1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQvNu8LoTo0"]YouTube - ‪We are gonna need a montage!‬‏[/ame]
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXPG3f-TLao"]YouTube - ‪Superman - I Can't Hold Back‬‏[/ame]
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

To crow I ask this - what's the point of agreeing that the boots need to be fixed but then not being bothered about whether the logo shape is off??? Seriously, you want the boots fixed but you don't want an accurate chest and cape logo? I honestly don't understand that sort of half arsed approach at critiquing something and I'm glad some of us here push for excellence on things that would be very simple to fix and would benefit all collectors at the end of the day.

My thoughts on this are simple. The boots are easily noticeable as being inaccurate. You can look at them and Reeve and see the difference without really trying.

But when you get down to the exact dimensions of the S logo at such a scale, that's just a little too much for me. That's not something that is isolated to the Superman figure, though...it's something I see a lot when it comes to collectors. Personally I'm just getting tired of there being no way to discuss something without someone pointing out every little thing that's wrong with it. This holds true for figures, movies, music, games, TV, whatever. There's no discussion anymore without someone just picking whatever the topic is apart.

Does this mean I'm any better for _____ing about the _____ers? No, not at all. I've just gotten to the point where I hate even trying to discuss anything related to my hobbies because it seems like a great deal of people I share the hobby with collect only to point out the flaws of the figures. I've almost stopped trying. I've worked to stop being jaded about everything and enjoy myself because I hated life when I only focused on what was wrong with everything, and it's flat-out tiring to try to discuss anything when everyone else continues to hold onto that view.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yep your right about criticizing every time about something that is inaccurate at the end of the day people are going to buy it right? but is good to understand that there are fans (true Superman Chris Reeve fans) who wants to own the best 12 inch figure out there, Hot Toys can deliver it has shown it for the last couple of years so i dont know why cant they grow a couple of cm the boots and "print" an accurate logo, is the same thing about the blue and red of the Cinemaquette why dont you put the correct one? at the end for my part I want to pay for an accurate thing here, not something thats been done just to get it over with, so i understand why cking is frustrated and i support him, at the end we are supporting mediocrity somehow right?
But hey i will buy the danm thing even if they dont do something,........ please dont take it personal ;)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yep your right about criticizing every time about something that is inaccurate at the end of the day people are going to buy it right? but is good to understand that there are fans (true Superman Chris Reeve fans) who wants to own the best 12 inch figure out there, Hot Toys can deliver it has shown it for the last couple of years so i dont know why cant they grow a couple of cm the boots and "print" an accurate logo, is the same thing about the blue and red of the Cinemaquette why dont you put the correct one? at the end for my part I want to pay for an accurate thing here, not something thats been done just to get it over with, so i understand why cking is frustrated and i support him, at the end we are supporting mediocrity somehow right?
But hey i will buy the danm thing even if they dont do something,........ please dont take it personal ;)

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44DCWslbsNM"]YouTube - ‪As OCD as it Gets‬‏[/ame]

Maybe Reeve should've started another foundation to help those with OCD given "true Superman Chris Reeve fans" apparently suffer from it chronically? :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm a "true Superman Chris Reeve fan". I grew up with the movies, and he's always been my favorite Superman. Hell, to me he was Superman as a kid. I want the best representation I can get of him.

The Cinemaquette was crap, but I don't have the scratch to collect them so quite frankly I didn't even discuss it.

My thing is...I don't see how anyone can look at the figure and see mediocrity. At all. I see a damn good 1/6 figure, and one that we wouldn't have even dreamed of seeing even a few years ago. Are there things I think could look better? Sure there are. But at the end of the day, I'm still going to end up getting a damn good Reeve Superman with very, very minor flaws that aren't even worth stressing out over. And that's just fine with me. My mind just can't grasp how people can put so much energy into minutiae such as what people are pointing out here.

I'll just say that things have happened in my life which have led me to be thankful for even the smallest things, and I wish more people could learn to be happy with such a fantastic product instead of spending so much time and energy picking out such tiny issues.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

It's a Montage-alooza! :rotfl

Geez, just how many of you slackers are baked right now? :lol :stick :yess:
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


Oh ____ I just fell out of my chair. :lol :lol :lol :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I agree! But it sure is fun, isn't it?!

Just saw the stuff from Devil 666. Wow. Obsessing over those who obsess.

