Super Freak
Depends what you prefer...I have a question. Should I get the comiquette or PO this one? I only have room for one in my display.
Any help is much appreciated.
Depends what you prefer...I have a question. Should I get the comiquette or PO this one? I only have room for one in my display.
Any help is much appreciated.
I have a question. Should I get the comiquette or PO this one? I only have room for one in my display.
Any help is much appreciated.
I have a question. Should I get the comiquette or PO this one? I only have room for one in my display.
Any help is much appreciated.
This!The Campbell comiquette
I have a question. Should I get the comiquette or PO this one? I only have room for one in my display.
Any help is much appreciated.
The Campbell comiquette
A steel rod in the arm of a 1/4 PVC Spidey statue with a pose this dynamic, still doesn't seem too far fetched of an idea to me to rule out though.That's because the foot pegs into the base were done improperly, same with the Sideshow Mort PVC. What we're talking about is reenforcing the entire arm into the body not just because of the peg into the base which will have to actually be larger than normal but because with Polystone the chances of that arm bending anf then breaking are more substantial because of the way he's posed.
I really love the look of this, and fully expect a price north of $450, maybe even $500. For me, that means I am out on this, but I will get the black costume variant. Thats the one I really want, but would have bought both if they came it at the old $399 tag.
I will say that while I know that SSC won't go this low, I so agree to a point that at $350 I might try to go for BOTH this and the variant, but right now I think I may be waiting to see how the variant turns out. I guess it all depends if I fall in love with THIS PF though...that will lead to some serious decision making.
I think it's a bit absurd to say that a price difference of $70 won't net any difference in direct sales. I would be curious to see how the sales have been for the new premium formats coming in with higher prices, specifically Darkseid, Arkham Joker/Bats, and Red Son Superman. It would be impossible to know since Sideshow would never release that information. The massive edition sizes, higher price points, and inconsistency in quality control are going to start wearing on collectors. I just hope Spider-man doesn't suffer the same fate.
I get that, but you can't tell me that they don't lose some customers with each price increase on their products. There is going to be some attrition as the prices continue to climb. We all know these prices aren't a result of lower edition sizes and better quality control, so the question is what is driving them? Have production costs really gone up that much? Have they not made up some of the difference by inflating their edition sizes and making variants of as many statues as they can?
When I first started collecting it was 1/10 scale pieces from art of war for berserk. At 1/10 they were (not counting international shipping) $300-500 and then 1/6 scale stuff is around $1100-1300 and their 1/4 scale anniversary piece was $2400+. One of the biggest catalyst for me was finding Bowens 1/6 stuff at 150-250. I was like hmmm I can get this many x-men/avengers for ONE 1/10 piece?? Then I found SS and I was like I CAN GET 1/4 SCALE STUFF FOR CHEAPER THEN THIS 1/10????? The differences between the companies is Sideshow makes stuff that has a much bigger market then AOW does. For AOW there is no prototype to production changes and QC is a on issue so what you see in the production prototype picture is exactly what you get and unless something breaks in transit you will have 0 issues. The last is the materials used (to me at least) are much greater quality. Even with those being the difference for the price of one 1/6 piece I can get 2-3 1/4 SS pieces. If SS keeps climbing in price I would buy at slower rate but they wouldn't loose me as a customer. Even with the QC issues their return/replacement policy will keep with them. Everyone talked about XM hurting SS when they started but SS price increase is a direct result of them. If you pay 370 for SS DD that is much less the whatever you will pay for DD XM. If you spent 300.00 on wolverine PF when it released or even the 1200 or whatever its going for now that is still $1000.00 CHEAPER then XM wolverine. From a business standpoint SS is still winning and making smart moves. I won't get XM statues they are a pain in the ass to acquire and at retail they are still over double what SS charges at retail. I can go on and on but I know my words will fall on def ears. So thats my 2cents
When I first started collecting it was 1/10 scale pieces from art of war for berserk. At 1/10 they were (not counting international shipping) $300-500 and then 1/6 scale stuff is around $1100-1300 and their 1/4 scale anniversary piece was $2400+. One of the biggest catalyst for me was finding Bowens 1/6 stuff at 150-250. I was like hmmm I can get this many x-men/avengers for ONE 1/10 piece?? Then I found SS and I was like I CAN GET 1/4 SCALE STUFF FOR CHEAPER THEN THIS 1/10????? The differences between the companies is Sideshow makes stuff that has a much bigger market then AOW does. For AOW there is no prototype to production changes and QC is a on issue so what you see in the production prototype picture is exactly what you get and unless something breaks in transit you will have 0 issues. The last is the materials used (to me at least) are much greater quality. Even with those being the difference for the price of one 1/6 piece I can get 2-3 1/4 SS pieces. If SS keeps climbing in price I would buy at slower rate but they wouldn't loose me as a customer. Even with the QC issues their return/replacement policy will keep with them. Everyone talked about XM hurting SS when they started but SS price increase is a direct result of them. If you pay 370 for SS DD that is much less the whatever you will pay for DD XM. If you spent 300.00 on wolverine PF when it released or even the 1200 or whatever its going for now that is still $1000.00 CHEAPER then XM wolverine. From a business standpoint SS is still winning and making smart moves. I won't get XM statues they are a pain in the ass to acquire and at retail they are still over double what SS charges at retail. I can go on and on but I know my words will fall on def ears. So thats my 2cents
The Campbell comiquette
Edit: okay I now see you are talking about the Campbell.... THIS ONE THEN!!! Honestly for $170 more you will get SO much more statue
XM pieces aren't double the retail price of SSC pieces. Not if you PO them before they sell out. It's the expensive shipping costs for international customers that is killer when it comes to XM. I still will end up purchasing more SSC merch than XM merch myself. However, I do feel I am compromising because of the high shipping costs and not because SSC is producing superior products. If shipping costs weren't a factor, SSC would see much less of my money in the Marvel line. I'm sure I'd pick up some SSC pieces but XM would receive the lions share of my business.
XM pieces aren't double the retail price of SSC pieces. Not if you PO them before they sell out. It's the expensive shipping costs for international customers that is killer when it comes to XM. I still will end up purchasing more SSC merch than XM merch myself. However, I do feel I am compromising because of the high shipping costs and not because SSC is producing superior products. If shipping costs weren't a factor, SSC would see much less of my money in the Marvel line. I'm sure I'd pick up some SSC pieces but XM would receive the lions share of my business.
What are you talking about?!? Wolverine clocks in at about $750 shipped after the insane shipping and customs. He's about $615 retails...don't blow stuff out of proportion.
Guys, I am going to be "Debbie Downer" here because there are several concerns with this statue. Before that though, I will say it looks very dynamic and very well done and I hope they pull it off!
My concerns are typical SS concerns at this point.
1) The pose (a lot of weight on the one hand).
2) The paint apps (see JSC spiderman).
3) The price (I would be absolutely shocked if this isn't in the $479 to $489 range, maybe $499). Darkseid and Red Son Superman are prime examples of the rise in prices and this is the first SPIDERMAN premium format figure in a long time.
4) The edition size (normally I don't care but when huge edition sizes happen, it seems as if the painters get a little sloppy, with the exception being the Superman premium format figure).
Listen, I want this to be a success. I really do. Sideshow can do GREAT things (Superman, the upcoming Lobo) but recent statues (Iron Patriot, the Wonder Woman issues) have left me wondering if this will work.
Just my opinions.
This is becoming far too common nowadays. I understand peeps get frustrated because of how difficult it has become to secure XM pieces but there's no need to spread false facts about the company.