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Here's two pics of the 7" version (which is identical to the 21"), one with closed mouth:


and one with open mouth:



That's great news. I wouldn't say I was massively worried about it, just wondered if anyone else thought that it looked a bit like his jaw was dropped down too low when it's fully open.

I'm in the UK, and I'm hoping the big Forbidden Planet store in London will stock both the sizes when it's released, as I work nearby.

So far my Alien collection is pretty small. From the first film I've got a Tsukuda 18 incher, the McFarlane one, and my personal favourite, the Aoshima (even if face-on it does look strangely...happy!):


Plus there's my pride and joy, my Hot Toys Alien Warrior. But as far as the first film goes, none of those can hold a candle to either the NECA or the Medicom one, so I can't wait!
Actually abake, those two shots do look better proportioned than the official shots on the previous page.

I'm still not sure it's quite perfect though. There's something about the ratios between all the features on the original suit, between the jaw, the throat, the "nose", and the size of the head, that's just instantly right on the original suit:


It's so, so close though, and as I said, the paintjob is spot on. For a lower priced "toy" it's very, very impressive. I'm tempted to buy two of each and try my hand at my first ever custom!
Yeah, I see what you mean, but it also depends a lot on what prop or suit you're looking at. The sculpt was slightly different from what the stunt head and the hero head ended up looking like. There's also differences in how the dome looks, some are more "bulbous" while others look more streamlined. So it's not easy to find a perfect balance.
Personally, the NECA one has captured the overall look and feel of the creature for me. It has the Bolaji Badejo suit proportions and the look of the hero head.
is there both a closed and an open mouthed version? or are both versions available in one figure? I'm interested particularly in the 18" figure.
DSD your a lucky guy the forbidden planet in london is a-mazing only been there a couple of times the one in bristol isnt that good
It is good for a browse, but it's also a rip-off! I also collect Revoltech figures, which I usually buy online from HK for around £11-£12 ($22). But they had the Starscream and Hot Rodimus figures in there recently for £25! ($50!). They also wouldn't budge from £130 for the Hot Toys Alien Warrior, so I had to import it from Canada in the end.

abake, you make an excellent point about the various prop heads. Has anyone ever done a comparison between them?
Just looking at that shot again, the detail on the jaw tendons is superb for a figure of that size. It looks like a mini-version of the material you see on the Alien Warrior bust!

Oh, and +1 to the NECA again for the hands. Spot on.
You know, I just watched the docs on the Quadrilogy DVD set, and the NECA headsculpt is exactly the same as some footage they show of the Rimbaldi head. That's what's commonly referred to as the "hero" head right? Because it had all the working parts for the close-ups?

Anyway, it's exactly right for that head, so I think I may have done it a disservice earlier. Hey, maybe when Hot Toys get around to it, they could do multiple heads!
Yeah, the Rambaldi head is the hero head.

I'm anxiously waiting to see what HT comes up with, but I'm not too hopeful.
As has been stated before, HT could've made a very accurate Aliens warrior, but they decided to go the "artistic interpretation" route, so it all depends on what mood they're in for this one...

One thing seems pretty certain to me though: no multiple heads! The way they build their figures it would be impossible to make a head that could be detached.
One thing seems pretty certain to me though: no multiple heads! The way they build their figures it would be impossible to make a head that could be detached.

Very true, but, I wouldn't be surprised if they released multiples of it. Release a figure with the less popular head first, then release the popular head with a bonus face hugger and chest burster after everyone's speny $130 on the first figure.
One thing seems pretty certain to me though: no multiple heads! The way they build their figures it would be impossible to make a head that could be detached.

Oh yeah, it's all moulded over with rubber isn't it. Silly me.

I really love the original Hot Toys blue/black Alien Warrior, because to me it looks like they did on screen. I currently have mine posed like when one rises out of the water to grab Newt, and it's just so. Of course, that's because the scene is so darkly lit, because we all know it's actually nothing like any of the prop versions! Then again, the brown one doesn't look like either. At no point during the film do you think "Oh, they're brown in this one", so that version doesn't really work for me as a figure.
Very true, but, I wouldn't be surprised if they released multiples of it. Release a figure with the less popular head first, then release the popular head with a bonus face hugger and chest burster after everyone's speny $130 on the first figure.

D'OH! :mad: I hope not...:monkey1 I just want one Giger's HT ALIEN please. I want the NECA & the HT version. I will have to pass on the Medicom due to $$$$!!! :duh
I really hope HT goes for accuracy with their Alien.

But, I'd be cool with an artistic version.