1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

"Pole-sqatters", "Oxymoronic", "Titybabies".

^^^I am so sick of those words...

Tittybabies, with 3 T's Mags. :wink1:

You forgot custom scrotum monkeys.. of which I am numero uno :lol

While I'd definitely say you're a card-carrying member of the dingleberry hierarchy of scrotemonkeys, there are a handful who have you beat (the sculpts you like actually look like the characters they're supposed to be). :lecture:lecture:lecture :lol
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Tittybabies, with 3 T's Mags. :wink1:

While I'd definitely say you're a card-carrying member of the dingleberry hierarchy of scrotemonkeys, there are a handful who have you beat. :lecture:lecture:lecture :lol

Is Mags close to metamorphosising into a scrollermonkey?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I had no expectations.

But it was my introduction to Burton, and I have loved him ever since.

This movie is one of Burton's best (still is) and it's just a plus that it has Batman as the main character.

I love the two Burton movies, and stick up for them to all the Nolan lovers. But I can even admit Batman is not the main character in these two movies, going by storyline.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So nice to see another promising thread rot in less than 48 hours. :slap :cuckoo: :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

While I'd definitely say you're a card-carrying member of the dingleberry hierarchy of scrotemonkeys, there are a handful who have you beat (the sculpts you like actually look like the characters they're supposed to be). :lecture:lecture:lecture :lol

:exactly:He is Autobot John's #1 fan. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So nice to see another promising thread rot in less than 48 hours. :slap :cuckoo: :lol

Sadly the moderators for the DC section aren't any better.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, Burtons movies in general are pretty timeless. Can't say the same for Superman 78.

I don't read comics.

And I take movies for what they are. I don't judge them buy their source material.

Batman and Batman Returns are fantastic movies. Period.

Good movie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faithful to source material.


So.... if i made a film about batman, with an amazing story, fantastically written plot, and great action sequences. but the main story-line focuses on batman murdering millions of people with rocket-propelled fish as a way to express his new-found homosexual love for the joker, you'd be ok with it, so long as it was a good move?

With the nostalgia goggles comment, I don't think lerath meant that things look dated or timeless as far as fashion or cars, I think he meant that people are just remembering it with the same youthful naivete they had when they first saw the movies at a young age. Haven't you ever re-watched a film or TV show you saw and loved as a kid and think, "gawd this is terrible! How did I ever like this?"

that's it exactly. I fell the same way about Krull, as well as the original superman films. more on that below

Don't mean to open a can of worms but one thing that bothered me about the Superman films was his plot hole abilities. I was able to overlook it as a kid 'cause it was Superman. But as I got older re-watching certain scenes started to bother me. Like his afformentioned time bending where he flies around the world to reset everything. Or his amnesiac kiss which he gives Lois and I've always wondered how far does that kiss really stem to? Does she forget the entire time she smushed with Superman and if she does doesn't she question where those days went? Guess I'm overanalyzing.

A vigilante batman is more believable because he's sort of doing it throughout the entire film and there's reason behind it, he parents got killed and so forth.

Both films hold great nostalgia for me, but it's that single scene that ruins Superman from being a great film. Not that it's a bad film by any means. I would've been fine if there was only one missle, or Superman had enough time to stop both, granted that would probably not have been as suspenseful but it would have made sense.

I agree completely. There has NEVER been a truly great superman film.
The reeve movies do an excellent job of capturing the essence and personality of the character, but mess up on actual movie substance. They're fine for their time, but they're missing something.
Superman returns was bad for other reasons.

The burton batman films did an excellent job of capturing the "feel" of batman's universe, but did a poor job of presenting the character.

All this is just my opinion, and you're entitled to yours as well, but I think it's kinda poopy how the source material gets ignored by holyweird more oft than not.
Transformers, and G.I. Joe being stellar examples of exactly how bad the end result of doing that can be.
All flash, no substance.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure



...seriously dude.

Ok looks fine in the official pics. I guess the angle in this shot had me fooled!

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I agree with you guys. There is a definitive Superman but no definitive Superman film. The old films - dated in almost every respect, impossible to 'take seriously' today. Superman Returns....sigh...just boring for too much of its running time.

