1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Funny, but yeah. Reeve is Superman. Keaton and Jack don't work that way for me. Keaton isn't Batman and Jack isn't the Joker. I will be getting the figures, but for different (although still sentimental) reasons.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

There is a reason why some characters are considered "classics" and it's not because of nostalgia or "tinted glasses".
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

True... Chris Reeve IS the UN-DISPUTED Superman. There is no other. :lecture

Where as there are four good Batman's but no single un-disputed Batman

  • Adam West
  • Michael Keaton
  • Kevin Conroy
  • Christian Bale
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

:lecture Not only that, but I don't believe that Nolan's interpretation of Batman would have even existed if it weren't for the Tim Burton movies.

Neither would Schumacher's. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

True... Chris Reeve IS the UN-DISPUTED Superman. There is no other. :lecture

In your opinion of course :wink1:

For me there still has yet to be an "undisputed" superman. Superman is my Number 1 Superhero and I've yet to see anyone do Superman justice in all elements of Superman. Sure Reeve was great no question but I can't say he's my favorite. I don't have one. Not yet at least. Maybe Cavil turns it around :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I just want Superman to face a villain in a knock-down super fight, smashing through building throwing cars, all that Jazz.

My biggest fault with Supes is his god-like power not being as utilised as it should, he needs to face someone on film that makes him sweat, that provides a physical challenge, not the same villain with Kryptonite over an over.

My favourite Superman moment on film is from "Superman: Doomsday", he's beaten and bloodies and Doomsday moves to attack a small child, Superman AGAINST ODDS for once really shows his heroism by using his last bit of strength to lift Doomsday into orbit.

That in Live-Action would be (i won't say Epic as that is thrown around to often) Powerful.

My favourite live-action Superman film is the first and third, because i like Richard Pryor

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I just want Superman to face a villain in a knock-down super fight, smashing through building throwing cars, all that Jazz.

Thats what I want, a movie with NO Lex Luthor. Land, land, land. Its always about land.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Thats what I want, a movie with NO Lex Luthor. Land, land, land. Its always about land.

The REAL Lex Luthor isn't about land. That's just something Donner did. One of the things I do indeed hate about that film.

I want to see justice done to Lex. The closest I've seen to an ideal Lex is the portrayal of him in Smallville. Hands down the best live action Lex Luthor IMO

I'm sure we're definitely without question going to see a big fight in Snyder's film(s)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Hmm... is that a good thing? :huh

Although I might be a bit turned off by the man-love, I can honestly say that I would enjoy that movie as long as it was well done in it's own right. :dunno

The particular scenario you describe sounds like horror/camp, which might be pretty cool.

To put it in perspective, an example of what I do read would be anything by J.R.R. Tolkien. If I'm a book thumper it's for his books. When The Two Towers came out I was revolted at first by the portrayal of Faramir. He is my favorite character in the books because of how resolutely he refuses the ring (and other reasons). But, in the movie he takes Frodo and Sam along with the ring to Osgiliath [???!!!]. My initial reaction to this helps me understand to a small extent how you must feel about Batman's behavior in Batman '89. However, the thing is, I couldn't stay mad at the film because the story works so well. When I ignore what I know from the books I can enjoy the version of the story that we see on screen. If I want to be reminded of the "real" Faramir I can just pick up the books. It's not like Peter Jackson burned all the books when he made the movies. Likewise, it's not like Tim Burton burned all the comics when he made his Batman movies.

Also, in my opinion, a comic book character is much more open to interpretation than one storyline like The Lord of the Rings. Super-hero stories get told again and again in many incarnations.

How do you feel about the Elseworlds universe (btw, I'm only familiar with this due to the figures I have from the line). It takes characters you are familiar with and turns them on their head. Are they crap because the characters behave differently than you are used to? Shouldn't the stories stand on their own with no preconceived expectations?

I get that Batman '89 wasn't what you were hoping for at the time, but your expectations have nothing to do with the quality of the movie.

The treatment of faramir is it exactly. I still roll my eyes at that part every single time.

