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Ah - JAWS me ol' buddy . . . THERE you is . . . :wave

OK - let’s pretend the huge bio + anorexic body + thigh armour (etc.) are all imaginary, and we shall simply compare “face poses” then.

After all, given the mechanics in the mask, all sorts of poses are possible. HOWEVER . . . unfortunately . . . not all of them are flattering which is why they didn’t make it to screen I guess :)



Bio mask does seem a bit big... But I have seen photos of it looking rather oversized in behind the scene shots from the film...

Personally I like the head sculpt... My point with the photos is that everyone is yelling that it is not film accurate. His head is too long, his brow too close together or whatever... Thing is... We are looking at that sculpt from one angle and one angle only... How many pieces get released and the videos of the piece and in hand photos take it too another level?

As for everything else about the piece... Well I just might not recall but pics and vids from SDCC did not seem to get the same hate as the SSC pics.. I mean the thigh armor has always been an issue but it seems that people liked it overall...

ANYWAYS.... I get this is all opinion.. But one guy mentions that he really wants an extra base because he wants to display both sculpts and some accuse him of being sarcastic... Again... I think the hate is a bit over the top in the sense that some feel that others can not possibly like this piece. I like the piece but as I have always said I am not a predator aficionado. Love the film but I don't pour over photos. I personally like this way more then the SWS version even thought that one is film accurate (other then oversized shoulder blaster) but I don't care for the pose. I also prefer closed mouth Predator sculpts.. I personally think SSC should have or still should go the extra mile and offer an open mouth sculpt since most seem to prefer that look.

I think the Bio helm looks too big but I also know that it could look very different in person when 2d angles are not warping the look of the piece.

Also... I think the predator looks fine in that photo that we both thought was from Predators.... I don't think he looks derpy in that or in the SSC photos...

I get that at this price point people want perfection. For me it's close enough to perfection. I don't care for the thigh armor but that's it. Many don't like the head sculpt.. I think it looks good and have shown photos that I think that shows that it is film accurate and will look even more accurate from other angles.

I could be wrong about how this will look in hand... Of course I hope I am not and don't think I will be. :)
P2 got PLENTY of criticism.

I never said it didn't, just that it didn't cop as much as this (well that's how it feels to me, I could be wrong). But you know what? Despite the criticism, people bought it, and displayed both sculpts.

Actually - MOST people have not called it garbage - MOST had valid criticisms.

I never said anyone called it garbage actually, just that people carried on as though it is garbage. Never said the criticisms aren't valid either. As I already mentioned, I'm fully aware of the inaccuracies, but it doesn't make it look terrible to me. I respect the fact that other people have opinions and that's fine, but it seems like other people on here can't seem to accept that not everyone shares the same opinion as them, and therefore they are 'wrong', or must be being sarcastic.

End of the day, most people outside of collectors on this forum will look at this piece and will instantly know who it's supposed to be. Literally every person I have shown this to who isn't a collector on this forum (or a collector in general) thought it looked great. I guess I'm more forgiving when it comes to Predators and Aliens, as the inaccuracies aren't as obvious to me as they are on human characters, where if the likeness is off, it's instantly obvious and I can't enjoy it if it doesn't look like the actor. I tend to notice the inaccuracies more on Terminators and Predators when I'm comparing directly to images of the real thing, unless the sculpt is completely off and looks nothing like the character.

SOME people here assume they make up the majority of collectors for Sideshow - and they WOULD be wrong.

The stats for confirmed preorders show how disappointing the takeup has been on this compared to other Predator pieces.

Col beat me on the other one :)

Well I guess some of those people are the ones commenting in this thread then, as apparently I am wrong or must be being sarcastic with my comments, lol. The fact remains, collectors on this forum make up a very small percentage of Sideshow's customers. There are a lot of people not on these forums who like this piece. They also don't analyze every little detail and compare directly to movie stills to see if it's wrong, which no one is going to do in real life.

