Super Freak
Maybe I am just arguing semantics, but the hint about a preview spoke of a figure, and Bubo is listed as a creature pack. Are these two seperate things?
Seaward said:Maybe I am just arguing semantics, but the hint about a preview spoke of a figure, and Bubo is listed as a creature pack. Are these two seperate things?
BadMoon said:Hey JLCMSU from your vantage point on Sideshows nuts can you tell us what figure is expected tonight?
BadMoon said:Hey JLCMSU from your vantage point on Sideshows nuts can you tell us what figure is expected tonight?
Seaward said:Maybe I am just arguing semantics, but the hint about a preview spoke of a figure, and Bubo is listed as a creature pack. Are these two seperate things?
Jedi_Mike said:Its possible that just like Crumb's creature pack was created and solicited as a companion to a standard figure announcement that we could have another standard figure announcement along side Bubo.
TheObsoleteMan said:"Plus, don’t forget to read this week’s Newsletter for an official preview of the next release in the Star Wars 12-inch line!"
It says 12 inch "line" not figure.
KitFisto said:I am acting like a child? I understand that 100% of the time SS is 100% perfect in your opinion. That's fine. I don't have any real problem with SS either and I love the SW line.
KitFisto said:Do I have the right to voice my opinion that this is a disappointing announcement? Yes.
KitFisto said:It may not be a bad announcement to you and that's fine. To me, it's a pretty poor announcement to kick off the new year.
jlcmsu said:When you make the statement I'm getting mad at SS because Bubo might be the announcement. That you will be ticked if this is how they start 2007 off.
Dude that absolutely sounds like someone who is acting like a child. I'm sure you're not a person that does this often but that statment you made sounds like it.
SS is not 100% perfect IMO. I've made comments about the things they've done wrong or that I don't agree with.
Sure you do. However, when you say that you're gonna be mad at them it makes you look like your being a spoild child.
That's fine but say that. The saying that you'll be mad, ticked, etc in the manner of your post comes across bad.
BadMoon said:LOL! You guys are funny!
lcummins said:I think we've covered this already... Bubo!
jlcmsu said:Yup, and I'm proud of it. I'm proud of being a SSF. I'm hardcore about it and I make no excuses for it. I do not think they are perfect but I do support them 110%. They make the best stuff IMO and deal with the announcements they make in the manner of an adult. If it's something that I don't want I skip it and don't make a big deal about. When I criticise a product I don't fly off the handle. I try to enjoy my collecting because the rest of my life is too ****ing stressful to get worked over a freaking toy. Statues, 1/6th, PF, 3 3/4, etc. it's about the fun.
jlcmsu said:Yup, and I'm proud of it. I'm proud of being a SSF. I'm hardcore about it and I make no excuses for it. I do not think they are perfect but I do support them 110%. They make the best stuff IMO and deal with the announcements they make in the manner of an adult. If it's something that I don't want I skip it and don't make a big deal about. When I criticise a product I don't fly off the handle. I try to enjoy my collecting because the rest of my life is too ****ing stressful to get worked over a freaking toy. Statues, 1/6th, PF, 3 3/4, etc. it's about the fun.
KitFisto said:Oh whatver. If you want to read into me being a little ticked makes me a spoiled little child then so be it. However, on the flip side, I think you would be happy if SS announced Jabba's snack food as a character and charged $69.00 for it.
KitFisto said:As for how my post comes accross. It's a message board for opinions to be expressed. I am not bad mouthing SS or their products. I am saying that to ME, this is a poor announcement IF that's what it turns out to be. If you want to read into to and act like I am slamming SS all over the place then that's your issue.
KitFisto said:You forgot to add that anyone who does not agree with you is obviously WRONG and should be silenced. At least that's how your post comes over. Or am I reading too much into it like you did to my posts?
BadMoon said:LOL! You seem pretty worked up to me. :chew
jlcmsu said:It's not being ticked that does it what you said. Can't help what you wrote comes across a certain way.
That's where the ignorance of some folks here starts. They assume I'm ok with every SS announcement. That's not the case but to get some of you to understand would mean to have you and others drop the assumptions you've made about me.
I didn't say anything about slamming SS did I? No, I didn't that's what you want to assume I mean or what I said because of your preconcived notions about me. I said that your post reads as if you will stomp your feet and throw a fit if they make an announcement you don't like. I didn't say you hate SS or that you're slamming them just at how YOU came accross. Again, I said nothing about you slamming SS or their products just how you would react to the announcement.