Obamas tax plan

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I am sorry but I don't agree with you at all on this issue. Do you really believe McCain will treat this issue any differently? We just had 8 years of this type of shenanigans from a Republican President- what did he promise before he was elected?

Do me a favor man, stop by a welfare office and see how well these people are doing on their "entitled" earnings. You will see people there who are handicapped, disabled, single parents trying to raise a family on their own... you know what else you will see? You will see every single one of them struggling to survive.

So if you want to give up your job and stand in line for gov't assistance then I think you have a surprise coming your way. :lol

I feel as though the people screaming in protest towards Obamas "wealth sharing" plan are driven by fear, greed, and selfishness. They don't really have a grasp of what it's like not to have anything in life. Even if Obama was elected into office, do you guys really think the government will drive you into bankruptcy or something absurd like that? No, you will still be driving your fancy over priced car and still having everything you had before.

I honestly think people are a bunch of hypocrites. Most republicans don't want abortion to be legal yet they complain about higher taxes when the government needs to help these families with unwanted children. They all say they are good wholesome people yet if you take any of their 150k salary away to help society their pitch forks zoom straight up.

You all need to check your values because they are strongly conflicting with each other.

This election, I'm voting for the lesser evil of two poor choices for candidates. McCain certainly isn't my first choice. But I see the public so blindly following a man promising thw world by taking the country towards a socialistic government with bigger government dependence and less personal freedoms. He has such a questionable past with the people he associated with and all of his campaign financing from unknown sources, and no one is bothering to question him on it. He's got the public and the media so fully blinded it's scary.

I can't help but think of another leader from Audtria that blinded his followers in much asimilar fashion. Shoot, there's even an Obama youth organization out there. Sound familiar?

This election, I'm voting for the lesser evil of two poor choices for candidates. McCain certainly isn't my first choice. But I see the public so blindly following a man promising thw world by taking the country towards a socialistic government with bigger government dependence and less personal freedoms. He has such a questionable past with the people he associated with and all of his campaign financing from unknown sources, and no one is bothering to question him on it. He's got the public and the media so fully blinded it's scary.

I can't help but think of another leader from Audtria that blinded his followers in much asimilar fashion. Shoot, there's even an Obama youth organization out there. Sound familiar?


You should really try to post less in these political threads. You come of as an ignorant biggot/racist. Just fyi.....
You should really try to post less in these political threads. You come of as an ignorant biggot/racist. Just fyi.....

what the hell was racist in my post. I didn't even see any sort of race mentioned. typical response, don't like or agree with what you see, call that person a racist.
I also find it absolutely hilarious that most of you guys are afraid of losing all your money because Obama wants to "spread the wealth" :lol

Most of you say your money goes to people that don't even pay taxes and blah blah blah. Gezus, you guys need to brush up on how difficult it actually is to survive on Government aid. Those people have to jump through hoops to get any money and when they do qualify for assistance they barely survive because the sum is so small. There are always circumstances that are beyond your awareness. Most Americans that qualify for assistance have a very legitimate need. Furthermore, how hypocritical are most of you anyway. Republicans go on about family values and helping those in need but when it's actually time to give back you all throw up your traditional pitch forks in protest. Selfish people. So being religious and going to Church really is just a front to feel good about yourselves. Maybe you'll throw a penny in the Salvation Army jar during Christmas time after you buy your 60 inch HDTV. Then you can go to your nice home in the suburbs where you will praise the birth of your savior but not follow his example. :lol

Also, if you make more than 100 grand a year anyway then you already make much more than you need. I hope they tax the crap out of you guys because that's just the way it is. The Government is the one who wants your money for nothing. It's the "price" you pay to live in this country. :lol

After nearly seven trillions dollars being tossed down the black hole of the liberals' so-called War on Poverty, we're now looking at third generation welfare families in a land of unparalleled opportunities. What gives with that?

The Democrats' Great Society and New Deal hoaxes have only produced a Simple-Simon, Robin Hood mentality - take from the rich and give to the poor. Throw in the epitome of "entitlement" fiascos that was Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and look where that led us to... If it weren't for free market capitalists and the "rich" we wouldn't have the wonderful labor saving devices, industry and corporate infrastructure that we do today and you'd be living in a mud hut, without electricity, wearing animal skins, smelling like a kitty litter box and walking everywhere you want in your precious spread-the-wealth environment.

It's time to Take off the rose-colored glasses with respect to your anti-corporate, hate-Bush/Republicans naivete.

The American government was originally intended to be a limited constitutional republic that would protect the American people from all threats from within and without. It wasn't meant to be a cash cow or a pig trough to build liberal's Great Society or to meld into some global collective.

Not sure what your intentions were in regards to bringing religion into the mix, but I will say that as a Christian, the problem with Christian views on economics and morality is they are incompatible with socialism. Indeed socialism is really a Christian heresy.

The traditional family promotes the idea of people caring for their offspring first and the larger society second, clearly unacceptable from a socialist viewpoint.

Likewise Christian ideas about charity require that it be voluntary to have any moral value, but voluntary charity would not only be inadequate to the needs of many indigent people, it would also have no value as a platform to socialist politicians or a job program for liberal bureaucrats.
what the hell was racist in my post. I didn't even see any sort of race mentioned. typical response, don't like or agree with what you see, call that person a racist.

The ignorant part was comparing Obama to Hitler? The racist part was referring to some your previous comments. There are other people here with whom I don't agree with but most of them don't fall into that category.
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Rory, why don't you put your money where your mouth is. Everyone on this board spends hundreds, if not thousands on collectibles we don't really need. So why don't you lead by example. Stop collecting what you do and instead, donate that money to charity.

