So you don't have faith in people to have independent thought beyond what they're taught by college professors, yet you do think all people should be given the freedom to do whatever they want without the government holding their hand?
Anyone who passes laws like this is not an independently thinking human being; nor is anyone who accepts it.
I am not saying that a college education makes a student intellectually dependent. I am saying that the education that has been provided for the past 50 odd years makes students intellectually dependent, specifically in those areas where their professors have the most power to influence their psychologies on the philosophic (i.e., fundamental) level.
karamazov80 said:
Not sure I would want those kinds of mindless sheep running around in the streets, doing as they pleased with no restrictions except the law of the jungle.
And yet, they are governing your country.
Be that as it may, there's nothing new under the sun. Everything's been tried somewhere at some time, and the vast majority of time, it fails. Because of the nature of man. If you've got a means of changing that, please let me know! Institutions have to be set up to best provide order while channeling/reflecting man's interests and base instincts. The U.S. does better than others.
Man's nature is that of a rational animal. He has the choice to be irrational, and under certain social systems, that irrationality is rewarded. Under others, it is not.
There are two ways to destroy a system based on justice (i.e., one that rewards rationality). You can invade from without (Sparta murdered Athens and the Greek Golden Age) or you can subvert from within (Hegelian philosophy in the form of James and Dewey's pragmatism, as well as Keynes' interventionist economics, infecting post-Gilded Age America).
The only way to change it is through education. I don't know if there are enough Americans left with the minds to effect that kind of cultural revolution. In which case, no, I don't want them roaming my streets, or lording over me, and I don't because they cannot think for themselves.
The optimist in me says that if you set them free, they'll figure it out like they did the first time. The pessimist in me says that it's too late.