New Ghostbusters Figures

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You know, for months this thread has been on the first page.... then 12" Venkman comes and the energy here really seems to have vanished.

So what's up with the 12" customs, guys? Anything new to share?

I've got one Miller belt and one set of Che boots... need two more sets and I can begin the customizing. I'm also waiting on a window of opportunity to get my 3 heads painted, that's the real hang-up for me.

And when is 12" Zeddmore going up?
In my case, due to lack of space and because I need to save money for a bunch of upcoming and preordered Hot Toys figures, I just put together my 12" Venkman and that was it (yeah, I know). The only thing I'm waiting for are AstroZombie's elbow pads to be done with it, but he seems to be very busy with work and that project is taking foreeeeever. I'm thinking of giving it a shot and try to make the elbow pads out of epoxy putty.:dunno
Don't know if anyone is interested but I thought I'd post these here before trying Ebay.

I have a pair of Che Guevara boots that I will no longer be needing. If anyone is interested feel free to PM me, the price for them is $15.00 shipped in the US.

**Paypal only.



Those boots look great! Much better than Mattel's plastic ones their 12" Ghostbusters come with. I hope to try to order the 6" Peter Venkman this Tuesday from Matty. Just trying to survive paycheck to paycheck makes it hard to keep collecting. :( But, I'm trying my best. :wave
You know, for months this thread has been on the first page.... then 12" Venkman comes and the energy here really seems to have vanished.

So what's up with the 12" customs, guys? Anything new to share?...

I'm with ya Wor-Gar. I'm sure once Winston is out we'll start to see some really cool full sets.

My customs have gone onto the backburner while I wait for my Spenser scupt paint-ups from Josh. Suppose I could dye my flight suits and cloth belts in the meantime...source some better boots. At any rate, an AWESOME set of 1/6 GB's is finally close at hand!!!

Does anyone know what time the 6" Peter Venkman figure goes on sale at Matty Collector? I don't want to miss him since I already have Ray, Egon and Winston in the 6" figures. I gotta finish up the team now with Venkman! Please post here tonight and let me know. Thanks! :wave

Yeah, I did check the Matty Collector website, and I don't see a time. Just the date it goes on sale for tomorrow. :dunno
after about 20 minutes of trying, i got my venkman...that was the hardest time i've had ordering so far. damn you should have your own seperate ordering day...
What a pain in the arse that was to get just TWO Venkmans!!!
(sorry late post,been to the pub :hi5:YAY)

Mine wouldn't let me pay for ages,all card details were fine etc,then I suddenly thought of all the guys who have had multiple order coming from re-submitting the orders all the time,I got ONE confirmation email and one stuck in the order submitted screen on my order history,
Bottom line I've now got TWO confirmation emails but SHeeeeeesh, that was stressful!!!!

hope you all got what you wanted guys,
Kindest regards
Yeah, I had "fun" with my order right around 11:00am my time, when they became available for sale on Matty's site. :slap

I ordered one Venkman, and it sit there loading the page for at least 10 minutes! :impatient: Then it said it failed to go through! I waited about an hour, and tried again, and it finally went through. So I at least have my one Venkman on the way soon. I got my order confirmation e-mail. I see on Matty's site now they say that they're "almost gone".
Finally decided to order 2 Venkmans about a minute ago. No wait, it took about 1 whole minute in total.

No worries here, I prefer to read everyone freak out :gah: and just buy after the rush is over, it's like watching ants when you block their path :panic:
i cant wait until 12" winston comes along so i can complete the set. i have vartels head ready (although a paint job is still required.) i guess it cant be to long before mattel reveal what will happen next with the 12" line?
i cant wait until 12" winston comes along so i can complete the set. i have vartels head ready (although a paint job is still required.) i guess it cant be to long before mattel reveal what will happen next with the 12" line?

I think Toyguru over on Mattycollector was hinting there's be some reveals at SDCC, there's also some stories from a Mattel Q&A session suggesting that they're going to be looking at the GB2 film as well so fingers crossed for 1/6 Slimeblowers!!!:)


Finally decided to order 2 Venkmans about a minute ago. No wait, it took about 1 whole minute in total.

No worries here, I prefer to read everyone freak out :gah: and just buy after the rush is over, it's like watching ants when you block their path :panic:

Not Cool :pfft:
I imagine a lot of the folks here (including myself) thought that Venkman WOULD sell out quickly,ie MOTU quickly,
In fact he HAS now,hence why everyone was rushing to get him early yesterday,
I got my figs,you got your figs but a lot of the guys DIDN'T especially for the MOTU stuff,
If you're just yanking our chain then fair enough:wave,but I don't think it's cool to be mocking people over the fact that there was so much hassle invlolved in ordering a couple of collectable figures from a massive world retailer that quite honestly should perform better,

One of the ants...........................
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I blame the scalpers, they already had the 6" Venkman posted on Ebay and that's where you end up having to go when you aren't able to get the figures.

I was just messing, :wink1: It does suck to not be able to get what you want and it sucks that Matty has to have various figures released @ the same time and day. It really makes no sense, why not change that?

O...well guess we'll just have to do this again for the next figure.....:panic:
I blame the scalpers, they already had the 6" Venkman posted on Ebay and that's where you end up having to go when you aren't able to get the figures.

I was just messing, :wink1: It does suck to not be able to get what you want and it sucks that Matty has to have various figures released @ the same time and day. It really makes no sense, why not change that?

O...well guess we'll just have to do this again for the next figure.....:panic:

:exactly:I agree, the scalpers are causing a great deal of the problem at matty as they cause the individual items to sell so fast by buying 10 (or more if they have seperate accounts)

What i don't understand is why does matty set the ordering limit at 10!!! :slap surely they could cut this to say 2 (One to keep boxed, one to open) or even 3 if you're planning on modding one???

The Digital River server is now going down in history as one of the worst servers there is for high traffic,but again every month it's the same,they never seem to fix it,

Again I agree,it would be far better to offer the individual lines or even individual figures on seperate sale dates so the servers don't get so clogged up,

My apologies if my previous post was a bit grouchy,I had a feeling you were just joking but again wasn't quite sure LOL,
I'd had a gut full of mattel by then and reading what's happened to some of the other guys on Tuesday as well I most likely overreacted,
So again my apologies mate:hi5:

Kindest regards
What i don't understand is why does matty set the ordering limit at 10!!! :slap surely they could cut this to say 2 (One to keep boxed, one to open) or even 3 if you're planning on modding one???

Some foreign fans team up to buy their figures together. I know at least 3 guys who buy 6 or 7 MOTUC and GB for their friends.
I've had to do it a few times myself.
Some foreign fans team up to buy their figures together. I know at least 3 guys who buy 6 or 7 MOTUC and GB for their friends.
I've had to do it a few times myself.

Ah fair enough,I never thought of that,I guess there's no way of keeping the dreaded scalpers out then :( cos if you cut the limit it'd effect the genuine ones who were just trying to get the figures together:slap

kindest regards