Will some else please pass this onto Rory as I think he has me blocked. And if you don't have me blocked, I would like to know when you will start your donations to the needy.
After nearly seven trillions dollars being tossed down the black hole of the liberals' so-called War on Poverty, we're now looking at third generation welfare families in a land of unparalleled opportunities. What gives with that?

The Democrats' Great Society and New Deal hoaxes have only produced a Simple-Simon, Robin Hood mentality - take from the rich and give to the poor. Throw in the epitome of "entitlement" fiascos that was Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and look where that led us to... If it weren't for free market capitalists and the "rich" we wouldn't have the wonderful labor saving devices, industry and corporate infrastructure that we do today and you'd be living in a mud hut, without electricity, wearing animal skins, smelling like a kitty litter box and walking everywhere you want in your precious spread-the-wealth environment.

It's time to Take off the rose-colored glasses with respect to your anti-corporate, hate-Bush/Republicans naivete.

The American government was originally intended to be a limited constitutional republic that would protect the American people from all threats from within and without. It wasn't meant to be a cash cow or a pig trough to build liberal's Great Society or to meld into some global collective.

Not sure what your intentions were in regards to bringing religion into the mix, but I will say that as a Christian, the problem with Christian views on economics and morality is they are incompatible with socialism. Indeed socialism is really a Christian heresy.

The traditional family promotes the idea of people caring for their offspring first and the larger society second, clearly unacceptable from a socialist viewpoint.

Likewise Christian ideas about charity require that it be voluntary to have any moral value, but voluntary charity would not only be inadequate to the needs of many indigent people, it would also have no value as a platform to socialist politicians or a job program for liberal bureaucrats.
Now,now don't be bringing logic into this post.
Will some else please pass this onto Rory as I think he has me blocked. And if you don't have me blocked, I would like to know when you will start your donations to the needy.

Mesa, is that a character from Revenge Of The Nerds in your avatar? I think that's racist against nerds.:mad:

Please give it a rest and stop trying to pick a fight
As a observer from another country, I 've got one question, is there such a thing as a Black Republican ???:confused:
Please give it a rest and stop trying to pick a fight
Of course, it's me trying to pick a fight. Him saying he hopes we get taxed to hell and back. Him saying Republicans are hypocrites because we don't help the needy. Him saying were greedy, and trying to say how much people should get paid. WHy won't he just answer? I'm guessing he doesn't have a family, still lives at home, where he doesn't have to worry about bills. Him, trying to tell me, a married man with a mortgage and 4 kids, Who sends St Judes money each month, pays all the bills that come associated with being an adult, trying to tell me how much money to make. Why don't you stop being so biased. I did say anything nasty to him. I'm just telling him to take the money he spends on luxuries like collectibles and send it to charity. What is wrong with that? Honestly, your hatred for Republicans is showing through also. You want to silence me, then ban me. I didn't attack him, I asked a simple question. Didn't Rory restart this thread a couple of pages ago? Wheres his rebuke. I didn't attack him. So unless this site is going to go no political threads at all, and I don't attack his character then I will speak my mind. If you don't like it then ban me.
The next president will be a one termer. Doesn't matter which guy gets in. The economy will trump most other issues and it's probably going to get alot worse before it gets better.
The next president will be a one termer. Doesn't matter which guy gets in. The economy will trump most other issues and it's probably going to get alot worse before it gets better.

I hope you're right. Like Jimmy Carter was a one termer. I'm a little too young to remember how bad it got under his "leadership" but I've heard experts forcasting a similar repeat of history.
AAAAAAAAANNNNNNND one more time before election day. (remember, they don't care about you!)

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Of course, it's me trying to pick a fight. Him saying he hopes we get taxed to hell and back. Him saying Republicans are hypocrites because we don't help the needy. Him saying were greedy, and trying to say how much people should get paid. WHy won't he just answer? I'm guessing he doesn't have a family, still lives at home, where he doesn't have to worry about bills. Him, trying to tell me, a married man with a mortgage and 4 kids, Who sends St Judes money each month, pays all the bills that come associated with being an adult, trying to tell me how much money to make. Why don't you stop being so biased. I did say anything nasty to him. I'm just telling him to take the money he spends on luxuries like collectibles and send it to charity. What is wrong with that? Honestly, your hatred for Republicans is showing through also. You want to silence me, then ban me. I didn't attack him, I asked a simple question. Didn't Rory restart this thread a couple of pages ago? Wheres his rebuke. I didn't attack him. So unless this site is going to go no political threads at all, and I don't attack his character then I will speak my mind. If you don't like it then ban me.
Typical example of you trying to pick a fight.
You obviously don't know me because if you did you would know I don't have 'hatred' for anyone, so I can assure you I don't have 'hatred' towards anyone because of who they support.

All i'm saying is leave it, when no-ones replies to your posts, take that as a hint. You do not need to start making smart remarks to get them to answer back.
Do not bring that kind of attitude into the discussion or this will just end up as yet another Political thread that gets locked.
Just to clarify some misconceptions on both sides -

Making $100K a year is not "making more than anyone needs" - if you think that, you don't live in SoCal.

The Obama tax credits aren't government assistance - to get them all you have to do is file an income tax return and qualify for the various credits. The government will send you a check like a tax refund, even if no taxes were paid.

There are NOT a lot of small businesses netting over $250K a year - it's less than 5%.

Saying an Obama presidency will limit personal freedoms is inconceivable considering that Republicans want to take away the right for a woman to decide what she can do with her own body and who a person can marry.
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