Just out of curiosity, where are these states for confirmed pre-orders? Would be curious to see them, unless those stats are people from here and Statue Forum, in which I don't care, due to the reason above. There would be a lot of factors that would also contribute to low pre-order numbers at this point too, and it's really not an indication of anything to me. I like the piece, but haven't pre-ordered. Not in a rush to do so, and will happily wait for the edition size to be announced. The expensive price tag might also be off-putting to some.

I am one of the plenty so I hope it comes with the stand... :)

In fact I will refer to an old post I made and say that the unmasked sculpt is nice and pretty accurate :)

I'm with you dude :hi5:

ANYWAYS.... I get this is all opinion.. But one guy mentions that he really wants an extra base because he wants to display both sculpts and some accuse him of being sarcastic... Again... I think the hate is a bit over the top in the sense that some feel that others can not possibly like this piece.

THANK YOU. The shear arrogance and attitude of some on here is ridiculous. People are allowed to have their own opinions, but some people seem to constantly act like everyone else must share their opinion. I've always known a lot of people here weren't entirely happy with the sculpt. I never cared. I like it, that's what matters to me. I love Predator. I'm aware of the inaccuracies of this piece, but I still like it enough to buy it, and despite the inaccuracies I still like this more than the SWS Maquette as I prefer the pose.

For those people very familiar with the character, the shortcomings are obvious - but (as I've said repeatedly before) - I sincerely hope that everyone who gets this in-hand will think it is value-for-money AND that they think it looks AWESOME.


I'm familiar with the character and also aware of the shortcomings. It doesn't need to look exactly the same as the on-screen version right down to the tiniest of details for me to want it. As it is, I think it looks good enough, and as long as the production piece gets close to the prototype in terms of paint application, I'll be happy enough to own it.
I am a huge predator fan all the way from the 80's But that unmasked Jaws is not marginally off. It's way way off. It felt off the first time I saw it. I will give it the benefit of not being pictured from many angles yet. So will hold off final judgement. I will not knock anyone for liking the unmasked portrait as to some it is perfectly fine. It's good to have different opinions. But if I'm dropping just over $1200 US for this, it should be done accurately. I could forgive a lower priced sculpt, but at this price point I think not.

The pose is subjective you either like it or hate it. I'm ok with it. It's not exactly a dynamic pose.

If it comes with a stand for the second sculpt is nothing major but it would be a bonus if it did. So valid point there. I hope it blows everyone away. But unlikely for some.

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Not knocking anyone for liking it just stating facts. It's not a very good unmasked portrait mainly due to the shape of the crown, the body is too skinny, the bio is too big and the leg armour looks ****! Facts!

If people order it good luck to them but there's a lot of us who want SS to put more effort into $1,200+ statues. There's plenty of reference material for any sculptor to use.

Accept this effort and that is what you will get in the future, a half assed effort.
I am a huge predator fan all the way from the 80's But that unmasked Jaws is not marginally off. It's way way off. It felt off the first time I saw it. I will give it the benefit of not being pictured from many angles yet. So will hold off final judgement. I will not knock anyone for liking the unmasked portrait as to some it is perfectly fine. It's good to have different opinions. But if I'm dropping just over $1200 US for this, it should be done accurately. I could forgive a lower priced sculpt, but at this price point I think not.

The pose is subjective you either like it or hate it. I'm ok with it. It's not exactly a dynamic pose.

If it comes with a stand for the second sculpt is nothing major but it would be a bonus if it did. So valid point there. I hope it blows everyone away. But unlikely for some.

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Mature response, thanks bud. Understand wanting this to be's not cheap. Everyone will have a different level of acceptance on this.

Not knocking anyone for liking it just stating facts. It's not a very good unmasked portrait mainly due to the shape of the crown, the body is too skinny, the bio is too big and the leg armour looks ****! Facts!

If people order it good luck to them but there's a lot of us who want SS to put more effort into $1,200+ statues. There's plenty of reference material for any sculptor to use.

Accept this effort and that is what you will get in the future, a half assed effort.

