1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Don't even kid yourself the first two Superman films had John Williams score. And that right there is +1 pts in any game. Superman the Movie is the best SUPERHERO movie to date i don't care what anyone says. (dated or not)

Original Superman films > Original Batman films
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

for start Batman MURDERS PEOPLE in burton's film.
his car has bombs and guns

Yes, it's a fun film, but it goes in the same basket as the bayformers movies and the prequel trilogy.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

for start Batman MURDERS PEOPLE in burton's film.
his car has bombs and guns

Yes, it's a fun film, but it goes in the same basket as the bayformers movies and the prequel trilogy.

Yeah i really don't like that aspect of the Burton films - Killer batman!

That said, I still think they're very good films, and the nostalgia alone has me convinced that these figs are must haves.

My heart lies with the Nolan interpretation though without a doubt.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

:lol @ the people hating on the '89 suit but praising Nolan's suit. The BB suit was clearly inspired by the '89.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Um Superman thread???
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

:lol @ the people hating on the '89 suit but praising Nolan's suit. The BB suit was clearly inspired by the '89.

:lecture Not only that, but I don't believe that Nolan's interpretation of Batman would have even existed if it weren't for the Tim Burton movies.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

____ Hot Toys, the DCD '89 Batman and '78 Superman statues are better.

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


I'm actually fine with hating it. Superman > Batman

The new bat films are cool, i hope the new superman films can relaunch an awesome superhero.

I hope so too. I'm pretty tired of mostly Batman products being the only thing coming from DC...I don't count the GL movie. thought it was horrible.

for me Superman>Batman BUT I will honestly say that I can watch Batman and Batman Returns repetitively more times than any other superhero film.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

it was... a terrible batman move?
Batman intenionaly killing people, and using guns?
Not to mention, the way keaton's cheeks puff out from the mask... he should have been called fatman.

on the plus side, loads of fat guys can get away with cosplaying as him.

His performance made up for it, he played an excellent "batman" who was written/ re-imagined poorly.

I get that people like it. and that's fine. But I'm also pretty sure that a great deal of that love is, much like the old Ahnuld conan films, skewed through a very VERY thick pair of nostalgia goggles.

Not at all. Those movies to those that like them still hold up well and since they are in a fantastical setting, are likely to hold up a lot longer than others. Superman 78 is a great movie, but it looks dated. Batman 89 does not, except where it is supposed to with the older cars, etc. Actually, nostalgia goggles might be why so many still think Superman 78 is so great. ;)

Yeah, Burtons movies in general are pretty timeless. Can't say the same for Superman 78.

Donno about superman. For me, he looks like Comic book Superman.
And that's ALL that matters. The fact that it's Reeve is cool, but that's more like icing on the cake.

For me Comics > film counterparts every time.

oh, and as a follow-up, I'm not saying the burtman films don't hold up well, I'm saying they were terrible then too. But as we were younger, we were better able to overlook it.

I don't read comics.

And I take movies for what they are. I don't judge them buy their source material.

Batman and Batman Returns are fantastic movies. Period.

Good movie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faithful to source material.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yep. Add that to the list. :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

With the nostalgia goggles comment, I don't think lerath meant that things look dated or timeless as far as fashion or cars, I think he meant that people are just remembering it with the same youthful naivete they had when they first saw the movies at a young age. Haven't you ever re-watched a film or TV show you saw and loved as a kid and think, "gawd this is terrible! How did I ever like this?"

I personally was looking forward to the first Batman movie (I was in high school at the time) because I thought it looked like it was going to be great. Finally a movie that takes a comic book character seriously and handles it with intelligence and style. I was fairly disappointed. It wasn't terrible. I liked Keaton's take, and thought Jack was brilliant. But overall as a movie I thought it was a little weak. Just kinda meh *shrug*.

When Batman Returns came out, I was very much looking forward to it too. I thought the look was just right, and was hoping Tim Burton would have done a little better with the story. It seemed promising with Catwoman finding out who Bats is and all. But that movie was an even worse disappointment. I almost walked out on it when Bruce did the waka waka waka scratch thing with the CD. UGH. That was just the last straw with what I thought was a terrible movie. I stuck it out, but it didn't get any better for me.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

With the nostalgia goggles comment, I don't think lerath meant that things look dated or timeless as far as fashion or cars, I think he meant that people are just remembering it with the same youthful naivete they had when they first saw the movies at a young age. Haven't you ever re-watched a film or TV show you saw and loved as a kid and think, "gawd this is terrible! How did I ever like this?"

I personally was looking forward to the first Batman movie (I was in high school at the time) because I thought it looked like it was going to be great. Finally a movie that takes a comic book character seriously and handles it with intelligence and style. I was fairly disappointed. It wasn't terrible. I liked Keaton's take, and thought Jack was brilliant. But overall as a movie I thought it was a little weak. Just kinda meh *shrug*.

I had no expectations.

But it was my introduction to Burton, and I have loved him ever since.

This movie is one of Burton's best (still is) and it's just a plus that it has Batman as the main character.

When Batman Returns came out, I was very much looking forward to it too. I thought the look was just right, and was hoping Tim Burton would have done a little better with the story. It seemed promising with Catwoman finding out who Bats is and all. But that movie was an even worse disappointment. I almost walked out on it when Bruce did the waka waka waka scratch thing with the CD. UGH. That was just the last straw with what I thought was a terrible movie. I stuck it out, but it didn't get any better for me.

See, I like Returns even more. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Don't mean to open a can of worms but one thing that bothered me about the Superman films was his plot hole abilities. I was able to overlook it as a kid 'cause it was Superman. But as I got older re-watching certain scenes started to bother me. Like his afformentioned time bending where he flies around the world to reset everything. Or his amnesiac kiss which he gives Lois and I've always wondered how far does that kiss really stem to? Does she forget the entire time she smushed with Superman and if she does doesn't she question where those days went? Guess I'm overanalyzing.

A vigilante batman is more believable because he's sort of doing it throughout the entire film and there's reason behind it, he parents got killed and so forth.

Both films hold great nostalgia for me, but it's that single scene that ruins Superman from being a great film. Not that it's a bad film by any means. I would've been fine if there was only one missle, or Superman had enough time to stop both, granted that would probably not have been as suspenseful but it would have made sense.