So if you sign up for Club Ecto-1 you get TWO Taxi cab ghosts?
One with the Rookie and one with the RTBY Peter?
I think I may be expecting too much having my guys score me two of Staypufts!!! I still can't get over it!!
I'm sure he cares what you think. As do I.
Can you not call my very good friend that please?
Just because you don't like his delivery style....there's no call for that at all man!
Ah, that explains why you were so defensive... i am sure as person he is an alright guy, but he really is bad at reviewing, he's always so in love with every FREE item he gets.
Seems to kiss the butt of the provider, and i would prefer honesty when it comes to a review... i can see anyone else being excited that stuff was wrapped in a paper or plastic bag, only that guy.
I don't care for the Pixel Dan reviews so I don't watch them. MWC all the way!!!
If the trap sells well enough...
It does seem the line is picking up steam. Figures are selling out quicker, I think Stay Puft is already sold out at the con according to pics @ GBFans. Maybe in 2012, hopefully. Or at least the goggles.
Will we ever get a proton pack is the question!
And you feel that is good enough reason to dump on the guy do you? Don't you think that's a bit sad?!
You wouldn't say it to his face. While it's all very easy to have big stones on a keyboard, do try to remember it's a person you are talking about. Dumping on a guy because you don't like his style is just weak man!
Looking at his view counts, it seems many folks do actually like his style.
I want to talk about action figures on these boards not be defending my friends against nasty comments.
How's about that sweet Ghost Trap eh?