NEXT Star Wars 1/6th Figure...

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Walruss Man
Snaggle Tooth
Dr Evazan
Luke X-Wing
Tie Fighter Pilot

Hoth Luke
Hoth Han
Hoth Leia
ESB X-Wing Luke
AT-AT Drive General Veers
Dengar 4-LOM
Bespin Leia

Klaatu, Barada, Nikto, Weequay, Squid Head, Ree Eyes, Yak Face
Lando Skiff
Lando General
Leia Slave
Leia Endor
Boba Fett
Admiral Akbar
Nein Numb
Scout Trooper

Just a quick list... :lol

Well you are in luck because a rep from Sideshow just confirmed that ALL of those will indeed be at SDCC. Imagine that.


One can dream, no? :lol
I know theres alot more need for certain figures to be pushed, but I'd love to see SS start doing twin packs of Masters/Padawans. Start with Luminara/Barriss and go anywhere from there with the line. :clap
I'm hoping a little HT rubs off on Sideshow. Dream big! But seriously... Sideshow is run by Kaminoans. They keep pumping out clones! Why not an awesome gunship to display with them? Then they could even release/rerelease generic white ones.
You must be mistaking SS for HT. :dunno

:lol:rotfl:lolThat's a good one Nil, and so true. Until I see SSC produce and display an actual 1/6 scale Landspeeder prototype I won't be convinced.

I'm hoping a little HT rubs off on Sideshow. Dream big! But seriously... Sideshow is run by Kaminoans. They keep pumping out clones! Why not an awesome gunship to display with them? Then they could even release/rerelease generic white ones.

The SSC staff must invest heavily in turtlenecks:lol, but you're right TDA, SSC should release a new updated version of the regular white clone, one figure with both buckets.
One fig with both buckets would be a great gesture to those investing so heavily in the clones, that's for sure. And hopefully just clean versions. So sick of the battle damaged. Just looks like someone is defacing them with a Sharpie.
One fig with both buckets would be a great gesture to those investing so heavily in the clones, that's for sure. And hopefully just clean versions. So sick of the battle damaged. Just looks like someone is defacing them with a Sharpie.

I agree whole heartily on having phase 1/2 helmets for all the troopers even if they wouldn't of warn them in the movie. But some of the clones do have bad battle damage done to them then there are clones like the LT/SGT/CPT/ whose battle damage is very detailed and really well done.
Yep, I guess I should clarify that battle damage as done on, say, Boba Fett or some of the commanders (chipped paint decals, etc.) looks authentic and really good. What I'm tiring of a bit is the white clone with a bunch of black marks or say the Blackhole Stormtrooper marked-up in blue marks, as a specific example. My main concern is I hope the trend doesn't bleed over to the OT when SSC decides to re-issue the Stormtrooper. Hoping for a clean and glossy re-issue, personally.
Stormies always looked clean save Sandies.
A phase two bucket or some other variant peice would protect them from their own no repeat concept. Please.
Ya I would rather of had the black hole stormtrooper without the damage on him. I may end up repainting his armor some day just so I don't have to look at the battle damage.