1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Admit it. Even if Hot Toys adjusted and tweaked it and it was improved you'd still have a complaint.

Hey, DiFabio, you are obviously a well-respected collector and member here. What say you, I promise not to complain anymore, if and when HT adjusts and improves the sculpt to what the PS gif shows, OK? No complaints from me, I promise.

And I'll even promise to buy two of the re-adjusted and re-improved figure, OK? :lol:lol:lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Apologies - missed the last part of your post.
It makes no odds if I support the manip or not as I'm not forwarding the suggestion to HT, who for all I know will not pay a shred of attention to it, but based on who's making it I have faith. I own the Mattel figure so you can imagine my astonishment about the reaction to this one...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

^So what's your point on the figure? :dunno :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

at the end we all are going to buy the figure, but everyone has to understand that this sculpt can be better, i could hold another 6 months for them to correct it but is not perfect. Everyone here knows it cant be perfect but the previous work by Hot Toys shows they still can make it!! "if they put they're mind to it" Thanks Marty! ;)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

1. The \S/ is not screen accurate.
2. The face needs some improvements, is already great but it could be better.
Just look at this:



I am buying it for sure just hope they don't throw a DX next.........
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Thanks for asking.
To me its easily the best representation of Reeve embodied in this scale I've ever seen. Having said that I'm more concerned with the inaccurate renderings of the chest and cape shield than I am about the sculpt. The suit is fantastic but is let down by this afterthought IMHO. I have faith in HT this will be rectified and yes, I'd like to see some small modifications in the sculpt but not because its wrong - because its SO close. Despite the agonizing wait I still think the prototype looks a bit rushed. I have confidence it will still be as great as the images above...!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

This figure will sell well, Hot toys will make bank off the profits and i can guarentee that well get more Figures. Im hoping for a DX Clark & Supes all in one epic masterpiece. Someone in a previous post said somthing about a phone booth? That would be awesome LOL

Reeve is really the only one i would want from Original Movie though, ZOD and Hackman have already been done and they will look great if Hot toys does it but for 200 a pop, mabey less, not worth it at least for me. But mabey Jorel black2.0, and of course id love a Smallville figure but well see what happens :)

Currently im creating a fortress of solitude diorama for the figure. Im using Smallville high res stills of the fortress and matting them in the background, ill probly get another light up crystal base and some foam pieces. hopefully it all turns out well.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Despite the agonizing wait I still think the prototype looks a bit rushed. I have confidence it will still be as great as the images above...!

My thoughts exactly after watching the other two sculpts up there (BL and POTC) this superman feels like the last Brandon Routh 2-1 figure looks good but previous say they can do better! My point of view :wink1:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Courtesy of Gretzky99 at toysdaily,

An article from "The Sun" HK newspapers

Excerpts from article,

- Ht had long planned to do CR's Superman but it was only in recent years did Warner started releasing it's licence;
- PERS was initially planned for him but resulting effects were deemed 'average' during production so was reverted back to the usual painted eyes;
- cape is wired;
- No plans for a CK version in the short-term future;
- the initial plan for a light up fortress base was scraped because HT was unsatisfied with the resulting uneven light dispersion.

Those still passing on this, pining over the idea of HT releasing a DX or a Clark must've missed this post. I'm wondering if this might be a oneshot deal like Wolverine.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I've been overdosing on the movies with repeated viewings of Superman 1, Superman 2 Lester cut and Superman 2 Donner cut, commentaries and all :yess:

Straight into my veins :lol

This figure really brought me back to those movies again :hi5:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I've been overdosing on the movies with repeated viewings of Superman 1, Superman 2 Lester cut and Superman 2 Donner cut, commentaries and all :yess:

Straight into my veins :lol

This figure really brought me back to those movies again :hi5:

I want to see them but ill wait for the Blu-ray release later this week!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

True, likeness can be quite subjective... yet! If I had it in hand already, a simple test would prove that this sculpt isn't good enough.

Take EB jack Bauer, strip the paint and show the sculpt to anyone and I'm sure you'll get almost 100% of Sutherland returns

Now, take this sculpt, you can even keep the paint if you like, but remove the S lock and I'm almost positive no one will say it's Reeve!

I'll bet you'll even get some people identify him as Cruise (and he doesn't look like him!) but Reeve? Sorry, he's not in that sculpt! Well, to be fair, there's a little of the guy at some angles, but then again, I know who this is supposed to be!

That said, I pre-ordered two, but I can't help but feel disappointed... :(

well, to be fair, i guess likenesses can be quite subjective. it's perfectly reasonable i'm seeing something close to perfect and you're not. i remember i had the problem when the origins wolverine figure came out and everyone could clearly see jackman and i was having trouble seeing it.

as for sosa's sculpt, i'm not sure which one that is. there are so many custom supes threads.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I've been overdosing on the movies with repeated viewings of Superman 1, Superman 2 Lester cut and Superman 2 Donner cut, commentaries and all :yess:

Straight into my veins :lol

This figure really brought me back to those movies again :hi5:

Ha.....I've watched I and II over the weekend. I've never seen the Lester or Donner cut. I read about the Donner cut. They worth getting?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

True, likeness can be quite subjective... yet! If I had it in hand already, a simple test would prove that this sculpt isn't good enough.

Take EB jack Bauer, strip the paint and show the sculpt to anyone and I'm sure you'll get almost 100% of Sutherland returns

Now, take this sculpt, you can even keep the paint if you like, but remove the S lock and I'm almost positive no one will say it's Reeve!

I'll bet you'll even get some people identify him as Cruise (and he doesn't look like him!) but Reeve? Sorry, he's not in that sculpt! Well, to be fair, there's a little of the guy at some angles, but then again, I know who this is supposed to be!

That said, I pre-ordered two, but I can't help but feel disappointed... :(

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The theatrical version of part II is the Lester cut.

The Donner cut is worth watching if you're a fan of the original movies, but as I've stated previously, I have problems with part II at the most basic level so no amount of tweaking would have changed my opinion on it. The alternate ending in the Donner cut is just a straight-up rehash of the "turning back time" ending in part I, as well.

I think, personally, the theatrical cut of part II is a better experience because it's the finished version and the Donner cut adds a lot of unneeded things to it.

Also: if you're really as disappointed as you claim, 16k, the fact that you pre-ordered two is just mind-boggling. Unless you plan to flip them. If I had the issues you seem to have with the figure, I wouldn't order it at all. I do think, though, that you'll be more impressed with it in-hand, since I personally find that to happen quite often with HT's figures.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yes they are!

Though the Donner cut is less than stellar because some sequences were missing when he made his cut, it's still very interesting to see what direction he was heading for...

Ha.....I've watched I and II over the weekend. I've never seen the Lester or Donner cut. I read about the Donner cut. They worth getting?