The little piece that goes on the shoulder armor if you display the unmasked head.
Unfortunately the only 2 arrows were for the necklace and body strap.
That little shoulder piece is in a tiny bag in a tiny hole so maybe look again in case. I didn’t even find it my daughter did so I wouldn’t even know it was missing.
And yet people STILL buy from these clowns . . .
Unfortunately the only 2 arrows were for the necklace and body strap.
That little shoulder piece is in a tiny bag in a tiny hole so maybe look again in case. I didn’t even find it my daughter did so I wouldn’t even know it was missing.
Review of the Predator Jungle Hunter
Part 1 Masked -
Part 2 Unmasked -
Other then this goofy head issue.. I have never had any issues with this company.
Clearly it’s not normal because if it was my statue that the unmasked stays in is actually a bad one lmao
What’s even dumber is both my heads fit solid in the exact head display holder. Why is that perfect with zero wobble I mean won’t we scuff them.
What they told Burtial is a huge lie, like something that should hurt their business. I’d post that in every forum including all the ones not even about the Predator. Say it’s true which it’s not but let’s say it is. That is embarrassing to have out there in the industry.
Does SS really want any other company to read that as the truth. Wow! I guess when you have no answer just let an idiot who works there come up with a fast one. The owners should be very embarrassed.
Speaking of which, Ian, please post on Statue Forum and fill people in over there.
I stuck him next to Prime for now I’m tired lol there no lighting set there but he’s friking huge next to that Prime. I though Voltron was big till I got Optimus but Pred looks huge. I know they are all around the same except Optimus but the body is larger and features at that height.
And yet people STILL buy from these clowns . . .
Yeah dude , don’t buy any of their crap, like ever. I stopped years ago.
They almost suckered me back in on the Iron Giant statue, but I knew their track record and even though the piece did turn out good, countless others pieces they burned many people on and just don’t deserve out cash.
Send it back and buy the Dog Maquette!
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Nice job - appreciate the time & effort it took to do this
(* and it's a PLASMA Canon / PLASMA Caster*)
Oh Plasma Caster... Thanks
Hey Spike don;t know if you finished to the end but I mentioned you in the video
You are VERY fortunate . . . good looks, fabulously wealthy . . .
. . . but we'd give all that up to have your experiences with Sideshow.
I was about to say people did not read that email properly and assuming it’s not a big deal. It bloody is. I would be upset big time also. How rude they are to think collectors are idiots. When has there ever been an answer like that posted for a loose head or anything else for that matter. SS customer service sucks period. Not the same company it use to be. I feel for anyone that has to put up with this garbage.
JAWS I appreciate your honest review and that you like how yours turned out. I respect people’s views. I loved the short review and I could tell you was really pleased overall
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks! I probably would have been a bit harder on the head if I knew about SSC response at the time.
Your 100 percent right I got shafted a few times, I hate that company!! I agree with you. you said it. I am glad seeing pple actually understanding I have a story where they totally shafted pple out of a 300 dollar discount but others got it. I called them out, they make lie after lie I talked to the manager, nothing was getting through and said your guys are doing ****ed up things to customers, and they band me. Was the best thing I save money and go else where to buy my stuff! Pple that actually care about their customers!!! Thats for sharing that dude! The Chaver!!!
. . . Hey Spike don't know if you finished to the end but I mentioned you in the video . . .
. . . and that whole story about that P2 story I am sure most remember when I posted that. But got so much hate on me about it. I was shocked. But whatever. I mean what company giving discounts to pple who didn't really like the figure in the first place and not the ones that pre ordered it them shafting the ones that had it on pre order just not ethical or moral no intergity . . .
. . . I have a story where they totally shafted pple out of a 300 dollar discount but others got it. I called them out, they make lie after lie I talked to the manager, nothing was getting through and said your guys are doing ****ed up things to customers, and they band me . . .
I'm glad you seem to be over that now
Then you were definitely lucky.Other then this goofy head issue.. I have never had any issues with this company.