OK Pics coming shortly...
but first impressions:
Ray 6"
-Package isn't collector friendly like Egon,
you can't re-sea it... fail Mattel...
- Everything is exactly the same as Egon, body, hands, everything... Only head changes and no slime...
- Overall, looks great, but face a bit too cartoony, Egon looks more realistic... but I love it regardless!! Can't wait for Winston and Peter!!
Ray 12"
- Package is really cool, I thought I wouldn't like it but it's really nice visually.
- Practicality on the other end, it's crap... the locker/accessory is great! Easy to access and a nice detail, but to get the figure out it's a pain in the neck... the clear plastic doesn't allow for closing it again without the use of tape, so that sucks... and then you got to pen it both from above and below, and get the figure out from below carefully.
-Twisties and plastic bands and rubber bands, as well, so it's not collector friendly at all...
- Sculpt is crap, maybe with a very good re-paint you can make it work, but otherwise it sucks!
- Body is really sturdy and with tight joints, but I think nthe figure is too tall, it's taller than SS Anakin... about 13"... so, again Mattel- Fail!!!
- Gloved Hands are really nice, and with slight mods I think they might work with a TT, barehands suck...
-Actually it's really good, it looks a bit weird but I think it might be the current body, I'm sure once you use it on a TT it will look great!
-No zippers, and that helps avoid puffiness, but it also makes it less accurate, it uses velcro on the back instead, which doesn't really matters as it's covered by the Proton-pack.
-Logo looks great but its not a patch, it's painted, same with the name-tag.
_ Boots, better than what I expected but still pretty crappy...
-Overall, better than expected.
- Elbow pads are too puffy... they really suck
Proton-pack and Trap:
-In a word: WOW!!!

Amazing work, just the proton-pack and trap are worth the 60 bucks IMO, you have to see it to believe the ammount of detail on these things!!
Excellent work Mattel!!
The lightup features is too cool!!
-Goggles are great but could use some weathering, and actual thru barrels would've been nice...
- Web belt sucks...
- Belt accessories are plastic some work, some don't
- Walkie needs to be changed IMO, specially the pouch...
Overall, this is like SS IJ, an amazing starting point, for a great 12" figure...
I'm gonna customize this with:
-Narrow Shoulder TT
- Spenser's Ray HS
- Godfather's fat suit
- Fabric web belt,
- Combat boots with laces
- New talkie and pouches
- Elbowpads...