Fair enough mate, but we were specifically discussing the unmasked sculpt, not the body. Personally, I find the issue with the unmasked sculpt is in the mouth area that's making it look a little off to me, but I still think it looks good. The leg armour does looks crap, but it is what it is, and it's not a dealbreaker to me personally.

Whilst I do want Sideshow to put more effort into their statues, it really doesn't matter if nobody from this forum buys this. It'll still sell, and Sideshow will continue to make whatever they want.
Well it's not for me to dictate how people spend their money. I just wish the licensors had some standards here, if Sideshow don't. The bio and unmasked portraits are waaaayyyy off. And, there are far more worthy companies out there who could do the job. And give us more than a couple of iffy pieces a year.
it really doesn't matter if nobody from this forum buys this. It'll still sell, and Sideshow will continue to make whatever they want.

I'm completely certain Sideshow don't want to make Predators that look half baked, I'll defend them here somewhat and suggest they have good intentions. Something just gets lost in the mix far to regularly with this character for whatever reason. I think constructive feedback is the best thing us fans can offer, they do listen and care internally whether the guys at the top act on it or not. I like the pose on this, but the more I look at it, the less I want it. It's a nice enough representation, which is perfectly fine until you bring the price point into play. And actually saying I don't want one isn't fair, I'm sure I'd like this quite a lot in person as I did the P2 maquette despite its many flaws, if it were cheaper I'd buy one, I just don't want to pay close to $2k for another nearly Predator. I'm glad i have their last version on which they worked with SWS which is still a masterpiece to this day. There will always be be another Predator anyway.
. . . There will always be be another Predator anyway.

Ain't that the truth.

Some of us just don't need what we feel is a $1.5k USD (with tax/shipping) wonky P1 in our collections.

Given the legitimate concerns with Sideshow's QC and "customer service", along with their arrogance/ineptitude regarding the sculpt, it's too big a risk for a lot of people.

At least they got the dreds & quills right this time - I was told they were careful with those due to the way that affected P2 sales.

I got enough extras (and a 20% price reduction) that the P2 was worth getting - but this - not so much.

Each to their own :)

Trouble is, if people keep buying their stuff, then why would the licensor give someone else a shot? It's not just the Predator output that is half-baked, it's Terminator too. Sideshow are sitting on all my favourite licenses, and I wanted a collection yesterday! They're just not delivering the goods. The only piece in a long time to impress was the Wolf 1/2 bust prototype. That HAS to be the new standard going forward.
Trouble is, if people keep buying their stuff, then why would the licensor give someone else a shot? It's not just the Predator output that is half-baked, it's Terminator too. Sideshow are sitting on all my favourite licenses, and I wanted a collection yesterday! They're just not delivering the goods. The only piece in a long time to impress was the Wolf 1/2 bust prototype. That HAS to be the new standard going forward.
Agreed with all.
Here's hoping they don't **** up the Wolf LSB.
Agreed with all.
Here's hoping they don't **** up the Wolf LSB.

Snap - that's the ONLY (and hopefully final) Sideshow piece I now have on preorder - I'd like to go out on a positive :pray:

God-forbid they ever come up with another release I'm tempted by . . . I'd much rather give other companies my business.

I am a huge predator fan all the way from the 80's But that unmasked Jaws is not marginally off. It's way way off.

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Not knocking anyone for liking it just stating facts. It's not a very good unmasked portrait mainly due to the shape of the crown, the body is too skinny, the bio is too big and the leg armour looks ****! Facts!

Yeah... I just don't see the issue with the unmasked head sculpt. I think it looks accurate especially when compared to the other photos I posted. Other then the "One Ugly mother f'er" pic I think the crown of the head looks fine... And that is obviously an angle shot..

Skinny... Yeah... But I thought he looked good at SDCC... Same goes for the Bio helm... But I will say he it looks too big in SSC pics and his body looks a tad to thin in those pics also.

Leg armor is a stupid mistake but not enough of an issue for me.

