Personally, I loved MoS and the Zod figure is a beast... for me one of Hot Toy's nicest figures to date. The armour is superb... I'd definitely recommend you buy him.
Jor El too is a great figure, nice likeness of Russel Crowe, but depends how much of a Superman fan you are I suppose.
Suicide Squad figures should be promising – eager to see who they do (other than the definite Harley & Joker figures).
As for Daredevil... didn't know there was one coming out? From Hot Toys? I'd assume based on the TV series? Hmmm, again depends on your 'likes'. I loved the TV series, but hate the mask he wears... something 'off' about it... the nose I think... and I didn't like it enough to pay HT money for. A Bernthal 'Punisher' though would be tempting.