint, the costuming, the real metal claws, that thing earned it's value.

That said, I do think Barney Ross is a miss with the Vilena t-shirt. There's really only one photo I've seen where it has that teal color, it's a bright production shot of him and Statham getting off the plane, most of other photos and the movie itself, it's more a green. It's an odd green though, I looked into other green tees on eBay and they're all too military a green, neither the HT shirt or what's out there is correct, HT's more correct of the two to me.
I was actually having a hard time choosing between Barney and the T1. T1 is obviously (to me at least) way more iconic, but I love the Barney figure (and really dug the movie for what it was). I knew I the figure I didn't pick may be expensive in the aftermarket.. so it would be either one or the other. In the end I picked Barney, because I love the figure, but also the money that I save on him will help me save down the line for my next purchase: Superman. Or maybe Thor...or Captain america. Dammit, HT makes it so hard to prioritize. :)
I would imagine the minimal accessories and single outfit.

They're both well made figures, Ross definitely comes with more, and costing less, is a better value for what you pay versus what you get in the box.

Yup Maulfan.. This is what I meant with "incomplete"

At that price Hottoys had to be included at least a leather jacket, a grey shirt and a pair of sunglasses (and/ or some extra weapon) with the T1 figure, in order to have both versions (BD and "punk").. however, Mr Ross comes with 2 sets of outfits, and plenty of weapons and extras.. and is cheaper

Barney Ross is what I call a "complete" figure with many posibilities... while the T1 NOT... the extra headsculpt looks pretty nice, but for me is'nt enough at that price and should have included what I mentioned earlier..(if it were so, it would probably be the figure of the year for me)

I love both figures ,but if I had to choose, then, Barney Ross wins :lecture
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What in God's name are you talking about? :cuckoo: Price difference? You call $20 a big price difference? You talk about Ross as if it comes with enough stuff to build 20 figures.


Looks pretty solid to me. Go get a customizer to make you the same sculpt for less than $120.


Other than the extra God awful outfit it looks the same to me. I would love to know what you mean by "plenty of weapons and extras" am I missing something? What extras?

If your argument comes down to $20 I feel sorry for you.
I had to make the call to not purchase Barney. He's a great figure, and I don't think there's any doubting that. However, you've got to limit your collection sometimes, and The Expendables line wasn't one I could allow myself to get into. I'm getting the T-800 instead, due to personal preference and my love for that movie and the Terminator figure line.

Nonetheless both are solid figures, I do really enjoy following this thread and seeing awesome pics of the Barney Ross figure.
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No Idea why but Hot Toys have decided to put the flip up iron sights on the gun in the wrong place. On a real weapon they would never be placed here - I reviewed some screen caps of the film to look at Sly holding the gun and it looks like he has them in the correct posistion but folded down. The sights should be moved for accuracy!

Extra headsculpt > ugly outfit

If you expect them to give you two headsculpts and two outfits for the price he's going for (only $20 more than Barney)... that's unreasonable.
No Idea why but Hot Toys have decided to put the flip up iron sights on the gun in the wrong place. On a real weapon they would never be placed here - I reviewed some screen caps of the film to look at Sly holding the gun and it looks like he has them in the correct posistion but folded down. The sights should be moved for accuracy!

Maybe they slide back and forth on the rail because that just looks goofy.

In what way does it look goofy? all assault rifles have their iron sights mounted at the near and far ends of the gun, not placed in the middle as Hot Toys have done
Complete....incomplete...the most important part I think is the headsculpt, and this is where Barney is better than T1. I know that there are so many die hard fans of Terminator here and it's difficult for some of them to be objective, but Barney has a better likeness.
In what way does it look goofy? all assault rifles have their iron sights mounted at the near and far ends of the gun, not placed in the middle as Hot Toys have done


Dude, I was agreeing with you. The iron sights are not supposed to be in the middle, I have them at the front and back of the rail on my Airsoft gun.
I would imagine they move on the HT gun. I'm amazed at the level of working parts that are coming on HT guns these days.
Extra headsculpt > ugly outfit

If you expect them to give you two headsculpts and two outfits for the price he's going for (only $20 more than Barney)... that's unreasonable.

Unreasonable??.. Why??:dunno

The T-1000 is knocking at your door dude! :wink1: (and he is very pissed off..:rotfl. )

It's only a black leather jacket, a grey T-shirt and sunglasses, so that's not asking too much.
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It's really hard to judge HT pricing.

T2 T-800 was $165 through Sideshow, a 1 sculpt, bare bones figure, granted it's a unique body, but still. T-1000 was the same price with 2 heads and 2 full costumes you could build from what was in the box. T1 T-800 is $195, has basically a second head as the only difference between what you get from the T2 T-800, and yet is $30 more.

There's really no pattern to say, oh this one is more because it comes with more. T1 T-800 comes with less than the T-1000 but costs $30 more. Barney Ross comes with less than the T-1000 and only costs $5 more.

I don't think you can really compare each release to others, but simply judge whether for each unique thing, do you feel for the price you're paying, that you're getting your money's worth.
What Hot Toys giveth on figures like T-1000, they taketh away on other figures. I'd say its all about balancing their profit margins across their full output of figures or whatever, there'll be no discernible pattern to us (other than things going up in price) but they themselves know why they're charging more for less on one figure than they did on another figure. A fairly bare-bones release (of a highly anticipated character) at a high price compensates them for the great deal they gave us on another figure. I dunno.