Ah, the internet. That kind of clowning gets you knocked the ____ out in real life. ******.

eTuff Guy
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Is it too late to ask for a DX?:rotfl
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

For the record I don't mind thoughtful and well articulated critiques. It's the over exaggerating and whinging that chafes the thread.

I agree 100%.

But it should be noted that there are "chafers" on both sides of the fence.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

My thoughts on this are simple. The boots are easily noticeable as being inaccurate. You can look at them and Reeve and see the difference without really trying.

But when you get down to the exact dimensions of the S logo at such a scale, that's just a little too much for me. That's not something that is isolated to the Superman figure, though...it's something I see a lot when it comes to collectors. Personally I'm just getting tired of there being no way to discuss something without someone pointing out every little thing that's wrong with it. This holds true for figures, movies, music, games, TV, whatever. There's no discussion anymore without someone just picking whatever the topic is apart.

Does this mean I'm any better for _____ing about the _____ers? No, not at all. I've just gotten to the point where I hate even trying to discuss anything related to my hobbies because it seems like a great deal of people I share the hobby with collect only to point out the flaws of the figures. I've almost stopped trying. I've worked to stop being jaded about everything and enjoy myself because I hated life when I only focused on what was wrong with everything, and it's flat-out tiring to try to discuss anything when everyone else continues to hold onto that view.

Sounds like you're projection you're personal feelings on others. Isn't it possible that some "obsessive" collectors actually enjoy that style of collecting? Is it possible that what you call 'focusing on what is wrong with everything" actually adds to their enjoyment of this hobby rather than making them hate life?

The part that I find truly mystifying is that you feel someone else's collecting style somehow spoils your hobby (you are not the only one who has said something to that effect.)

Personally I like being around guys like intothevoid. I'm not interested in taking "screen-acuracy" to the level that they are, but it has caused my collecting style to evolve and grow. Most of my collectibles are stock, but sometimes it's fun to make tweaks and mods to figures. And that wouldn't happen without someone to point out where there could be improvements. And although I only dabble in this stuff, now I think of my hobby as more than just collecting and definitely enjoy it more too. :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm a customizer myself, and I tweak and mod my figures when I see something that needs it.

Let me put it to you this way, about other people spoiling my hobby. I collect G.I. Joe, Transformers and He-Man religiously. I absolutely can not have any sort of conversation with other collectors of those properties, especially He-Man, because of the way people on boards dedicated to those properties act. I like discussing things I'm passionate about with people, but when there's literally nothing but complaints, it takes the wind out of my sails. Go over to He-Man.org and browse the forums and you'll see what I mean.

Is it that bad over here? Not at all. But every 5th or so post complaining about something so small as to be almost invisible on this figure really detracts from having an actual discussion about it.

The obsessives can enjoy all they want, and if it makes them happy, more power to them. But at some point I just have to wonder why they even collect these things if all they can do is point out what's wrong with them. Just because they enjoy it doesn't mean I can't call them out on what I perceive as being a little insane.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm a "true Superman Chris Reeve fan". I grew up with the movies, and he's always been my favorite Superman. Hell, to me he was Superman as a kid. I want the best representation I can get of him.

The Cinemaquette was crap, but I don't have the scratch to collect them so quite frankly I didn't even discuss it.

My thing is...I don't see how anyone can look at the figure and see mediocrity. At all. I see a damn good 1/6 figure, and one that we wouldn't have even dreamed of seeing even a few years ago. Are there things I think could look better? Sure there are. But at the end of the day, I'm still going to end up getting a damn good Reeve Superman with very, very minor flaws that aren't even worth stressing out over. And that's just fine with me. My mind just can't grasp how people can put so much energy into minutiae such as what people are pointing out here.

I'll just say that things have happened in my life which have led me to be thankful for even the smallest things, and I wish more people could learn to be happy with such a fantastic product instead of spending so much time and energy picking out such tiny issues.

I agree with most of this. Just don't let people 'putting so much energy into minutiae' bug you. It's all good. They aren't trying to spoil the figure for you.

With a very few exceptions, we all agree this is a great figure and have every intention of buying it. So fundamentally we all agree. Some just get enjoyment out of analyzing minutiae.

And honestly, as fun as the hi-5-ing was at the beginning of this thread, at some point that just becomes redundant. Without getting into minutiae there isn't much to talk about after the initial excitement simmers down a bit. So it really doesn't bother me at all, when it's done calmly and respectfully.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'm a customizer myself, and I tweak and mod my figures when I see something that needs it.

