NFL Thread

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I love the west coast. NFL games done at 5:00 on Sundays is sweet. We miss a lot of the beginings of World Series games during the week but thats better than missing the ends.

Actually...the prime time game doesn't end until 8:30 or 9:00. But I do love being in Cali and watching 3 games before bedtime.

On a side note: I don't hate Starkiller. I just like to give him a hard time because he takes himself too seriously
Wes Welker's interview was great, how many times can you work feet and foot into an interview.
With MLB games and NFL games, I just record them, then about an hour or so in just start watching so I've got a lot of fast forwarding buffer.

I do that with a lot of shows but for some reason I never thought to do it with a game... good idea.
I would do that with a lot of shows, but I live in the stone age and don't have any of these fancy Tivo-like devices you are referring to :(

So instead, I resort to flipping through channels during commercials.
I can at least partially join you in the stone age, as I still have a 200 lb CRT TV. An HD is on my very imminent radar, though. Which is one reason I need to stop buying figures I didn't know I needed (eg: no thanks to you jerks posting pictures that proved the Saves Punisher was 100% badass in real life).
Looks like we are building around a west coast kind of offense. I think getting Pat Shurmur will be great for developing Colt McCoy, and our entire offense. I think Rob Ryan is out, so we need a good defensive coordinator...he's interviewing with the Cowboys already.
You shouldn't take the Lord's name in vane.

So some poor McD's employee gets fired for letting Adrian Peterson use the bathroom after hours.

Owner must be a Packers fan.

They hired the person back after a local media station got on the case.


"He's a public figure... I know him better than some of the maintenance people that come in and out," she explained. "I never thought in a million years that that decision was going to cost me my career."

That is pathetic.