NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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You guys need a fresh dose of perspective. Compare HT's inaccuracies and things they've flubbed on with any other 1:6 company out there... Still not even close.

Are they perfect 100% of the time? Of course not. Do they sometimes release figures with a nagging flaw or two? Sure. But, again, perspective. They're still heaps and bounds beyond anyone else and are producing the best 1:6 products we've ever seen, bar none.

HT's problem is that they've raised the bar so high so quickly that sometimes it seems as if we do expect 100% perfection and when we don't get it it's blown out of proportion.
Nice pics Snake:whip

You guys need a fresh dose of perspective. Compare HT's inaccuracies and things they've flubbed on with any other 1:6 company out there... Still not even close.

Are they perfect 100% of the time? Of course not. Do they sometimes release figures with a nagging flaw or two? Sure. But, again, perspective. They're still heaps and bounds beyond anyone else and are producing the best 1:6 products we've ever seen, bar none.

HT's problem is that they've raised the bar so high so quickly that sometimes it seems as if we do expect 100% perfection and when we don't get it it's blown out of proportion.

This is true. I see the flaws in many of the releases that I buy, but I also still think they are great compared to some other company's. I would like a 100% accurate figure, but I don't think that will exist for a good few years on a mass produced product.
Dutch is on his way from Toys2. Can't wait!
That's great news. If I may ask, what day did he ship and and did they give you a shipping estimate? I ask because three days ago massacremike said Toys2 had recieved their shipment, so I'm curious to know how long it takes them to start shipping them out to customers and how long they take to arrive.

I ordered both Predator and Dutch together from Toys2 and if they receive the Predator as quickly as they received Dutch they should have him by the 29th; I'm just trying to estimate how much longer I'm going to have to wait for both of them :)
That's great news. If I may ask, what day did he ship and and did they give you a shipping estimate? I ask because three days ago massacremike said Toys2 had recieved their shipment, so I'm curious to know how long it takes them to start shipping them out to customers and how long they take to arrive.

I ordered both Predator and Dutch together from Toys2 and if they receive the Predator as quickly as they received Dutch they should have him by the 29th; I'm just trying to estimate how much longer I'm going to have to wait for both of them :)

He shipped Friday, UPS shows I should be receiving him Wednesday. I placed Predator on a separate order so I can get them as soon as either of them came in. Turnaround time for me here in Chicago is usually about 3-4 business days from Toys2.
You guys need a fresh dose of perspective. Compare HT's inaccuracies and things they've flubbed on with any other 1:6 company out there... Still not even close.

Are they perfect 100% of the time? Of course not. Do they sometimes release figures with a nagging flaw or two? Sure. But, again, perspective. They're still heaps and bounds beyond anyone else and are producing the best 1:6 products we've ever seen, bar none.

HT's problem is that they've raised the bar so high so quickly that sometimes it seems as if we do expect 100% perfection and when we don't get it it's blown out of proportion.

Before Dutch and the Predator I somehow thought HT could do no wrong (even despite being aware of examples I mentioned in my other post). My gaining of perspective is realising its not necessarily a guarantee that Hot Toys are going to totally Ace every line they get - I cannot assume that if they do more T1 and T2 figures that these will be the most perfect figures for those films that we've ever seen. You can excuse the mistakes on TDK Batman, V1 Joker and the T-700 because these were in production before the films were out and complete. The problems with Dutch, Predator, the aliens, and Kane&Dallas are entirely down to Hot toys. Their respective films have been out for years, decades in some cases and referance material is everywhere.

This is the thing that I am somehow only now grasping. This is the new perspective I'm getting. However its not to say that I no longer think they're the best 1/6th company out there right now. Medicom clearly aren't and its too early to make a judgement on Enterbay. But I am going to be slightly less confident in them than I have been even up till very recently.

-edit - thought of another one - Marcus Wright. Just because they have likeness rights doesn't mean its going to end up looking like the actor. The likes of Bank robber Joker and Harvey dent unrealistically raised my expectations.
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That's great news. If I may ask, what day did he ship and and did they give you a shipping estimate? I ask because three days ago massacremike said Toys2 had recieved their shipment, so I'm curious to know how long it takes them to start shipping them out to customers and how long they take to arrive.

I ordered both Predator and Dutch together from Toys2 and if they receive the Predator as quickly as they received Dutch they should have him by the 29th; I'm just trying to estimate how much longer I'm going to have to wait for both of them :)

