Origins Kurgan Crusader
As a observer from another country, I 've got one question, is there such a thing as a Black Republican ???![]()
https://www.nationalblackrepublicans.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.DYK-Why MLK was a Republican
Why Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican
By Frances Rice
It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four S's: Slavery, Secession, Segregation and now Socialism.
It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860's, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950's and 1960's.
And they get their fair share of racist attacks from the Democrats
An Open Letter To Obama From Black Republicans
At a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida, Senator Barack Obama displayed his hypocrisy when he played the race card against Republicans, while whining that he expects Republicans to play the race card against him. This dishonest tactic is straight out of the Democratic Party’s race-baiting political playbook.
Since Obama wants the American people to believe he is disgusted by racism, we call upon Obama to condemn his fellow Democrats for their Jim Crow-style racist attacks against black Republicans because we do not adhere to the Democratic Party’s liberal agenda.
More specifically, we ask Obama to condemn Democrat Senator Joe Biden who boasted proudly on FOX News that his qualification to be president was enhanced because his home state of Delaware held blacks in human bondage. “You don’t know my state,” Biden crowed, “my state was a slave state. “ Imagine the media firestorm that would have ensued if a Republican had uttered such an outrageously racist comment.
We request that Obama denounce Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy who called black Republican judicial nominees, including Justice Janice Rogers Brown, "Neanderthals."
We ask Obama to condemn Democrat Senator Harry Reid who appeared on Meet the Press and attacked black Republican Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, demeaning the justice as an incompetent *****, incapable of writing good English. “Slap at Thomas stinks of racism,” was the headline of the New York Daily News’ December 7, 2004 editorial.
We request that Obama denounce the Democrats who threw Oreo cookies (black on the outside and white on the inside) onto the stage during an appearance of Maryland’s former Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele when he was seeking a seat in Congress.
We ask Obama to condemn the Democrat bloggers who posted a doctored photo of Michael Steel on the Internet, depicting him as a “Simple *****” with a Jim Crow-era “black face,” nappy hair and thick red lips.
We request that Obama denounce the two members of the Democratic Senatorial Committee (DSCC) who resigned in September 2005 after admitting they illegally obtained Michael Steele’s credit report in a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a federal offense. The two culprits were Katie Barge, the DSCC’s research director who pled guilty to a misdemeanor, and her deputy, Lauren Weiner.
We ask Obama to condemn the Democrat talk show hosts and cartoonists who denigrated Dr. Condoleezza Rice after she was nominated to be the first black woman secretary of state. Democrat Pat Oliphant drew Dr. Rice as a big-lipped, buck-toothed squawking parrot, smearing her as an empty-headed stooge. Democrat Jeff Danzinger depicted Dr. Rice as a stereotyped “mammy,” barefoot and ignorant. Democrat Ted Rall referred to Dr. Rice as President Bush’s “House [N-word]”. Democrat John Sylvester characterized Dr. Rice on his radio talk show as a stupid, servile black woman, calling her an “Aunt Jemima”.
We request that Obama denounce Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a former “Keagle” in the Ku Klux Klan, who led other Democrats, including Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer, in a filibuster of Dr. Rice’s confirmation when she appeared before the Senate for her confirmation hearing.
We ask Obama to apologize for writing a letter in support of former Klansman Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, considering the following facts about Byrd.
- In 2001, Byrd was forced to apologize for using the N-word on television.
- Byrd pushed to have the Senate’s main office building named after Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Byrd’s mentor and leading opponent of anti-lynching legislation.
- Byrd, along with Democrat Senators Sam Ervin and Albert Gore, Sr., was a chief opponent of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and filibustered against the bill for 14 straight hours before the final vote.
- Byrd, along with other racist Democrats, smeared Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the 1960’s. This racist attack on Dr. King was ongoing when Democrat President John F. Kennedy had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a communist in order to undermine Dr. King. The relentless disparagement of Dr. King by Democrats led to his being physically assaulted and ultimately to his tragic death. In March of 1968, while referring to Dr. King's leaving Memphis, Tennessee after riots broke out where a teenager was killed, Byrd called Dr. King a "trouble-maker" who starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited. A few weeks later, Dr. King returned to Memphis and was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
We request that Obama apologize to all black Americans for the Democratic Party’s 200-year history of racism against all black Americans as exposed in the books “Unfounded Loyalty” by Rev. Wayne Perryman and “A Short History of Reconstruction” by Dr. Eric Foner.
We ask Obama to embrace the 2006 report by the Commission appointed by North Carolina’s governor which uncovered facts that prompted the Democratic Party of North Carolina to pass a unanimous resolution apologizing for the Democratic Party’s role in the bloody 1898 Wilmington Race Riots where dozens of black Americans were massacred. That apology is on the Internet at: https://www.ncdp.org/node/1546 . In a letter to the North Carolina Democratic Party, Lt. Governor Richard H. Moore wrote: “We can no longer ignore the fact that many of us grew up being taught a much sanitized – and inaccurate – history…. The truth is ugly.”
If Obama refuses to condemn the Democrats for their racist past and current race-baiting against black Republicans, then what right does Obama have to preemptively accuse Republicans of using racism against him?
Submitted by Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She may be contacted at: www.NBRA.info
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