Hope I am right and all of you are wrong after those of us who got it have it in hand :)
I didn't hear complaints about the body or the bio mask from those who saw it in person at hopes are still up high and time will tell if it was a fools hope,lol.
Also the mask doesn't look that big in the profile shots... camera destortion?...he's leaning forward and the mask is way closer to the lens.I've seen photo's of the masked P1 lsb with the same issue and in person it's perfectly fine.
I don't care about the unmasked portrait or the exclusive trophy...I would never display these with the chosen pose.
Leg armor is not really an issue for me either.

Hoping for the best Jaws!
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I didn't hear complaints about the body or the bio mask from those who saw it in person at hopes are still up high and time will tell if it was a fools hope,lol.
Also the mask doesn't look that big in the profile shots... camera destortion?...he's leaning forward and the mask is way closer to the lens.I've seen photo's of the masked P1 lsb with the same issue and in person it's perfectly fine.
I don't care about the unmasked portrait or the exclusive trophy...I would never display these with the chosen pose.
Leg armor is not really an issue for me either.

Hoping for the best Jaws!

Sounds like the same old excuses used for every poorly done piece. Its the camera, people are too picky, don't mind the glaring unacceptable oversights, etc...Have some standards people or we keep getting stuff like this.
Sounds like the same old excuses used for every poorly done piece. Its the camera, people are too picky, don't mind the glaring unacceptable oversights, etc...Have some standards people or we keep getting stuff like this.

That is a great point. People still tend to forget this is not a pocket change piece. I don't believe people are too picky neither. You grow up with an ikon character and you want that same experience every time you look at it. It's apart of the package. In my mind I wasn't 100% blown away by this. Because of the faults. Attention to detail. I picked up on it straight away and not one word of a lie I felt like checking the forums to find out what others felt. So it's not a minority thing either. True collectors know exactly what to look for. Not bashing anyone. But if I see something that feels remotely off. I and we should question it. Come on guys don't just let standards of these things slip by.

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Sounds like the same old excuses used for every poorly done piece. Its the camera, people are too picky, don't mind the glaring unacceptable oversights, etc...Have some standards people or we keep getting stuff like this.

That is a great point. People still tend to forget this is not a pocket change piece. I don't believe people are too picky neither. You grow up with an ikon character and you want that same experience every time you look at it. It's apart of the package. In my mind I wasn't 100% blown away by this. Because of the faults. Attention to detail. I picked up on it straight away and not one word of a lie I felt like checking the forums to find out what others felt. So it's not a minority thing either. True collectors know exactly what to look for. Not bashing anyone. But if I see something that feels remotely off. I and we should question it. Come on guys don't just let standards of these things slip by.

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See and I fell in love when I first saw it. I saw none of the issues till all the party poopers started pointing them out ;)

IMO this is a great looking piece... Yeah I now see the issues others do BUT regardless of what is said... Seeing a piece in Hand is very different then seeing photos... I look no further then the Thor Modern PF... I literally thought that looked like one of the worst pieces ever. I could not imagine why anyone would buy it. It was just awful. Then I saw the video and many of the issue I had started to fade. I then bought the piece and it is possibly the best piece in my collection... Not my fav mind you but the all around best put together piece as far as sculpt, style, and overall presence.

So yeah... I think this piece has a great chance of looking great in person... Unless SSC messes up paint apps and such.

But I do remember all the grumblings City Hunter got and then people started getting it in hand and most all it's issues were forgiven.
. . . But I do remember all the grumblings City Hunter got and then people started getting it in hand and most all it's issues were forgiven.


Nah - can't be bothered - All presents wrapped & organised SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . . .

. . . have a great Christmas dude (that goes for the rest of you reprobates too!)​

See and I fell in love when I first saw it. I saw none of the issues till all the party poopers started pointing them out ;)

Same here. I was all about it after the first promo pic then a good friend, who is also a collectibles dealer and discerning collector, saw it at SDCC and said it looked pretty awesome to him. I'm getting one and if it sucks, it's going back. I do agree there's no wiggle room at this price point.