I was talking to Eric at Toys2 on Thursday when I picked up my Dutch. He said that they'd arrived on Wednesday, so May 20th. He also told me that the Predator figure would arrive at his store in two weeks, so that should be about Wednesday, June 3rd or Thursday, June 4th. He also said one of the Hot Toys Terminator figures would be arriving this week, the week of Monday, May 25th. It was either the T-600 or the T-700, but I'm pretty sure it was the T-700. I'm only really interested in the T-600 msyelf. Regardless, there is a lot of cool stuff on the way and it's tough on the pocketbook, that's for sure!
The obsessives on here will never be happy with a character no matter how well done it is and always whine about the most trivial things...Nipples on Hellboy, Kane & Dallas cant see very well out the top of their helmets, Predator too short, Dutch's head too long...etc etc zzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, as consumers you have a right to voice concerns about a product but when you obsess over it and then create a drama, well....Its all very weird to me, i just see i sweet looking figure of one of my favourite franchises. I can forgive the odd inconsistency. If its crappy i wont buy it and move on...SIMPLES
Sometimes, I agree it's too much, but like Dutch's head neck issue, the Proto looked fine, the figure photographed in the instructions that come with him looks fine, so obviously something didn't go right with the production, but likely, someone at HT can look at what happened and take measures on future figures using that body to correct the issue. If there were no visual proof better could be achieved by HT, I wouldn't speak about it, but when it came out right and went wrong, I would like them to investigate and improve.
The obsessives on here will never be happy with a character no matter how well done it is and always whine about the most trivial things...Nipples on Hellboy, Kane & Dallas cant see very well out the top of their helmets, Predator too short, Dutch's head too long...etc etc zzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, as consumers you have a right to voice concerns about a product but when you obsess over it and then create a drama, well....Its all very weird to me, i just see i sweet looking figure of one of my favourite franchises. I can forgive the odd inconsistency. If its crappy i wont buy it and move on...SIMPLES

i assume you're including me in that blanket false assumption. Is it obsessive to want anatomical realism on a human figure? Is it obsessive to expect that a man in a spacesuit should be able to see out of his visor and that his head won't be practically inside the neck of the outfit? If you think these are insignificant issues then I find that wierd.

We 'obsessives' can and indeed have been very happy about many things so please don't come out with the ''some people will complain about anything just to have something to complain about'' crap. With regard to Dutch I would have been perfectly happy if it had ended up like the proto. I would have complained about nothing. Somehow in production his head shrank and the neck became elongated. Sorry but that does bother me. Many other figures turn out exactly like the prototype images and I wish it had also been the case here. I've been wanting someone to make a figure of this character for years, and was majorly looking forward to it with the full expectation based on past experience with Hot Toys that it would look exactly like the proto pics. And I for one never said it was a big enough problem for me not to buy the figure - mine should be here tomorrow, I can't wait.
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He shipped Friday, UPS shows I should be receiving him Wednesday. I placed Predator on a separate order so I can get them as soon as either of them came in. Turnaround time for me here in Chicago is usually about 3-4 business days from Toys2.
Cool, thanks! I'm in Minneapolis so it should be about 3-4 days for me as well.

I was talking to Eric at Toys2 on Thursday when I picked up my Dutch. He said that they'd arrived on Wednesday, so May 20th. He also told me that the Predator figure would arrive at his store in two weeks, so that should be about Wednesday, June 3rd or Thursday, June 4th.
Two weeks huh? That's too bad. If they got their Dutch shipment on the 20th that means it arrived only 8 days after its Hong Kong release. If their Predator shipment doesn't arrive until the 3rd or 4th it'll have taken more than twice as long (Dutch was released in Hong Kong on May 12th and Predator on May 19th). Guess I have a two-and-a-half week wait ahead of me then until I have them in hand. Thanks for the reply.
You guys need a fresh dose of perspective. Compare HT's inaccuracies and things they've flubbed on with any other 1:6 company out there... Still not even close.

Are they perfect 100% of the time? Of course not. Do they sometimes release figures with a nagging flaw or two? Sure. But, again, perspective. They're still heaps and bounds beyond anyone else and are producing the best 1:6 products we've ever seen, bar none.

HT's problem is that they've raised the bar so high so quickly that sometimes it seems as if we do expect 100% perfection and when we don't get it it's blown out of proportion.

They may make fewer errors but IMO at their prices the errors should be near nill. When they make an error its more than fair to really talk and in a way hammer them about it. If its fair game to rip SS up one side and down the error for things its more than fair to do it to HT. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander as my grandparents might say. I get tired of the we should let HT off easy talk while some of the bullcrap that gets said about SS.

Having said all that I think too much is made out of many of the mistakes made by any of these companies. I know I'm not alone in that there are far too many people too anal with everything. I like both companies make damn good products and I like both companies. I will admit HT makes consistantly the most impressive 1:6th figures out there and thats one reason I've started buying more of them.
I tried to copy some shots from screen grabs. Here they are.

To mods. If there is a problem having FOX images in my own, just let me know and I will delete them.

They are not exact, but they are close enough for me.:D







Looking at this image, I'd say the main issue with the neck's height comes from the height of everything from the shoulder blade up. The height of the neck and trapezius muscles is too much for any person. The neck mod helps a lot, but this image really makes it clear where the anatomy went wrong. It's mainly that the front of the neck, the "V" of it is too elongated and it's because of the distance between the top of the neck and the shoulder blades. Where the neck and trapezius muscles looks fine, you just need to squish that all down flatter towards the shoulder blades to get the "V" shorter.

Does the body have an ab crunch joint? It'd help in achieving the box cover pose. You can tell that in that pose Arnie's torso has a lowered posture.

Also, I think the extra-large traps Maulfan mentioned would only work in a pose like on the box cover, in which you'll notice those muscles are being flexed or extended.