Let me put it to you this way, about other people spoiling my hobby. I collect G.I. Joe, Transformers and He-Man religiously. I absolutely can not have any sort of conversation with other collectors of those properties, especially He-Man, because of the way people on boards dedicated to those properties act. I like discussing things I'm passionate about with people, but when there's literally nothing but complaints, it takes the wind out of my sails. Go over to He-Man.org and browse the forums and you'll see what I mean.

Is it that bad over here? Not at all. But every 5th or so post complaining about something so small as to be almost invisible on this figure really detracts from having an actual discussion about it.

The obsessives can enjoy all they want, and if it makes them happy, more power to them. But at some point I just have to wonder why they even collect these things if all they can do is point out what's wrong with them. Just because they enjoy it doesn't mean I can't call them out on what I perceive as being a little insane.

I understand the point you are making, and I'm sorry that you are affected so profoundly by this. :(

What would you like the "actual discussion" to be about? Other than just repeating over and over how great it is? :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'd rather the thread die until it's actually released. That beats people continually beating a dead horse about the smallest ____.

I'm not affected "profoundly", I'm just offering my thoughts up during commercials since I'm too damn tired from work to do anything else. I just think it's getting a little ridiculous that you literally can't discuss anything anymore without someone ____ting all over it. There's no fun in talking about the hobby anymore, and with a hobby like collecting, half the fun is sharing it with others.

I think you've mistaken my wistful remembrances of past times when it was actually fun to talk about collecting for me being "affected" by peoples' insane inability to be happy about anything. A hobby is supposed to take you away from real-world problems, not cause you to freak out over the tiniest things. I'm genuinely curious why people seem to only collect to nitpick.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Sounds like you're projection you're personal feelings on others. Isn't it possible that some "obsessive" collectors actually enjoy that style of collecting? Is it possible that what you call 'focusing on what is wrong with everything" actually adds to their enjoyment of this hobby rather than making them hate life?

The part that I find truly mystifying is that you feel someone else's collecting style somehow spoils your hobby (you are not the only one who has said something to that effect.)

Personally I like being around guys like intothevoid. I'm not interested in taking "screen-acuracy" to the level that they are, but it has caused my collecting style to evolve and grow. Most of my collectibles are stock, but sometimes it's fun to make tweaks and mods to figures. And that wouldn't happen without someone to point out where there could be improvements. And although I only dabble in this stuff, now I think of my hobby as more than just collecting and definitely enjoy it more too. :)

How do you feel about people putting the things you enjoy under a microscope and ridiculing every aspect of them, repeatedly, post, after post, after post. Then defend themselves by wording it as "Well only stupid asshats settle for mediocrity. Why should we have to?" or "HT has no right to make us pay a donation. I'm entitled to a Reeve likeness without having to pay for it!" or posting 200 photoshops with such miniscule changes that 90% of the people can't even see what they changed but they're acting like they turned a turd into the Mona Lisa. That's not even including the extremists who've called this a turd and said it's so inaccurate they can't even see Reeve in the sculpt.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'd rather the thread die until it's actually released. That beats people continually beating a dead horse about the smallest ____.

Actually don't quite a few people stay out of these threads until the figures are in-hand? Perhaps that would be a good idea for you. I do agree that that's when things get more interesting.

I think you've mistaken my wistful remembrances of past times when it was actually fun to talk about collecting for me being "affected" by peoples' insane inability to be happy about anything. A hobby is supposed to take you away from real-world problems, not cause you to freak out over the tiniest things. I'm genuinely curious why people seem to only collect to nitpick.

I agree that a hobby should take you away from real-world problems, but to say that 'freaking out over the tiniest things' within the hobby itself isn't a way for people to effectively do that is like saying that the only good movies are comedies. Some people like to escape with a horror movie. Just because the things that are happening on screen would be stressful in real life doesn't mean that it's not good escapism.

How do you feel about people ...


...putting the things you enjoy under a microscope and ridiculing every aspect of them, repeatedly, post, after post, after post. Then defend themselves by wording it as "Well only stupid asshats settle for mediocrity. Why should we have to?" or "HT has no right to make us pay a donation. I'm entitled to a Reeve likeness without having to pay for it!"

Don't like it.


...or posting 200 photoshops with such miniscule changes that 90% of the people can't even see what they changed but they're acting like they turned a turd into the Mona Lisa.

Hyperbole aside, I don't mind it.

That's not even including the extremists who've called this a turd and said it's so inaccurate they can't even see Reeve in the sculpt.

Yeah, nobody here is defending the trolls.