It annoys me that the classic John Williams theme, possibly my favourite piece of music ever written, will never soundtrack a truly timeless and excellent Superman film - since they probably won't be using it in the new film, though I haven't heard one way or another.

Anyway just my opinion, if it pi$$es you off you're probably older than me and have a great sentimental attachment to the old films. I understand that, I just don't have any myself for the Reeve films. Wasn't born till 82 and wasn't shown the Superman films much as a child.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Is Mags close to metamorphosising into a scrollermonkey?

Hmm... is that a good thing? :huh

I love the two Burton movies, and stick up for them to all the Nolan lovers. But I can even admit Batman is not the main character in these two movies, going by storyline.

You could say the same thing about TDK. You know what I meant.


So.... if i made a film about batman, with an amazing story, fantastically written plot, and great action sequences. but the main story-line focuses on batman murdering millions of people with rocket-propelled fish as a way to express his new-found homosexual love for the joker, you'd be ok with it, so long as it was a good move?

Although I might be a bit turned off by the man-love, I can honestly say that I would enjoy that movie as long as it was well done in it's own right. :dunno

The particular scenario you describe sounds like horror/camp, which might be pretty cool.

To put it in perspective, an example of what I do read would be anything by J.R.R. Tolkien. If I'm a book thumper it's for his books. When The Two Towers came out I was revolted at first by the portrayal of Faramir. He is my favorite character in the books because of how resolutely he refuses the ring (and other reasons). But, in the movie he takes Frodo and Sam along with the ring to Osgiliath [???!!!]. My initial reaction to this helps me understand to a small extent how you must feel about Batman's behavior in Batman '89. However, the thing is, I couldn't stay mad at the film because the story works so well. When I ignore what I know from the books I can enjoy the version of the story that we see on screen. If I want to be reminded of the "real" Faramir I can just pick up the books. It's not like Peter Jackson burned all the books when he made the movies. Likewise, it's not like Tim Burton burned all the comics when he made his Batman movies.

Also, in my opinion, a comic book character is much more open to interpretation than one storyline like The Lord of the Rings. Super-hero stories get told again and again in many incarnations.

How do you feel about the Elseworlds universe (btw, I'm only familiar with this due to the figures I have from the line). It takes characters you are familiar with and turns them on their head. Are they crap because the characters behave differently than you are used to? Shouldn't the stories stand on their own with no preconceived expectations?

I get that Batman '89 wasn't what you were hoping for at the time, but your expectations have nothing to do with the quality of the movie.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I agree with you guys. There is a definitive Superman but no definitive Superman film. The old films - dated in almost every respect, impossible to 'take seriously' today. Superman Returns....sigh...just boring for too much of its running time.

It annoys me that the classic John Williams theme, possibly my favourite piece of music ever written, will never soundtrack a truly timeless and excellent Superman film - since they probably won't be using it in the new film, though I haven't heard one way or another.

Anyway just my opinion, if it pi$$es you off you're probably older than me and have a great sentimental attachment to the old films. I understand that, I just don't have any myself for the Reeve films. Wasn't born till 82 and wasn't shown the Superman films much as a child.

I just want Superman to face a villain in a knock-down super fight, smashing through building throwing cars, all that Jazz.

My biggest fault with Supes is his god-like power not being as utilised as it should, he needs to face someone on film that makes him sweat, that provides a physical challenge, not the same villain with Kryptonite over an over.

My favourite Superman moment on film is from "Superman: Doomsday", he's beaten and bloodies and Doomsday moves to attack a small child, Superman AGAINST ODDS for once really shows his heroism by using his last bit of strength to lift Doomsday into orbit.

That in Live-Action would be (i won't say Epic as that is thrown around to often) Powerful.

My favourite live-action Superman film is the first and third, because i like Richard Pryor
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Was there ever any consensus as to what to use for flying poses when this guy comes out? I'm not entirely sure I'll be using the Fortress base, but I know I want him in some sort of flight pose.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Reeve is Superman for me with Reeves being a close second. Even as a kid the first movie sucked. Reeve was the best part. Although nowhere near a masterpiece the second movie is much more palatable.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I get that sentiment. The first movie, plot and supporting cast wise, hasn't held up well for me (which is somewhat sad, because I loved it so much when I was a kid), but I still enjoy it just to see Reeve in the part. His performance is infinitely better than anyone else's.