1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Sculpt still suck :dunno

Now give me my ___ rape pliz. I SAID NOW!!! :moon
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I am curious on what people at HT think about their CR sculpt. They have done amazing, almost perfect jobs...I wonder if they are totally satisfied with this one.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

a-dev, I'm disappointed in you son. Though, saying Superman and Superman II are the best comic book movies ever made is a pretty bold statement. Especially considering Batman (I'm not doing that "'89" crap anymore, it's BATMAN) is the best comic book movie ever made.


I'm not taking my nostalgia goggles off.

I'm sorry man, I'm sorry :monkey2

I just can't dig those old Superman films nowadays. I guess I didn't watch them enough as a child to really build that connection I'd need. Beyond the timeless Reeve and Superman main theme they just make me go :slap more than anything else.

The Burton Batman's, have an approach to the comic book movie that is also 'of their time' but I can still enjoy them for some reason. I dunno, their being darker and moodier or something and them not quite reaching 'reversing time' or 'amnesia kiss' levels of absurdity.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Hmm. Wonder what "short-term future" means...

Ask the Terminator fans. :lol

Honestly, I see this and 89 Bats getting rushed out and all but forgotten by HT once TDKR is released and they go balls deep into producing figures for the movie.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Sosa's sculpt is a good one, but the expression and puffed-out cheeks/mouth area kill it for me.
I totally agree with this. I'm not even a HT fanboy as the majority of my collection is SS SW & LOTR. But even so, both are great, I just still prefer the HT over Sosa's. We all see what we wan to see. Some think it's great others think it's not. But I agree with Remy in that this shouldn't be called a total fail as it's not. Until someone asks Kato to make a Reeve Superman Suit and Adam make a Reeve sculpt, I highly doubt we'll see one better than what HT has done here. Even my non geeky friends knew who it was when I showed them. I understand some ppls strong feelings, I jus think some are taking it to and beyond the extreme. This is almost making the Heath Ledger Joker extremists not look so extreme IMO
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, I was watching them the other day and thinking how good they are but would benefit from some updated special effects in some of the flying scenes. I hated the Superman Returns film but the special effects were great, it'd be something to see Chris digitalized for maybe a special edition. Either way their a classic and Chris will always be Superman for me.

With all respect I would have to say no thanks
I love the movie the way it is, with it's wonderful 70's special effects and all. Bruce the Shark in JAWS still looks rubber, but it would be a sad day indeed if they replaced it in a special edition with CGI, and I would feel exactly the same way if they modernised Superman 1 and 2
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

a-dev, I'm disappointed in you son. Though, saying Superman and Superman II are the best comic book movies ever made is a pretty bold statement. Especially considering Batman (I'm not doing that "'89" crap anymore, it's BATMAN) is the best comic book movie ever made
as much of a superman man fan I am, I have to agree with this. I really feel BATMAN jumps right off the page, especially the Nicholson's Joker. The look and quality may seem dated, but the actual time and year the movie takes place in is timeless which makes it easier to watch over and over IMO
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

There are two events in the Superman 2 that are done by both directors. The Lois Lane rescue and the Superman reveal. I like the Donner version better. seems more thought of, less rushed. I think I saw somewhere that Donner used Superman One to get the characters down to relate to the audience and then Part Two was supposed to be right into the story and action immediately. I think we see that in the Donner cut.
Plus, the Power down scene, also in both cuts, was so much better in Donner's version. Brando's scenes were so much better, a lot of stuff made more sense. You just have to watch it, Darkseed.


Listen to this man's advise Darkseed......he knows what he says.

I know it's because i'm an old fart....but I LOVE Superman 1 and with Superman 2, Donner's cut is my fave although the patriotic ending from the theatrical cut (Lester's) with him bringing the flag back to the President at the White House is also very memorable for me.

I will take dated (not bad, but dated) special effects with an awesome story, acting and characterization over awesome special effects in a movie that is otherwise boring and stale (cough Superman Returns cough).
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Ask the Terminator fans. :lol

Honestly, I see this and 89 Bats getting rushed out and all but forgotten by HT once TDKR is released and they go balls deep into producing figures for the movie.

Don't forget the Man of Steel as well.
I also think passing on this and waiting for some DX, is going to be a big mistake
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

as much of a superman man fan I am, I have to agree with this. I really feel BATMAN jumps right off the page, especially the Nicholson's Joker. The look and quality may seem dated, but the actual time and year the movie takes place in is timeless which makes it easier to watch over and over IMO

One can't go wrong sitting down and revisiting:

Superman 1, Superman 2 and 89 Batman :rock x 3
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I totally agree with this. I'm not even a HT fanboy as the majority of my collection is SS SW & LOTR. But even so, both are great, I just still prefer the HT over Sosa's. We all see what we wan to see. I agree that this shouldn't be called a total fail as it's not. Even my non geeky friends new who it was when I showed them. I understand some ppls strong feelings, I jus think some are taking it to and beyond the extreme. This is almost making the Heath Ledger Joker extremists not look so extreme IMO

Oh yeah, it makes the Ledger crowd seem tame in comparison. The thing is, the Joker makeup hid his features a bit so there's more room for error when it comes to sculpts. Hell, I've seen sculpts that NAIL the Ledger likeness and people hate all over them because of the way the makeup hid his face.

People just wanted this to be 110% perfect and that will never happen, so every small feature they see that doesn't look right to them is magnified both by that desire for perfection/"accuracy" and the fact that the close-up pictures aren't flattering at all. The flying poses and such that aren't extreme close-ups look beautiful.

I wish some of these guys would collect SS' G.I. Joe line and get on their asses about some of their headsculpts/paint, because some of that passion could really be useful if it truly would get results. I guess since I've learned to live with SS' Joe sculpts, the HT one looks like gold to me.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Don't forget the Man of Steel as well.
I also think passing on this and waiting for some DX, is going to be a big mistake

Good sir, I know nothing of that which you speak and I'll not take kindly to you spouting such rubbish. :ignore::ignore::ignore: :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Oh yeah, it makes the Ledger crowd seem tame in comparison. The thing is, the Joker makeup hid his features a bit so there's more room for error when it comes to sculpts. Hell, I've seen sculpts that NAIL the Ledger likeness and people hate all over them because of the way the makeup hid his face.

People just wanted this to be 110% perfect and that will never happen, so every small feature they see that doesn't look right to them is magnified both by that desire for perfection/"accuracy" and the fact that the close-up pictures aren't flattering at all. The flying poses and such that aren't extreme close-ups look beautiful.

I wish some of these guys would collect SS' G.I. Joe line and get on their asses about some of their headsculpts/paint, because some of that passion could really be useful if it truly would get results. I guess since I've learned to live with SS' Joe sculpts, the HT one looks like gold to me.

Totally agree! The flying/ non close ups are pretty much how you're going to see this figure in everyday life while it's sitting on your shelf. I can't stress how these minimal "flaws" will more than likely not be noticeable in hand.

As for the Joes. I could get into the lineeven though I wanted to. I sold off my snake eyes and Cobra Commander after seeing how the other sculpts started coming out. If this kind of passion was directed towards the Joes, I bet we'd could possibly see some kind of improvement on them. I do think they're SW sculpts are getting better though :D
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

What! you are not looking forward to seeing Superman in slow motion every 5 mins of the movie? :lol

I don't think it will be like that. Synder already said this film will be done differently than the likes of 300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch and so on. He said this film will probably be the most he shoots at real locations than he's ever done. And dont forget that he also did Dawn of the Dead (or Land of the Dead or both). Not saying those were great films by him, but they didn't have the constant slow motion shots we've gotten with his more recent and comicbook oriented films