Personally, I'd love to see the Leafs make the playoffs. It would be great for hockey. I also think that the more Canadian based teams make the playoffs, the more likely players will sign to play in Canada.

Personally, I'd love to see the Leafs make the playoffs. It would be great for hockey. I also think that the more Canadian based teams make the playoffs, the more likely players will sign to play in Canada.
Personally, I'd love to see the Leafs make the playoffs. It would be great for hockey. I also think that the more Canadian based teams make the playoffs, the more likely players will sign to play in Canada.
It would be great for people in Canada.....but in the US,where hockey is trying to get a foot-hold,it would be the worst thing possible.More Canadian teams in the playoffs would mean less people in the States would care about it,thus lower viewership , local interest and coverage.
What the NHL needs is 2 huge markets in the finals ie. NY vs LA.
funny how the guy who immediately calls someone he doesn't know ignorant and asks him not to post in this thread anymore is the one who says the thread has derailed...Maybe if you would simply understand people are entitled to their opinions even if they don't mirror those we never would have gone off track..Instead you take the low road, name call, and try to be the thread sheriff...
It would be great for people in Canada.....but in the US,where hockey is trying to get a foot-hold,it would be the worst thing possible.More Canadian teams in the playoffs would mean less people in the States would care about it,thus lower viewership , local interest and coverage.
What the NHL needs is 2 huge markets in the finals ie. NY vs LA.
That's sad. Canadians have no problem seeing a NY Toronto final, for example. Yet, if I understood your point correctly, Amercians have no interest in watching sports events which do not feature an all American cast, regardless of the level of play or skill. The irony here is that the Boston Bruins who just won the Stanley Cup only featured only one American born player, who incidentally, chose not to attend the White House celebration of this championship win due to his political beliefs.
Any way you look at it, it comes off as discrimination. A bizarre discrimination as the American based teams they're supporting often feature those same nationalities they're rejecting or discriminating against. I never chose to not watch a hockey final simply because it had two US teams. My love for the sport would never support that decision. Ultimately, if you're a real fan of the NHL, watching a highly skilled Toronto teams should be just as exciting as watching a highly talented Philly team. JMO.
I'm not a Leaf's fan. I don't need to be to recognize that they don't suck.
Columbus sucks. Carolina sucks. I don't put the Leafs in the same boat.
Have you guys ever seen the Habs barber shop colors jersey?
Oh my... That was one awful jersey. Dare I say, perhaps even worse than the Islanders fisherman jersey.
Trade Gomez to the Flyers.
Players like Gomez clearly have no personal pride in their level of play. He can sit there and score 1 measly goal a year and gladly cash in 1/8th of his team's salary cap. This guy couldn't care less how much he drags down team and city morale. Players in the past like Palfy and Naslund had no issue retiring during their contract when they felt their game was slipping. They retired gracefully and didn't take team money with them. Class guys. Too bad Gomez doesn't share the same pride.
Anyway, the Gomez signing seemed unavoidable, in the sense that Gomez, Gionta, and Cammalleri all had the same agent. Rumor is it was a package deal or nothing.