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It has been too long since we last saw pics of this baby, so let us fix that:


Awesome! I don't understand how anyone can like Camerons bug over this bada$$. NECA did a great job on this.
Alright, here's your Alien versus Alien feature!

I wanted to see how proportions matched up, so I tried to make both figures the same "scale" matching the length of the shins.

Anyway, here's what these two face to face might look like, if they were anywhere close in the size/scale department...

The only thing I don't like on the NECA is that seam on the rear of the should come all the way under like the other figure, and be one piece dome. Other than that I think the NECA is superior. Is that a Kenner Alien on the right?
Yep, that is pretty ugly, kind of like the Wolf Predator seam.

I realize that's a proto. Hopefully, on the production version they will correct that. Other than that it kicks a$$! I'm definitely in for a couple of these!

Also, the hands on the NECA look more screen accurate.
Still not going to be able to resist the Medicom when he becomes available. There is just something sleek and sexy about that figure. I will have both!
I'll be getting both. NECA's already pre-ordered, and as soon as someone states-side puts it up, the Medi-alien will be pre-ordered.
On the seam issue: I doubt that will get fixed. It's just the way the figure is manufactured, but I suppose a bit of glue and paint can make it disappear.
I'll be getting both. NECA's already pre-ordered, and as soon as someone states-side puts it up, the Medi-alien will be pre-ordered.
On the seam issue: I doubt that will get fixed. It's just the way the figure is manufactured, but I suppose a bit of glue and paint can make it disappear.

I take your word for that, as you have the inside scoop. Thats too bad...other than that, the figure is awesome and well thought out. It seems to me that the NECAS hands are more least from what I remember of it reaching out for Dallas in the airshaft. Why would Medicom make his hands like that?
I take your word for that, as you have the inside scoop. Thats too bad...other than that, the figure is awesome and well thought out. It seems to me that the NECAS hands are more least from what I remember of it reaching out for Dallas in the airshaft. Why would Medicom make his hands like that?

Well, the sculpture had the fingers splayed out like that, it was just the suit that had the fingers fused together.
22 inches of pure awesomeness. i still want to see pics of the actual production pieces. got one pre-ordered regardless.
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Hey guys, this is my first post! I've been browsing here for a while, but couldn't resist posting any longer.

I've only been collecting a few months, although I've dabbled with action figures all my life. My obsession with Alien has got out of hand recently (although not compared to some!), and like many of you I'm searching for the definitive, poseable rendition.

Let me state up front, I'll be getting both NECA Aliens, and the Medicom one. But I still don't think either is quite perfect. The NECA one seems to have the most faithful body suit, in terms of the shape and the colouring. But here the old chestnut of "Faithful to the prop, or to what we see on screen?" rears its ugly head, because like the Hot Toys Alien Warrior, the dark lighting means that what we see of Giger's suit in press shots, looks a lot lighter than what Ridley Scott showed us creeping around in the dark.

The Medicom one on the other hand, looks more like what we saw on screen. It looks dark, almost black, whereas we know the prop was much lighter, with a brown-ish hue.

But the biggest bone of contention is the visible skull. Everyone knows the cowl was semi transparent, but I can't remember a single scene of the film where we actually see the skull, and certainly not the eye sockets. One of my favourite reference points is the 1979 "Book of Alien". This was the closest thing we got to a DVD commentary back then, and it's packed with behind the scenes photographs. So here's what we all know, that Giger used a skull underneath the dome:


But really, cinema-goers never saw that on screen. Even big fans of Alien are therefore often surprised when they see a rendition like NECA's, because it's the first time they've seen the skull.

Personally I think it's cool. But I think it could, by some, be defined as "wrong". For that reason I think there will be a lot of collectors brushing over the cowl, to make it harder to see the skull. The Medicom cowl seems to have just the right amount of transparency, i.e. the same as the film.

But the other, and for me slightly worse thing about the NECA, is that I don't think the jaw looks right. The whole lower part of the jaw, from the chin back to the neck, looks strangely lowered, whereas in the film, it looks like this:


Which is where I think the Medicom Alien has got it exactly right. It looks pretty much like that shot, whereas the open-jaw on the NECA one doesn't really look like the lower shot, which just shows the "chin" lowering, rather than the whole bottom of the head. It just looks a little funny on the NECA one to me, what do you guys think? Actually, here's a point - does anyone know if the NECA jaw is articulated? Because if it can be closed, it might solve that particular "problem".

As I said, I'm dead excited about both, but the Medicom figure with the NECA paint finish would surely cover all angles? Maybe the Hot Toys one will finally crack it!

Sorry for the long post, but I do love talking about Alien, and the various action figure versions. :)