Elsewords are different, BUT in the elseworlds comics, it's more about " how would this character have been effected IF blah had happened instead of blah?" They give a reason for the ( in some cases) Extreme deviation from the main story. And they are intended to be different from the original.

what if superman's ship landed in the USSR instead of Kansas?
What if Bruce wayne was a stillborn, and the Wayne family took a cross-country trip to ease their pain, only to find a small child in a Kansas field?
just tow of my favorite elsewords examples.
THey get a pass, becuase the whole point of them is to explore different aspects. how the character would have evolved given different circumstances

In short, it's ok, because there is a reason given for why things are different.
Instead of keeping everything the same, and simply changing a few key things just for "shock value", or because it looks cool , and could drive sales.

True... Chris Reeve IS the UN-DISPUTED Superman. There is no other. :lecture

Where as there are four good Batman's but no single un-disputed Batman

  • Adam West
  • Michael Keaton
  • Kevin Conroy
  • Christian Bale

Kevin Conroy is still my preferred Batman. yes, it's just voice acting, but he still has the right... something in his performance that makes me believe he's the god-damned batman.

and now for something completely different
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Adam West was a supreme joke of a Batman. Can't believe the old fart was "insulted" when Burton didn't ask him to reprise his "role" for the '89 movie. Surreal to say the least.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Batman intenionaly killing people
I'm assuming that that word is meant to be 'intentionally', but regardless of that, comic book cry babies that bring this up, really need to go and do some research and STFU.

The comic book Batman isn't as squeaky clean as you think.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


The REAL Lex Luthor isn't about land. That's just something Donner did. One of the things I do indeed hate about that film.

I want to see justice done to Lex. The closest I've seen to an ideal Lex is the portrayal of him in Smallville. Hands down the best live action Lex Luthor IMO

I'm sure we're definitely without question going to see a big fight in Snyder's film(s)


I'm assuming that that word is meant to be 'intentionally', but regardless of that, comic book cry babies that bring this up, really need to go and do some research and STFU.

The comic book Batman isn't as squeaky clean as you think.

Comic book Batman might not be squeaky clean but at least the modern age Batman is not a blatant killer - there is still a gray area of course and the Nolan version lives in that gray area ('I won't kill you but I don't have to save you') - and i much prefer that characteristic to a remorseless killer we saw with Keaton
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Thats what I want, a movie with NO Lex Luthor. Land, land, land. Its always about land.

Thing is with Superman, the whole dynamic works because the whole point is Brains over Brawn. It's cool that Lex manages to outwit Superman and that's why he's such a dangerous villian. Then it's exciting to see how Superman will come back from the situation using his on his own smarts.

If they made a film with some boring arse villian that just smashed stuff up and was "right strong" that would make for a pretty boring story.
How bad was that cgi villian that Tim Roth turned into in the Incredible Hulk film, I was so bored by the last 20 minutes of that film. It'll be interesting to see if they make Bane a cerebral character in Dark Knight Rising, or just have him super strong smashing stuff up.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Ooh I did mean to say, it would be nice to see a film not based around land heh
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Thing is with Superman, the whole dynamic works because the whole point is Brains over Brawn. It's cool that Lex manages to outwit Superman and that's why he's such a dangerous villian. Then it's exciting to see how Superman will come back from the situation using his on his own smarts.

If they made a film with some boring arse villian that just smashed stuff up and was "right strong" that would make for a pretty boring story.
How bad was that cgi villian that Tim Roth turned into in the Incredible Hulk film, I was so bored by the last 20 minutes of that film. It'll be interesting to see if they make Bane a cerebral character in Dark Knight Rising, or just have him super strong smashing stuff up.

I disagree. Hulk versus Abomination was the greatest part of that whole film. I loved every minute! HULK SMASH!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Comic book Batman might not be squeaky clean but at least the modern age Batman is not a blatant killer - there is still a gray area of course and the Nolan version lives in that gray area ('I won't kill you but I don't have to save you') - and i much prefer that characteristic to a remorseless killer we saw with Keaton

How do you know the train crashing didn't kill anybody? Nolan's Batman intentionally killed members of the League of Shadows with a fire he started. Is it not feasible that the debris from his roof tromping in the Tumbler, or his chase scene in the Garage in TDK injured/killed people? Nolan left plotholes that allowed for Batman's killing which didn't go addressed. So this soapbox trolling isn't really justified. Especially in the Superman thread. :huh :wink1: