Obama's speech....

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I am not saying that I have not done these things.

I'm sorry - do you know his positions or not?

I am saying I should not HAVE TO.

And I am saying it is the electorate's responsibility to be informed citizens. I disagree Obama says nothing in his speeches, but even if that was the case it doesn't matter. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and integrity should already be doing their own homework.

He should be telling me and everyone else where he stands don't you think?

So you didn't see his speech last night then?
Politics is just like anything else, we all have opinions of what good we see and what bad we see... Some can believe that the Gov can change, some can't.

Obama might not be able to accomplish anything, but I am willing to give him a chance. I just can't see eye to eye with McCain's conservative views...
And I am saying it is the electorate's responsibility to be informed citizens. I disagree Obama says nothing in his speeches, but even if that was the case it doesn't matter. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and integrity should already be doing their own homework.

Yup... Kit thinks the gov should be doing it for him... I think he might be a closet democrat.
The point is that Obama is change and McCain is a third W term.

Prove that Obama is change. And don't go by his words. They have already proven to be as untrustworthy as McCain's. And don't go by his voting record. That is a false measuring stick. It takes more than a Senator's vote for a President to make a real change. The only real change that Obama represents is what animal represents the Presidential administration. And that is nothing but partisan politics, an attitude that simple common sense and factual history shows us to be a terrible reason for choosing.

I want to know what it is about his character that shows he has the intestinal fortitude to stand in the battle and make congress lay down the politics-as-usual to actually represent this nation.

He and Hillary can't even work together except to make a false showing of party unity. How do you expect a candidate who is shown to not have any true support in his own party to bring both parties together in any semblance of cooperation in the name of the People. For that matter, what little support he has is coming from people like the Kennedy's. And we all know their background. Support from the Kennedy's should be enough to make good people turn away from a candidiate. And Barak (like McCain, other than the Kennedy support) has given us a lot more reason than that.

Spreading the word that either of these candidates is a good choice for President is a harm to our Nation. The true change that needs to be done is a change in the way business is conducted in Washington D. C. And Barak Obama and John McCain are both too far entrenched in the business-as-usual to strongly represent this Nation.
Yes it does. I am not saying that I have not done these things. I am saying I should not HAVE TO. He should be telling me and everyone else where he stands don't you think? Why should we have to chase down these things? He should be putting them out there for all voters to see. He should be proud of where he stands and what his voting record is and should be talking about it and where he plans to go from here. Instead, he's turned himself into a "rock star" who just speaks well and panders to what people want to hear. It's a joke.

The thing I find strange is you're putting these stringent policy requirements on Obama, yet NO candidate does what you're saying. Throughout this primary, if I wanted to know something about Clinton, Romney, Huckabee, Biden, Giuliani, I'd have to actually go and seek out their policy positions, rather than rely on their words. That's what politics is.

I get where you're coming from with your criticisms, but to argue that the problem is only relevant to Obama is a little dishonest. And besides, if you watched the 42-minute speech last night, he touched on a great deal of specifics.

Prove that Obama is change.

I can't be the only person here who actually sat down and looked at both candidate's voting records. Despite your claim to the contrary, voting records are the best measure of these men possible. They are incontrovertible examples of direct action; they show us exactly what these men are willing to do in government.
Politics is just like anything else, we all have opinions of what good we see and what bad we see... Some can believe that the Gov can change, some can't.

Obama might not be able to accomplish anything, but I am willing to give him a chance. I just can't see eye to eye with McCain's conservative views...

This attitude is candy that the Dems and Pubs gorge themselves on. All voters need to look beyond their personal pet special interests and make a stand for a candidate that has shown that they would work toward making our sitting congress work together to strengthen this Country.
The thing I find strange is you're putting these stringent policy requirements on Obama, yet NO candidate does what you're saying. Throughout this primary, if I wanted to know something about Clinton, Romney, Huckabee, Biden, Giuliani, I'd have to actually go and seek out their policy positions, rather than rely on their words. That's what politics is.

I get where you're coming from with your criticisms, but to argue that the problem is only relevant to Obama is a little dishonest. And besides, if you watched the 42-minute speech last night, he touched on a great deal of specifics.


That's what people should do... sad thing is most don't. When Obama and Hillary were duking it out, I went to both of their sites and read up on their policies. As a responsible voter, I wanted to be sure that I wasn't just voting on personality and charisma... but rather the actual meat and potatoes of their policy.

We will see more during the debates, I look forward to seeing that.

And Obama's speech last night did hit on those topics a bit, I hope that people who don't understand were enlightened. They can choose to believe or not, but I'm glad he worked it in there. Modern society has to be spoon fed it's knowledge... sadly.
I can't be the only person here who actually sat down and looked at both candidate's voting records. Despite your claim to the contrary, voting records are the best measure of these men possible. They are incontrovertible examples of direct action; they show us exactly what these men are willing to do in government.

That's what people should do... sad thing is most don't. When Obama and Hillary were duking it out, I went to both of their sites and read up on their policies. As a responsible voter, I wanted to be sure that I wasn't just voting on personality and charisma... but rather the actual meat and potatoes of their policy.

We will see more during the debates, I look forward to seeing that.

And Obama's speech last night did hit on those topics a bit, I hope that people who don't understand were enlightened. They can choose to believe or not, but I'm glad he worked it in there. Modern society has to be spoon fed it's knowledge... sadly.

Just to reiterate. Here are the links folks. Go nuts with em. Its your civic duty. :lecture

Here are some links for freaks to check out.

Obama's voting record: https://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=9490

McCain's voting record: https://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=53270
I can't be the only person here who actually sat down and looked at both candidate's voting records. Despite your claim to the contrary, voting records are the best measure of these men possible. They are incontrovertible examples of direct action; they show us exactly what these men are willing to do in government.

No, it is not. Thjere are too many back-door deals in congress to take a voting record seriously. If you have any idea on how congress works, you will have full knowledge that congresspersons regularly cast votes against the beliefs on some issue in order to get support for their pet projects. And these deals have the result of making voting records null and void as measuring sticks. It is a complete waste of time to research voting records.
No, it is not. Thjere are too many back-door deals in congress to take a voting record seriously. If you have any idea on how congress works, you will have full knowledge that congresspersons regularly cast votes against the beliefs on some issue in order to get support for their pet projects. And these deals have the result of making voting records null and void as measuring sticks. It is a complete waste of time to research voting records.

I agree with that, but even with that as truth, THATS what you have to measure them on.

You can't give credit to a person's ideals if they aren't willing to protect them.
In 2005 the tax revenue was up $100,000,000,000 because of the tax cuts he wants to repeal.
That means tax revenue will drop at least $100,000,000,000 and he's going to lower taxes? He's going to penalize corporations making more of them move overseas. We already have the worlds second highest corporate tax rate as it is.
Corporations pay the vast majority of tax revenue in the country and we will be chasing them away.
Corporations employ a large amount of the country and he will chase them away. He will penalize domestic oil companies, financially damaging them and therefore strengthening foreign oil companies making us more dependent on foreign oil. He refuses to allow off shore drilling despite the fact that more supply will scare away the speculators that drove the price to begin with.

He wants to increase the size of government. Universal health care, universal pre school, government restrictions on corporate profit, government restrictions on alternative energy (no new drilling, no nuclear).
He wants to put more money into the education system. Thats a big change. When has a democrat NOT wanted more money for education? Maybe its because of the Teacher's Union Lobby (special interest group).

Simply put he thinks government control can solve all of our problems. The government is the most bureaucratic, inefficient entity in existence and we are poised to increase their scope.
The guy makes a lot of promises and reads speeches really well, but he can't think on his feet. If its not on the teleprompter he's lost. At 3am when the phone rings, at 3:05 the phones of 25 speech writers will be ringing to find out his position.
47 years old and what has accomplished? Wrote a couple books, the etheral 'community organizer'. He has never RUN anything. He has spent more time campaigning than he has voting in the senate. He's supposed to have such good judgment but surrounds himself with Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright. He is supposed to have such good judgment but opposed welfare reform. He is supposed to have such good judgment but predicted the surge would have little effect.
Another reason I find voting records to be a bad basis of choice is that most voters will only concern themselves with the votes on the projects that they love or hate. And that is not the right way to choose a candidate. I already mentioned what we need to be looking for.

There has been absolutely ZERO supporting information that either of these candidates will be a good President.
I agree with that, but even with that as truth, THATS what you have to measure them on.

You can't give credit to a person's ideals if they aren't willing to protect them.

And as much as McCain and Obama have flip-flopped...there is no evidence that they will.
I don't understand why people are looking forward to the debates so much. All they do is get asked a question and state their ideas on it. They never respond to each other's arguments. I've never seen how our debates are truly debates; they are more like short campaign speeches.
There has been absolutely ZERO supporting information that either of these candidates will be a good President.


I agree with that. DAMN I wish there was a none of the above option. Even if that didn't prevent one of these guys winning, I just want my disapproval to register somewhere.
I don't understand why people are looking forward to the debates so much. All they do is get asked a question and state their ideas on it. They never respond to each other's arguments. I've never seen how our debates are truly debates; they are more like short campaign speeches.

Not to mention the fact that the debates are planned. Let some people in there with questions that are not filtered. Then we'll see where true intestinal fortitude is.
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