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Just realized how massive this piece is going to be! Look at the base/ feet when compared to the sculptor's arm!!! This is going to be awesome!
Would be quite silly not to include a stand for the second sculpt, considering they've done so for the P2 and Wolf. Seriously, nobody is gonna want to leave one of those portraits in the box, lol. They are both awesome and both deserve to be displayed.

I laughed out loud when I read this. I do hope that's sarcasm.
Unmasked portrait will stay in the box. Pedestal will be used to display custom skull/trophy assuming it comes with one.
'Plenty' is pushing it.

I know it's not entirely accurate, but people here act like the sculpt is complete garbage when it's not. The P2 sculpt didn't even have quills and didn't cop as much criticism as this.

Regardless, I don't think 'plenty' is pushing it. People on this forum constantly assume that they make up the majority of collectors/customers for Sideshow, when in actual fact, the opposite is true. I know a lot of collectors who aren't on this forum, most of who like both sculpts on this piece.
Actually - MOST people have not called it garbage - MOST had valid criticisms.

SOME people here assume they make up the majority of collectors for Sideshow - and they WOULD be wrong.

The stats for confirmed preorders show how disappointing the takeup has been on this compared to other Predator pieces.

Col beat me on the other one :)

Would be quite silly not to include a stand for the second sculpt, considering they've done so for the P2 and Wolf. Seriously, nobody is gonna want to leave one of those portraits in the box, lol. They are both awesome and both deserve to be displayed.

I laughed out loud when I read this. I do hope that's sarcasm.

cool story bro, but no, it wasn't sarcasm :)

I'm aware some people don't like the unmasked sculpt. There's also plenty of people that do.

'Plenty' is pushing it.

I am one of the plenty so I hope it comes with the stand... :)

In fact I will refer to an old post I made and say that the unmasked sculpt is nice and pretty accurate :)

Ya know, the more I look at other photos around the net the more I think this Head sculpt looks just fine... I think a big reason is looks narrow is because the mandibles are completely closed, the dreads don't flare out, and the angle of the photo... I look at these other pics and I see the same predator... At least very very close.. But I see the film predator looking more like the maquette if the mouth was fully closed.

Some of those other pics that have been posted to "prove" that the head sculpt is off are taken from a very different angle... I mean other pics don't look like the following photos either IMO...

I mean this pic looks much different then the others IMO






Again I look at these three and the top two look more lie each other then the bottom one... NOW perhaps that SWS one is not from the movie itself. I don't know.



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