Perhaps, but they also own us as the moment. I don't see how we will ever get out of our debt to them.China would die without the U.S. buying it's exports.
Admit it, you need us
Perhaps, but they also own us as the moment. I don't see how we will ever get out of our debt to them.China would die without the U.S. buying it's exports.
Admit it, you need us
China has everyone but the short and curlies. Who else are you going to buy crap from? They own.China would die without the U.S. buying it's exports.
Admit it, you need us
honestly, i'm in canada, and i'm so sick and tired of the moronic politicians, and our overall political system. with 5-6 parties running every election, we haven't a hope in hell.
Back on topic
This has nothing to do with Quebec separating from Canada.
Its a federal problem, and for anyone who follows this Id like them to explain to me how this is democracy??? The losers band together to put a person not fit to run there party ( he was basically fired for being an useless turd) as a "coalition" leader and now he will be the leader of this country??
They should form there party, New Liberal Bloc whatever you want to call it, be sure to cut paychecks as their is only one leader now, and we go to the polls again. Let the people decide.
Right, but NOBODY voted for a MP in this new coalition.
Agreed, however I think we should still have to vote on this even though people are tired of voting and the outrageous amount this costs our country. I have no problems with a coalition party, and its probably the best idea
Essentially, Bloc votes would stay the same, Liberals coudl actually gain ground and the NDP votes would either go conservative or liberal, which could llead towards a majority government.
At least you dont live in Quebec, we have to vote AGAIN today.
Charest have a shot?