New Buffy Line Discussion

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No you can't and gift cards can only be used on items on the gift card eligible list, which will never include any new pre-order item.

You can however use your reward points, but remember, if you are still left having to pay for any part of the statue, you don't earn any more points on that. Plus if you then later cancel, you loose any points that you used during the time of the pre-order.

In other words, if your going to use reward points on a pre-order, make sure you have enough to pretty much pay for it all (apart from postage, etc) and that you want it more then anything else.

Thanks a bunch man, that really clears things up for me :D
I want this, but I don't think I can afford this guys. Wolverine, Sabretooth PFs, Rocketeer PF, and the Punisher. May drop Pun for her. Love to see how she looks in all her entirety.
I want this, but I don't think I can afford this guys. Wolverine, Sabretooth PFs, Rocketeer PF, and the Punisher. May drop Pun for her. Love to see how she looks in all her entirety.

The Punisher PF is more impressive than the comiqueete in my opinion. Drop that PO and get Buffy....that is, unless you WANT to be exiled from Whedonville. :D j/k :peace
This will probably be my first Flex-Pay. Unless I don't need the Exclusive, then I'll just get it cheaper from my comic book store.
I have like 20 Buffy statues. lol

With a post like that, you just fell off the Whedonverse radar as far as I'm concerned. :stake

I have a lot of Buffy pieces as well, and yet I'm still ordering this one. So what's your point? :tap This is Whedonville. Buffy wins over all else, no matter how many pieces you own. :D
With a post like that, you just fell off the Whedonverse radar as far as I'm concerned. :stake

I have a lot of Buffy pieces as well, and yet I'm still ordering this one. So what's your point? :tap This is Whedonville. Buffy wins over all else, no matter how many pieces you own. :D

Exactly bring on more pieces don't care how many I own or will own. I will buy all.